idioms and phrases
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[Eng meaning] : To put a difficulty in the way of progress
[Hindi Meaning]:प्रगति के रास्ते में कठिनाई डालना
It will really put a spoke in our wheelif the board decides
not to increase our funding for this project.
not to increase our funding for this project.
यह बहुत बड़ी रुकावट होगी अगर board ने हमारे project की
funding को increase नहीं करने का decide कर लिया
funding को increase नहीं करने का decide कर लिया
At loggerheads
Meaning: In conflict with someone
They are at loggerheads over to lead the party.
party को lead करने के लिए ये अभी विवादों में है
From stem to stern
Meaning : All the way from the front of a ship to the back.
Meaning : All the way from the front of a ship to the back.
A report said the ship was ablaze from stem to stern.
रिपोर्टर ने कहा ship पूरी तरहे फ्रेंट से बैक तक जल रही है
Over egg the pudding
Meaning : Add unnecessary details to make something seem better or worse.
If you’re telling lies, keep it simple —never over-egg the pudding.
अगर तुम झूठ बोलते हो तो उसे साधारण रखो जादा इसे उलझना नहीं चाहिए
------------------------------------------------------------Turn over a new leaf
Meaning : Change ones behaviour for the better.
Couple has agreed to turn over a new leaf in their
relations with each other.
relations with each other.
ये Couple अपने बिहेवियर में बदलाव लाने के लिए agree हो
गये है अपने relation में बेहतर बदलाव के लिए
गये है अपने relation में बेहतर बदलाव के लिए
Take up the hatchet
Meaning : prepare for or go to war
He induced the tribes to take up the hatchet
against the English
against the English
At loose ends
Meaning : In an uncertain situation
At loose ends
Meaning : In an uncertain situation
Heena's been at loose ends since she lost her
job, so I hope she finds another one soon.
job, so I hope she finds another one soon.
Heena की स्थिति सही नहीं है जब से उसकी job छूटी है
में उम्मीद करती हूँ की वो जल्द ही दूसरी job ढूंढ पायेगी
में उम्मीद करती हूँ की वो जल्द ही दूसरी job ढूंढ पायेगी
------------------------------------------------------------With might and main
Meaning : With full force
Meaning : With full force
She attacked that punching bag with might and main.
उसने punching bag को Full force में Attacke किया
Ruffle somebody's feather
Meaning :annoy somebody or to cause someone to be upset:
Ruffle somebody's feather
Meaning :annoy somebody or to cause someone to be upset:
Principle ruffled a few feathers when he
suggested cutting the teachers' salaries.
suggested cutting the teachers' salaries.
Principle ने कुछ लोगो को निराश कर दिया जब उन्होंने
टीचरों की salary काटने suggestion का दिया
टीचरों की salary काटने suggestion का दिया
Cut short
Meaning : interrupt
We had to cut short our vacation
हमे अपनी Vacation रोकनी पड़ेगी
Bad blood
Meaning : ill feeling or unfriendly
There has been bad blood between
Buddhists and Muslims in Burma for
many years.
Buddhists and Muslims in Burma for
many years.
बुद्ध और मुस्लिमों के बीच बर्मा में कई वर्षो से एक - दूसरे के प्रति नफरत है
A laughing stock
Meaning : an object of laughter or figure of fun
The team has become the laughing stock of
the league.
the league.
प्रतियोगिता में यह टीम laughing का कारण बन गई थी
Make one's mark
Meaning :distinguish oneself
Meaning :distinguish oneself
‘it took four years of struggle before
we managed to make our mark’
we managed to make our mark’
हमे पूरे चार साल का struggle करना पड़ा
अपनी पहचान बनाने में
अपनी पहचान बनाने में
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Throw in the towel
Meaning : acknowledge defeat or to admit defeat
Throw in the towel
Meaning : acknowledge defeat or to admit defeat
Three of the original five candidates for
the presidential nomination have now thrown
in the towel.
the presidential nomination have now thrown
in the towel.
5 में से 3 प्रत्याशियों ने presidential nomination में
अपनी हार स्वीकार कर ली
अपनी हार स्वीकार कर ली
Mare's nest
Meaning : worthless thing or A difficult, complicated, or confusing situation.
He had made up his mind that the whole plan was
nothing more or less than a mare's nest.
nothing more or less than a mare's nest.
उसने अपना मन बना लिया कि पूरा प्लान कुछ भी नहीं है
सिर्फ एक complicated situation के अलावा
सिर्फ एक complicated situation के अलावा
------------------------------------------------------------A storm in a teacup
Meaning : big fuss over a small matter
The fight that Ryan and Rosie had
wasn't anything serious, just a storm in
wasn't anything serious, just a storm in
a teacup.
