Thursday, 21 July 2022

N.C.E.R.T CLASS -8 ENGLISH BOOK- Honey Drew Chapter-8, N.C.E.R.T कक्षा -8 अंग्रेजी पुस्तक- हनी ड्रू अध्याय -8

A Short Monsoon Diary

This chapter is having certain pages

of famous poet Ruskin bond about

monsoon season of India.

June 24

It's the first day of monsoon as

mist covers the whole place,

surroundings become sadly

silent, all birds go silent, silence

as deadly still as midnight. A boy

named Biju was running around

there calling his sister's name.

इस अध्याय में भारत के

मानसून के मौसम के बारे

में प्रसिद्ध कवि रस्किन बंधन

के कुछ निश्चित पृष्ठ हैं

24 जून

यह मानसून का पहला दिन है

क्योंकि सभी कवर पूरी तरह

से छूटे हुए हैं, चारों ओर

उदास सन्नाटा हो गया है,

सभी पक्षी खामोश हो गए हैं,

सन्नाटा अभी भी आधी

रात की तरह है। बीजू नाम

का एक लड़का वहां अपनी

बहन का नाम लेकर इधर-उधर

भाग रहा था।

June 25

As monsoon has come earlier

plants also started growing fast,

season's first over Lily up in the

surroundings. The mist is all ove

r the area. Ruskin Bond described

the hill station as a paradise. 


As the monsoon arrived some

seasonal visitors also appeared,

meaning seasonal animals also

appeared in the valley. The list

goes like this 

  • Leopard 

  • thousands of leeches

  • Scarlet minivets

  • Drongos. 

  • Tree creeper

leopard has eaten a dog and

it also try to attack beju's cow

but lucky biju's mother arrives

screamed and leopard ran away.

The yellow colour scarlet minivet

cannot hide or conceal itself due

to its bright colours along with

drongos which aggressively

chase them. Finally creeperly up

and down on trees and snapping

away all the insects. There is no

scarcity of food for insectivorous


25 जून

चांद नहीं है तो मानसून

पहले आ गया है, पौधे भी

तेजी से बढ़ने लगे हैं,

मौसम का पहला ओवर

लिली ने घेर लिया। पूरे

क्षेत्र में धुंध छाई हुई है।

रस्किन बॉन्ड ने हिल

स्टेशन को स्वर्ग बताया।

जून 27

जैसे ही मानसून आया

कुछ मौसमी आगंतुक

भी दिखाई दिए, अर्थात

मौसमी जानवर भी घाटी

में दिखाई दिए। सूची इस

प्रकार है


हजारों जोंक

स्कार्लेट मिनिवेट्स


पेड़ की लता

तेंदुए ने एक कुत्ते को

खा लिया है और यह भी

बेजू की गाय पर हमला

करने की कोशिश करता

है लेकिन भाग्यशाली

बीजू की मां चिल्लाती है

और तेंदुआ भाग जाता है।

पीले रंग का स्कार्लेट मिनीवेट

अपने चमकीले रंगों के

साथ-साथ ड्रोंगो के कारण

खुद को छिपा या छुपा नहीं

सकता है जो आक्रामक रूप

से उनका पीछा करते हैं।

अंत में पेड़ों पर रेंगते हुए

ऊपर-नीचे होते हैं और

सभी कीड़ों को दूर भगाते हैं।

कीटभक्षी पक्षियों के लिए

भोजन की कोई कमी नहीं है।

August 2

All night rain has Been pouring on the

roof which was creating sound due

to the tin made roof and it kept our

writer awake. Writer found this

atmosphere perfect for reading

and untouched by rain yet he

was feeling drenched in rain.

