Showing posts with label neuter or neuteral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neuter or neuteral. Show all posts

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Nounder Gender , masculine , feminine , common , neuter or neuteral , gender , examples


 GENDER-  A Noun which denotes sex is called gender.

IT HAS FOUR KINDS (यह चार प्रकार के होते हैं)

(1) MASCULINE GENDER(पुलिंग)- It denotes male sex .

Ex- boy , father , brother , uncle , horse , nephew , actor , etc.

(2) FEMININE GENDER(स्त्रीलिंग)- It denotes female sex .

Ex-  Girl , mother , sister , aunt , mare , niece , actress , etc.

(3) COMMON GENDER(उभयलिंग)- It denotes either sex.

Ex- Teacher, doctor, student,player, engineer etc.

Example : A teacher should teach his subject well.

Example :
A doctor should always take care of his patient sincerely

(4) NEUTER GENDER(नपुंसकलिंग)- It denotes non livings thing with life.

Ex-  three , car , pen , etc.

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