Ryan और Rosie की fight serious नहीं थी सिर्फ छोटी -2
बातों को लेके एक बड़ी बात थी
बातों को लेके एक बड़ी बात थी
Meaning : of noble birth or descent from nobility
She often tells friends that she has blue
blood flowing through her veins.
blood flowing through her veins.
वो अपने friends को हमेसा बताती है की राहिश घराने
का खून उसकी रगों में दौड़ता है
का खून उसकी रगों में दौड़ता है
Do a roaring trade
Meaning : highly successful or to sell a lot of goods very quickly
Do a roaring trade
Meaning : highly successful or to sell a lot of goods very quickly
It was a hot sunny day and the ice cream
sellers were doing a roaring trade.
sellers were doing a roaring trade.
वो बहुत गर्म दिन था और ice-cream वाला अपनी
खूब sale कर रहा था
खूब sale कर रहा था
Keep body and soul together
Meaning : to have just enough to sustain
Meaning : to have just enough to sustain
When he first came to the city, he earned barely
enough to keep body and soul together.
जब वह पहली बार शहर में आया उसके पास शहर में survive
करने के लिए बहुत कम या न मात्र के बराबर साधन था
करने के लिए बहुत कम या न मात्र के बराबर साधन था
Meaning : unreal imagining or something that is impossible to get or achieve:
Full employment is the will-o'-the-wisp that
politicians have been chasing for decades.
politicians have been chasing for decades.
Full employment को Acieve करना imposible है जिसे
politicians सालो से Acieve करने की कोशिश कर रहे है
------------------------------------------------------------Cloak- and - dagger
Meaning : an activity that involves mystery and secrecy
politicians सालो से Acieve करने की कोशिश कर रहे है
------------------------------------------------------------Cloak- and - dagger
Meaning : an activity that involves mystery and secrecy
She was released from prison in a cloak-and-dagger
उसे बड़े गुप्त तरीके से जेल से बाहर निकाला गया
Palm off
Meaning :to dispose off with the intent to deceive
Palm off
Meaning :to dispose off with the intent to deceive
Or to pass off by trickery
The producer tried to palm off her as a star .
producer उसे star बनने से दबा रहा था
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Take the bull by the horns
Meaning :grapple the situation courageously
Meaning :grapple the situation courageously
The Police will have to take the bull by the horns
and tackle the riots.
and tackle the riots.
Police को हिम्मत के साथ situation को handle करना होगा
ताकि दंगो को control कर सके
A gentleman at large
Meaning : a man without a job
He is a gentleman at large, you must not trust him.
इसके पास Job नहीं है इसलिए इसपे आप trust मत करो
------------------------------------------------------------Lose face
Meaning :become embarrassed.
Tina lost face when her assistant was
promoted and became her boss
promoted and became her boss
Tina निराश हो गई जब उसकी assistant का
promotion हो गया और वो उसकी Boss बन गई
promotion हो गया और वो उसकी Boss बन गई
------------------------------------------------------------Build castles in the air
Meaning : dream or thinking of some impossible task
Meaning : dream or thinking of some impossible task
Don't build castles in the air, just and find some
work to earn money
हवा में सपने बुनने की जरुरत नहीं कुछ काम ढूँढो जिससे पैसे
कमा सको
कमा सको
Fall back on
Meaning : resort to something or To depend on
someone or something that one has kept in reserve
To depend on someone or something that one
Fall back on
Meaning : resort to something or To depend on
someone or something that one has kept in reserve
To depend on someone or something that one
If you run out of cash, you can fall back on your
savings in the bank.
savings in the bank.
अगर तुम्हरा cash खतम हो गया तब तुम पूरे Bank saving
में Depend हो जाओगे
में Depend हो जाओगे
\------------------------------------------------------------Go to rack and ruin
Meaning : get into a bad condition
Meaning : get into a bad condition
That lovely oldhouse on the corner is going to
go to rack and ruin.
वो lovely house जो corner में है वो Bad condition में जा रहा है
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Meaning : suffer a defeat or die
so easily. She has seen many such goons in
his career
यह Police officer आसानी से नहीं हारेगी उसने ऐसे गुंडे कई
बार अपने Career में देखे है
बार अपने Career में देखे है
------------------------------------------------------------Have a chip on one's shoulder
Meaning : nurse a grudge or holding some form of
anger – in his or her mind
He has a chip on his shoulder for not being
invited to the party.
