Friday 22 July 2022

N.C.E.R.T CLASS -8 ENGLISH BOOK- Honey Drew Chapter-3 N.C.E.R.T कक्षा -8 अंग्रेजी पुस्तक- हनी ड्रू अध्याय -3

 Glimpses of the Past

The Martyrs

This  chapter has stories of  superior

sacred sacrifice of brave hearted men

and women for the freedom of India.

These stories will fill your eyes with

tears Jai Hind.

The Company’s conquests (1757-1849)

Britishers first came to India in 16th century

and extended their rule in form of doing

business with Indian community and they

have taken the advantages of rift

between kings of different different

states or rajwada's Indian kings

took help of Britishers to defeat

each other which gave them power

to gain political and geographical

control in India.

Kings  of different states or rajwada's

thought Britishers were helpers of

them but actually they were

manipulating and controlling

their mind to gain power in our country.

Using divide and rule policy since

they came to India.

अतीत की झलक


इस अध्याय में भारत की स्वतंत्रता

के लिए बहादुर दिल वाले पुरुषों

और महिलाओं के बेहतर बलिदान

की कहानियां हैं। ये कहानियाँ

आपकी आँखों में आँसू भर देंगी

जय हिन्द।

कंपनी की विजय (1757-1849)

अंग्रेज पहली बार 16वीं

शताब्दी में भारत आए और

भारतीय समुदाय के साथ

व्यापार करने के रूप में

अपने शासन का विस्तार

किया और उन्होंने विभिन्न

राज्यों के राजाओं के बीच

दरार का लाभ उठाया या

राजवाड़ा के भारतीय राजाओं

ने एक दूसरे को हराने के लिए

अंग्रेजों की मदद ली जिससे

उन्हें शक्ति मिली भारत में

राजनीतिक और भौगोलिक

नियंत्रण हासिल करने के लिए।

विभिन्न राज्यों के राजा या

रजवाड़ा के विचार अंग्रेज उनके

सहायक थे लेकिन वास्तव में

वे हमारे देश में सत्ता हासिल

करने के लिए अपने दिमाग में

हेरफेर और नियंत्रण कर रहे थे।

वे भारत में आने के बाद से

फूट डालो और राज करो की

नीति का उपयोग कर रहे हैं।

British Rule (1765-1836)

Britishers took advantage of the lack of

education, old orthodox thinking, loyalty,

resources and difference between each

other to exploit Resources, farmers

and ruined expert business and artisans.

They implemented and forced their

unethical laws over Indians to gain

more profit from here, like they hadn't

imposed any import duty on goods

manufactured in England when brought

  to India.

Ram Mohan Roy  (1772-1833)

Ram Mohan Roy was the great social

and religious reformer of our country.

He belong to Bengal and he is known

for abolishing child marriage

and sati prathahe had the

knowledge of modern education

and supporter of practical and

scientific knowledge.

He went to England to

understand the system of

Britishers and to understand

what made Britishers so

powerful. He told  Britishers

to be responsible for rulers

of this country.

He loved ancient culture and

preaches that all religions

have the same meaning

but way of teachings are

different. He preached the

lesson of unity in diversity.

He started newspapers 

but the suspicious

British stopped them in 1823.

ब्रिटिश शासन (1765-1836)

अंग्रेजों ने शिक्षा की कमी,

पुरानी रूढ़िवादी सोच,

वफादारी, संसाधनों और

संसाधनों, किसानों और

बर्बाद विशेषज्ञ व्यवसाय

और कारीगरों का शोषण

करने के लिए एक दूसरे

के बीच अंतर का फायदा


उन्होंने भारतीयों पर अपने

अनैतिक कानूनों को लागू

किया और यहां से अधिक

लाभ प्राप्त करने के लिए

मजबूर किया, जैसे उन्होंने

भारत में लाए जाने पर

इंग्लैंड में निर्मित वस्तुओं

पर कोई आयात शुल्क

नहीं लगाया था।

राम मोहन राय (1772-1833)

राम मोहन राय हमारे देश

के महान समाज और

धार्मिक सुधारक थे।

वह बंगाल से ताल्लुक

रखते हैं और उन्हें बाल

विवाह और सती प्रथा

को खत्म करने के लिए

जाना जाता है, उन्हें

आधुनिक शिक्षा का ज्ञान था

और व्यावहारिक और

वैज्ञानिक ज्ञान के समर्थक थे।

वह अंग्रेजों की व्यवस्था को

समझने और अंग्रेजों को

इतना शक्तिशाली बनाने के

लिए इंग्लैंड गए। उन्होंने

अंग्रेजों को इस देश के

शासकों के लिए जिम्मेदार

होने के लिए कहा।

वह प्राचीन संस्कृति से

प्यार करते थे और उपदेश

देते थे कि सभी धर्मों का

एक ही अर्थ है लेकिन

शिक्षाओं का तरीका अलग है।

उन्होंने अनेकता में एकता

का पाठ पढ़ाया। उन्होंने

समाचार पत्र शुरू किए

लेकिन सन् 1823 में

संदिग्ध अंग्रेजों ने

उन्हें रोक दिया।

 Oppression  (1765-1835)