August 3

The rain stops and fun game up

animals and humans have come

out of their Shelters. A woman

was stopping sticks and the writer

could hear the cowbells as the

cow came out in open and the crow

was clearing the raindrops from its

feathers and whistling of birds

clearing the deep silence in the


2 अगस्त

पूरी रात बारिश छत पर

बरसती रही जो टिन की

छत के कारण आवाज पैदा

कर रही थी और इसने

हमारे लेखक को जगाए रखा।

लेखक ने इस माहौल को

पढ़ने के लिए एकदम सही

पाया और बारिश से अछूता

फिर भी वह बारिश में भीग

रहा था।

अगस्त 3

बारिश बंद हो जाती है और

जानवरों और इंसानों के लिए

मजेदार खेल उनके आश्रयों

से बाहर आ गए हैं। एक

महिला लाठी रोक रही थी

और लेखक गाय की घंटियों

को सुन सकता था क्योंकि

गाय खुले में निकली थी

और कौआ अपने पंखों से

बारिश की बूंदों को साफ कर

रहा था और घाटी में गहरे

सन्नाटे को साफ करते हुए

पक्षियों की सीटी बजा रहा था।

August 12

It has been raining for 9-10 days

continuously, so the writer was

unable to go anywhere. Everything

is giving the feeling of wetness

due to high moisture. Monsoon

flora has started appearing like

wild balsam,dahlias, begonias

and ground orchids.

August 31

Today the writer wrote about

rich flora grown during the

monsoon in the valley. Like

  Ground orchids, mauve lady’s

slippers and the white butterfly

orchids put on a fashion display

on the grassy slopes of Landour.

Wild dahlias, red, yellow and

magenta, rear coming out from

cracks of rocks in the valley.

White colour lily turned red is a

signal of ending monsoon plus

after sometime all green ferns

will start turning yellow. Snakes

and rodents also came out

of their holes and burrows,took

shelter in roofs,attics and

godowns. Writer received

a pay cheque in his mail.

अगस्त 12

9-10 दिनों से लगातार बारिश

हो रही है, इसलिए लेखक

कहीं नहीं जा पा रहा था।

नमी ज्यादा होने से सब

कुछ नमी का अहसास दे

रहा है। मानसूनी वनस्पतियां

जंगली बालसम, डहलिया,

बेगोनिया और ग्राउंड ऑर्किड

की तरह दिखने लगी हैं।

31 अगस्त

आज लेखक ने घाटी में

मानसून के दौरान उगाई

जाने वाली समृद्ध वनस्पतियों

के बारे में लिखा। ग्राउंड

ऑर्किड की तरह, मौवे

लेडीज चप्पल और सफेद

तितली ऑर्किड लंढौर की

घास वाली ढलानों पर

एक फैशन डिस्प्ले पर रखे

जाते हैं। जंगली दहलिया,

लाल, पीले और मैजेंटा,

घाटी में चट्टानों की दरारों

से निकलने वाले पीछे।

सफेद रंग का लिली का

लाल हो जाना मानसून

समाप्त होने का संकेत है

और कुछ समय बाद सभी

हरे फर्न पीले होने लगेंगे।

सांप और कृंतक भी अपने

छेद और बिलों से बाहर

आ गए, छतों, अटारी और

गोदामों में शरण ली।

लेखक को उनके मेल में

एक वेतन चेक प्राप्त हुआ।

October 3

After receiving hailstorm there

was snow at higher altitudes

and the sky and holds were filled

with golden light as monsoon

rain converted into winter rain.

January 26

Winter rains in the hills

Writer wrote he was very lonely

as his friend left his place and it

was raining and  his whole house

, surroundings were drenched in

wetness. Mist and clouds covered

the whole area and there was

scary silence around.

March 26

The end of winter and hail Storm

cleared the sky of Mussoorie

and at this time when Bond

was writing this page he was

seeing a rainbow forming.