वो अपने दिमाग में कुछ नफ़रत लिए हुए है क्योंकि उसे Party
में न बुलाने की बजह से
में न बुलाने की बजह से
The seamy side
Meaning : unpleasant aspect or most unpleasant
or roughest aspect of life.
The seamy side
Meaning : unpleasant aspect or most unpleasant
or roughest aspect of life.
The Seamy Side of History.
इतिहास का सबसे दर्दनाक पल है
Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians.
Meaning :an inefficient situation
Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians.
Meaning :an inefficient situation
Everyone wants to be thebrains of this project, but
there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians!
there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians!
सभी इस project का master mined बनना चाहते है
लेकिन इनमे से बहुत कम ही काबलियत रखते है
लेकिन इनमे से बहुत कम ही काबलियत रखते है
…………. …………………….
Once in a blue moon
Meaning : Very rarely
Meaning : Very rarely
We only see our daughter once in a blue moon
हम अपनी बेटी से बहुत कम ही मिल पाते है
Fish out of water
Meaning : An uncomfortable position
“When I first entered to the college , it was like a fish
out of water.”
out of water.”
जब में पहली बार college में गया तब में काफी
uncomfortable हुआ
uncomfortable हुआ
To add fuel to the fire
Meaning : Make things worse
Meaning : Make things worse
People are already unhappy, and if the
government allows oil prices to increase
it'll just be adding fuel to the fire.
government allows oil prices to increase
it'll just be adding fuel to the fire.
लोग पहले से ही दुखी है और Government ने Oil के prices
बढ़ाये तो यह और situtation ख़राब कर देगा
बढ़ाये तो यह और situtation ख़राब कर देगा
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Meaning :To be greatly affected
‘he took Wilson's criticism to heart’
उसको Wilson के criticism से काफी दुःख हुआ
उसको Wilson के criticism से काफी दुःख हुआ
To bring to light
Meaning :To reveal or to make something known.
The newspaper story brought the problem to light.
Newspaper की story नें problem को दर्शया
Beggar description
Meaning : Cannot be described
Meaning : Cannot be described
His courage beggars description.
उसकी हिम्मत को बताया नहीं जा सकता
Drag one's feet
Meaning : Be reluctant to act
Drag one's feet
Meaning : Be reluctant to act
concerning a single European currency.
British प्रतियोगिता से बचती रही single European
currency.के मुद्दे से
currency.के मुद्दे से
Hope against hope
Meaning :Nurture an impossible hope
I still hope against hope the PM will surprise
us all.
मुझे फिर भी एक उम्मीद है की P.M हमे Surprise देंगे
For keeps
Meaning : Forever
Meaning : Forever
but I thought you gave it to me for keeps.
में तुम्हे ये मग जल्दी वापस कर देता पर मेने सोचा की यह
तुमने हमेशा रखने के लिए दिया है
तुमने हमेशा रखने के लिए दिया है
Pale into insignificance
Meaning : Seemed less important
Meaning : Seemed less important
Earlier conflicts, including ones over rice and
banana imports, “pale into insignificance”
banana imports, “pale into insignificance”
अतिरिक्त विवाद Rise और Banana को imports लेके कम
important है
important है
People must speak with one voice to get their
message across’
message across’
लोगो को एक ही opinion होना चाहिए जिससे अपने
Message को पंहुचा सके
Message को पंहुचा सके
Smooth ruffled feathers
Meaning : Make people feel less offended
Meaning : Make people feel less offended
I had to go and smooth my parents' ruffled feathers
after my husband criticized them at dinner.
after my husband criticized them at dinner.
मुझे अपने Parents के पास जाना पड़ेगा ताकि में उन्हें
मना सकू जिससे उनका मन हल्का हो जाये जब से मेरे
Husband ने Dinner में उन्हें बुरा भला बोल दिया
मना सकू जिससे उनका मन हल्का हो जाये जब से मेरे
Husband ने Dinner में उन्हें बुरा भला बोल दिया
Assume airs
Meaning : Pretend superiority
He is in the habit of assuming airs in the presence
of his in laws.
of his in laws.
उसकी आदत है की वो अपनी ससुराल वालो के सामने अपने आप
को बड़ा समझता है
को बड़ा समझता है
Play truant
Meaning : Stay away from duty
At 12 she began to play truant
from school.
उसने 12 क़ि Age से ही स्कूल से अपनी जिम्मेदारिओं से
दूर रहना शुरू कर दिया
दूर रहना शुरू कर दिया
Beat around the bush
Meaning :
Meaning :
Quit beating around the bush and tell me what
you really want.
इधर उधर की बातों को छोड़ो और बताओ तुम्हे हकीकत में
क्या चाहिए
क्या चाहिए
Make room
Meaning : Make space
Make room
Meaning : Make space
Can you make room for this package ?