Now britishers have started

more unethical laws, like-

. In 1818, they had passed

Regulation III. Under it, an

Indian could be jailed without

trial in a court.All the time British

officers in India drew big salaries

and also made fortunes in private

business.they were exploiting

Indians badly. Indian  cotton

weavers were forced to starve

because of the Britishers' cotton


Dissatisfaction  (1835-56)

Now Indians had started feeling

dissatisfaction, becoming more

and more aware of the intentions

of britishers, Indians knew Britishers

were least interested in welfare of India

. They changed the language of study to

English to generate clerical level jobs to

assist them so that an average Indian

wasn't able to study.By 1856, the British

had conquered the whole of India.

उत्पीड़न (1765-1835)

अब अंग्रेजों ने और भी

अनैतिक कानून शुरू कर

दिए हैं, जैसे-. 1818 में,

उन्होंने विनियमन III

पारित किया था। इसके

तहत, एक भारतीय को

अदालत में मुकदमा चलाए

बिना जेल भेजा जा सकता था।

भारत में हर समय ब्रिटिश

अधिकारियों को बड़ी तनख्वाह

मिलती थी और निजी व्यवसाय

में भी पैसा कमाते थे। वे

भारतीयों का बुरी तरह

शोषण कर रहे थे। अंग्रेजों

की सूती मिलों के कारण

भारतीय सूती बुनकर भूखे

मरने को मजबूर थे।

असंतोष (1835-56)

अब भारतीयों ने असंतोष

महसूस करना शुरू कर

दिया था, अंग्रेजों के इरादों

के बारे में अधिक से अधिक

जागरूक होने के कारण,

भारतीयों को पता था कि

अंग्रेजों को भारत के

कल्याण में कम से कम

दिलचस्पी थी। उन्होंने

अपनी सहायता के लिए

लिपिक स्तर की नौकरियां

उत्पन्न करने के लिए

अध्ययन की भाषा को

अंग्रेजी में बदल दिया

ताकि एक औसत भारतीय

अध्ययन करने में सक्षम न हो।

1856 तक, अंग्रेजों ने पूरे

भारत पर विजय प्राप्त कर

ली थी।

The Sparks  (1855-57)

As Indians became aware about

the intentions of Britishers, a sense

of anger and revolt started evolving

in the Indians.

 In Bengal, the Santhals who had

lost their lands under new land rules,

became desperate. In 1855, they

rose in rebellion and massacred

Europeans and their supporters


There were raw starts in the British army

as Indians are paid less plus keeping

them  in disguise, Britishers hurted

their religious sentiments by makin

g bullets of cow and pig meats.

Thousands of other Sepoy revolted.

They were stripped of their uniforms.

Revolt or The Fight for Freedom  (1857)

India's first ever revolt started in 1857

in meerut. incidents of revolt also

occurred farther north and east.

Many rules and kings joint hands

together or came to revolt against

East India company or britishers.

Like- Azimulla Khan told Tatya Tope

, they should have Peshwa Nana Saheb

as our leader in this war of independence.

जैसे ही भारतीयों को अंग्रेजों

के इरादों के बारे में पता चला,

भारतीयों में क्रोध और विद्रोह

की भावना विकसित होने लगी।

 बंगाल में, नए भूमि नियमों के

तहत अपनी जमीन खो चुके

संथाल हताश हो गए।

1855 में, वे विद्रोह में उठे

और यूरोपीय और उनके

समर्थकों को समान रूप

से मार डाला।

ब्रिटिश सेना में कच्ची

शुरुआत थी क्योंकि

भारतीयों को कम भुगतान

किया जाता है और

उन्हें भेष में रखते हुए,

अंग्रेजों ने गाय और सुअर

के मांस की गोलियां

बनाकर उनकी धार्मिक

भावनाओं को आहत किया।

हजारों अन्य सिपाहियों ने

विद्रोह किया। उनकी वर्दी

उतार दी गई।

विद्रोह या स्वतंत्रता

की लड़ाई (1857)

भारत का पहला विद्रोह 1857

में मेरठ में शुरू हुआ था।

विद्रोह की घटनाएं उत्तर

और पूर्व में भी हुईं। कई नियम

और राजा एक साथ हाथ

मिलाते थे या ईस्ट इंडिया

कंपनी या अंग्रेजों के खिलाफ

विद्रोह करने आए थे।

जैसे- अज़ीमुल्ला खान ने

तात्या टोपे से कहा, उन्हें

इस स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में

पेशवा नाना साहब को

हमारे नेता के रूप में

रखना चाहिए।

Comprehension Check

 1.Look at picture 1 and recall

the opening lines of the original

song in Hindi. Who is the singer?

Who else do you see in this picture? 