अक्टूबर 3

ओलावृष्टि प्राप्त करने

के बाद अधिक ऊंचाई पर

बर्फ थी और मानसून की

बारिश सर्दियों की बारिश

में परिवर्तित हो जाने से

आकाश और होल्ड सुनहरी

रोशनी से भर गए थे।

26 जनवरी

पहाड़ों में सर्दी की बारिश

लेखक ने लिखा कि वह

बहुत अकेला था क्योंकि

उसका दोस्त उसके घर से

चला गया और बारिश हो

रही थी और उसका पूरा घर,

परिवेश भीग गया

था। धुंध और बादलों ने

पूरे इलाके को ढँक लिया

और चारों ओर डरावना

सन्नाटा छा गया।

मार्च 26

सर्दियों के अंत और

ओलावृष्टि ने मसूरी के

आसमान को साफ कर

दिया और इस समय जब

बॉन्ड इस पेज को लिख

रहे थे तो उन्हें एक

इंद्रधनुष बनता हुआ

दिखाई दे रहा था।

Comprehension Check -1

Q1- Why is the author not

able to see Bijju?

Ans-1 the author is not able

to see Bijju due to the mist

in the surroundings.


Q2-What are the two way

s in which the hills appear

to change when the mist

comes up?

Ans-2 the two ways, the

hills appear to change when

the mist comes up:

Trees moving with breeze

and birds singing have gone

silent plus mist has covered

the whole area.Secondly 

the forest is deathly still as

though it were midnight.

Comprehension Check -2

Q-1When does the monsoon

season begin and when does it

end? How do you prepare to

face the monsoon?

Ans-1  According to the author’s

monsoon diaries, the monsoon

mist first appears in Mussoorie

on June 24 or 25 and continues

until August 31 or mid-September. 

Q-2. Which hill-station does the

author describe in this diary entry?

Ans-2. The author described the

Mussoorie hill-station  in this diary



Q-3.For how many days does it rain

without stopping? What does the

author do on these days?

Ans-3.  It rains for 8-9 days without

stopping. The author was confined

in the home for days


Q-4Where do the snakes and rodents

take shelter? Why?.

Ans-4. Snakes and rodents come

out of their holes and burrows and

they take shelter in roofs, attics and

godowns to save themselves from

getting wet in the rain water.


Q-5. What did the author receive

in the mail?

Ans-5. The author received a

cheque in the mail.


Working with the text

Q-1. Look carefully at the diary

entries for June 24-25, August

t 2 and March 23. Now write

down the changes that happen

as the rains progress from

June to March.

Ans-According to Ruskin Bond’s

diary entries, June 24 is the first

day of monsoon mist. The hills

are concealed by a thick white

blanket of mist and filled with

utmost silence. From June 25,

the real monsoon starts setting

in and the entire Nature including

human beings, birds, animals

and trees welcome it. The first

cobra lily rears its head from

the ferns.

People get used to the monsoon

season by August 2. Rain starts

drumming on the corrugated tin

roofs of their houses. Although

there is no storm or thunder,

there is just the steady swish

of a tropical downpour. Snakes

and rodents start coming out

of their holes and burrows and

they take shelter in roofs, attics

and go-downs to save

themselves from getting

wet in the rain water.

March 23 signals the end of winter.

The blackest cloud slowly occupies

the sky that is followed by a hailstorm.

This clears the sky completely and

soon a rainbow starts forming. This

is one of the best and most splendid

sights that anyone could visualize

or experience about the beauty of Nature.


Q-2. Why did the grandmother ask

the children not to kill the Chuchundar?

Ans-2. he grandmother asked the

children not to kill the Chuchundar

because this animal is considered

to be lucky and bring in good

fortune and money.


Q-3. What signs do we find in Nature

which show that the monsoons are

about to end?

Ans-3. The hillsides in Mussoorie

become lush green as late-monsoon

flowers begin to appear — wild balsam,

dahlias, begonias and ground orchids.

The seeds of the cobra lily slowly start

turning red that signify the rains

are coming to an end and the

monsoon season is almost over.



Q-4.Complete the following


Ans-4.  (i) Bijju is not seen but

his voice is heard because the

dense mist conceals the hills

and the surroundings.

(ii) The writer describes the hill

station and valley as a paradise

that might have been.

(iii) The leopard was successful in

attacking one of Bijju’s cows but

had to flee when Bijju’s mother

arrived and screamed imprecations.

(iv) The minivets are easily

noticed because of their bright colours.