Ans-1 The opening lines of the

original song in Hindi are –

“Aye mere watan ke logon,

tum khub laga lo naara

yeh shubh din hai hum sab

ka, lehralo tiranga pyaara

par mat bhulo seema par,

veeron ne hai praan ganvaaye

kuchh yaad unhe bhee kar lo – (2)

jo laut ke ghar naa aaye – (2)

This beautiful heart-touching

track was sung by Lata Mangeshkar.

In the picture, we see great

leaders of India namely – Lal Bahadu

r Shastri, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,

Indira Gandhi, Rani Laxmibai of

Jhansi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak,

Bahadur Shah Zafar, Lala Lajpat Rai,

Bhagat Singh, Mahatma Gandhi and

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

2.In picture 2 what do you understand

about the Company’s “superior weapons”?

Ans-2 The East India Company’s “superior

weapons” refers to strong rules and

regulations,diplomacy,and politics 

of the British rulers. They also had

Guns and cannons with them.

 3.Who is an artisan? Why do

you think the artisans suffered?

(picture 3) 4.Which picture, according

to you, reveals the first sparks of the fire

of revolt?

Ans-3 An artisan is a skilled craft worker

who creates decorative or functional

items manually. The artisans suffered

as the British were extracting high

taxes from them because of which

they were facing economic loss on

their products. Moreover, the British

were importing machine-manufactured

items from England and selling them

on a large scale, thereby ruining the

existing market of hand-made products

made by the artisans.

4. Which picture, according to you,

reveals the first sparks of the fire

of revolt?

Ans-4 Picture 7 – The Sparks (1855-57)

reveals the first sparks of the fire of revolt.

Answer the following questions.

1-Do you think the Indian princes

were short-sighted in their approach

to the events of 1757?

Ans-1. Yes, the Indian princes were

short-sighted in their approach to the

events of 1757 as they failed to see and

understand the bad intentions of the British

rulers. Indian kings took help of Britishers to

defeat each other which gave them power to

gain political and geographical control in India.

2.How did the East India Company subdue the

Indian princes?

Ans-2. The East India Company spread

their business by importing machine

-manufactured items from England

and selling them extensively.The

Indian kings were constantly fighting

with each other. Due to this, they

took the help of the English merchants

to fight their counterparts.The ordinary

people lost peace due to these constant

fights. These rivalries indirectly helped

the East India Company subdue the

Indian princes one at a time and

slowly gain complete control over

the masses.

3.Quote the words used by Ram

Mohan Roy to say that every

religion teaches the same principles.

Ans-3. Ram Mohan Roy quoted to his

wife Uma that “Cows are of different

colours, but the colour of their milk

is the same. Different teachers have

different opinions but the essence

of every religion is the same.”

4.In what ways did the British

officers exploit Indians?

Ans-4. The British exploited Indians

in several ways. They imposed

high taxes on the peasants,

reduced the import duty on

goods manufactured in England

and imported those to India and

cut the thumbs of expert artisans

and ruined their business

5. Name these people

Ans-5. (i)The ruler who fought

pitched battles against the British

and died fighting- Tipu Sultan of

Mysore fought pitched battles

against the British and died fighting.

. (ii)The person who wanted to

reform society.-Raja Ram Mohan

Roy, a learned man from Bengal

was one person who wanted to

reform the society.


 (iii)The person who recommended

the introduction of English education

in India.-Macaulay, an Englishman,

was the one who recommended the

introduction of English education in



 (iv)Two popular leaders who led the

revolt (Choices may vary.)- Maulvi

Ahmedulla of Faizabad and Peshwa

Nana Saheb


6.Mention the following.

Ans-6. Two examples of social

practices prevailing then.- Child

marriage and untouchability.

Two oppressive policies of the

British- Firstly, the British did

not impose any import duty on

goods manufactured in England

and this crippled the Indian cottage

industries. Secondly, the British

continued to oppress Indians in

1818 by passing Regulation III,

under which an Indian could be

jailed without trial in a court.

Two ways in which common people

suffered-he farmers were heavily

taxed by the British and the thumbs

of the skilled artisans were cut to

ruin their business.

Four reasons for the discontent that

led to the 1857 War of Independence.-

In Bengal, the Santhals lost their lands

under new British land rules and they

became desperate and rose in

rebellion and massacred Europeans in 1855.

The Indian sepoys of the British army

were discontent and angry as the

white soldiers were getting huge pay,

mansions to live in along with servants.

The Brahmin soldiers were furious when

they came to know that the grease on

the bullet that they were biting was

made from the fat of cows and pigs.

Many landlords were sore because

they had lost their lands and

estates due to the harsh British




Working with language

1 Change the following sentences

into indirect speech.

Ans-1. (i)

(a) The first man said that they

must educate their brothers.

(b) The second man added that

they must try to improve their

material conditions.

(c) The third man suggested that

they must convey their grievances

to the British Parliament.


(a) The first soldier said that the

white soldier got huge pay,

mansions and servants.

(b) The second soldier remarked

that they got a pittance and slow


(c) The third soldier asked who

the British were to abolish

their customs




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