(v) It looks like a fashion display

on the slopes when ground orchids,

mauve lady’s slippers and the

white butterfly orchids bloom.

(vi) During the monsoon season,

snakes and rodents are found in

roofs and attics because they

have been flooded out of their

holes and burrows.


Q-5. ‘Although tin roofs are

given to springing unaccountable

leaks, there is a feeling of being

untouched by, and yet in touch

with, the rain.’

(i) Why has the writer used the

word, ‘springing’?

(ii) How is the writer untouched

by the rain?

(iii) How is the writer in touch

with the rain at the same time?

Ans-5. (i)The word ‘springing’

refers to moving suddenly at once.

The author uses this word to

indicate how the tin roofs are

prone to development of sudden

unexpected leaking.

(ii) The author is left physically

untouched by rain because he

is safe inside his room and the

tin roof stops the rain from

leaking inside.

(iii) The writer is in touch with

the rain at the same time

because he can see the

rain from inside his room

and feel it as it has been

drumming on the corrugated

tin roof of his house.


Q-6. Mention a few things that

can happen when there is

endless rain for days together.

Ans-6.When it rains continuously

for days together, everything

around becomes damp and soggy.

It becomes difficult for anyone to

go out in the rain. The hillsides

become lush green as late-monsoon

flowers begin to appear i.e. the

wild balsam, dahlias, begonias

and ground orchids. The holes

and burrows of snakes and

rodents become flooded and

they take shelter in roofs,

attics and godowns.




Q-7.What is the significance of

cobra lilies in relation to the

monsoon season, its beginning

and end?

Ans- When the monsoon season

starts setting in, the first cobra

lily appears from the ferns.

However, when the seeds

of the cobra lily slowly start

turning red, that signifies the

monsoon is coming to an end.


Working with language 

Q-1.Here are some words that

are associated with the monsoon.

Add as many words as you can

to this list. Can you find words

for these in your languages?

Ans- Here are some more words

that are associated with the


  1. Rain

  2. Thunderstorm

  3. Hailstones

  4. Mud

  5. Fog

  6. Raincoat

  7. Dampness

  8. Soggy

  9. Muddy water


Q-2. Look at the sentences below.

(i) Bijju wandered into the garden

in the evening.

(ii) The trees were ringing with


Notice the highlighted verbs.

Ans-2. (ii) The traffic stopped.

Some people were sitting on

the road and they were shouting


(iii) I wore my raincoat. It was

raining and people were getting wet.

(iv) She saw a film. She was narrating

it to her friends who were listening


(v) We went to the exhibition. Some

people were buying clothes while

others were playing games.

(vi) The class was quiet. Some children

were reading books and the rest

were drawing.


Q-3. Here are some words from

the lesson which describe different

kinds of sounds.

Ans-3. (i) (a) to fall in smal

l drops – drip

(b) to make a sound by hitting a

surface repeatedly – drum

(c) to move quickly through the

air, making a soft sound – swish

(d) harsh sound made by

birds – caw

(e) ringing sound (of a bell or

breaking glass, etc.) – tinkle

(ii) (a) Ramesh drummed on

his desk in impatience.

(b) Rain water dripped from the

umbrella all over the carpet.

(c) The pony swishes its tail.

(d) The tinkling of breaking glass

woke me up.

(e) The cawing of the raven

disturbed the child’s sleep.


Q-4. And sure enough, I received a

cheque in the mail.

Complete each sentence below

by using appropriate phrases

from the ones given below.

Ans-4. (i) I saw thick black clouds

in the sky. And sure enough it

soon started raining heavily.

(ii) The blue umbrella was big

enough for the brother and sister.

(iii) The butterflies are colorful

enough to get noticed.

(iv) The lady was brave enough

to chase the leopard.

(v) The boy was anxious enough

to call out to his sister.

(vi) The man was kind enough

to offer help.

(vii) The victim’s injury was serious

enough for him to get admitted

in hospital.

(viii) That person was foolish enough

to repeat the same mistake again.

(ix) He told me he was sorry and he

would compensate for the loss.

I said, ‘fair enough.’















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