क्या तुम इस Package के लिए थोड़ी जगह बना सकते हो
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Meaning : Improve one's behaviour
It's possible the college might take you back,
but first you'll have to convince them you've
mended your ways.
but first you'll have to convince them you've
mended your ways.
यह Possible है की college तुम्हे दोबारा बुला ले लेकिन उससे
पहले तुम्हे उनको convince करना होगा की तुम अपने
behaviour को सुधारोगे
पहले तुम्हे उनको convince करना होगा की तुम अपने
behaviour को सुधारोगे
Meaning : Short sleep
Meaning : Short sleep
Sometimes when I get here a little early
I take a catnap myself.
I take a catnap myself.
जब में कभी जल्दी आ जाती हूँ तो में छोटी सी नींद ले लेती हूँ
------------------------------------------------------------To pull a long face
Meaning : Looked sad
She pulls a long face when her mother scolds him
वो बुरा मान जाती है जब उसकी मम्मी उसे डांटती है
Fit her like a glove.
Meaning: Perfectly
that fit like a glove .
ये जूते बहुत बड़े मुझे दुसरे ढूढ़ने पड़ेगे जो Perfect हो
Caught red-handed
Meaning : Discovered in the act of doing wrong
Meaning : Discovered in the act of doing wrong
red-handed by my teacher
में Examमें cheat करता था जब तक teacher ने मुझे पकड़ा नहीं
Gate crasher
Meaning : Uninvited guest
I don't mind gate crashers coming to my parties, so long
as they behave themselves.
बिना बुलाये Gustes को मेरी Party में आने में मुझे कोई आपत्ति
नहीं है जब तक वो अच्छे से Behave करते है
नहीं है जब तक वो अच्छे से Behave करते है
------------------------------------------------------------To angle
Meaning :To fish
My father is out angling on thelake today.
मेरे Father आज मछली पकड़ने गये है
To give oneself airs
Meaning : Behaving arrogantly ,
to act in a way that shows one thinks one is
better than other people
Meaning : Behaving arrogantly ,
to act in a way that shows one thinks one is
better than other people
She's very rich, but she doesn't give herself airs
वो बहुत अमीर है पर वो कभी pretnd नहीं करती
At a stone's throw
Meaning :At a short distance
At a stone's throw
Meaning :At a short distance
My house is just a stone's throw away from the park.
मेरा घर पार्क से थोड़ी ही दूरी पर है
------------------------------------------------------------Bone of contention
Meaning : Cause for quarrel
A serious bone of contention between the
landowners and the developers was the
compensation price for the land.
landowners and the developers was the
compensation price for the land.
serious लड़ाई का मुद्दा landowners ओर Developers के
बीच जमीन के price को लेके था
बीच जमीन के price को लेके था
To end in smoke
Meaning : End without any practical result
Meaning : End without any practical result
smoke as they were not able to win.
Best players होने के बावजूद भी कोई Result नहीं ला पाये
क्योंकि वो जीतने में असमर्थ थे
क्योंकि वो जीतने में असमर्थ थे
------------------------------------------------------------A left handed compliment
Meaning : An ambiguous compliment
She said she liked myhair, but it turned out to be a
left-handed compliment when she asked how long
I'd been dyeing it
left-handed compliment when she asked how long
I'd been dyeing it
उसने कहा की उसे मेरे बाल अच्छे लगते है But ये एक
compliment बन गया जब उसने पूछा की तुम कब से
इनको Dye कर रही हो
compliment बन गया जब उसने पूछा की तुम कब से
इनको Dye कर रही हो
Cut a sorry figure
Meaning : Made a poor impression
Cut a sorry figure
Meaning : Made a poor impression
She cut a sorry figure in his maiden speech
उसने अपनी speech से बुरा impression दिया
To take to task
Meaning : Reprimanded him or to scold someone
Meaning : Reprimanded him or to scold someone
If you don't do your homework for a week,
your teacher will take you to task
your teacher will take you to task
अगर आप अपना Home work पूरे हफ्ते तक नहीं करोगे
तो आपकी Teacher आपको डाटेंगी
तो आपकी Teacher आपको डाटेंगी
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Meaning : Revealed or To reveal something
Discrepancies in the yearly budget report brought to
light corruption in the company.
सालाना बजट Report की कमिया company के corruption
को उजागर करने लगी
को उजागर करने लगी
To beat about the bush
Meaning : To talk about irrelevant things
to the point
वह इधर उधर बातें करता रहा Main मुद्दे पे आने की बजाय
……………………………………Maiden speech
Meaning : First speech
A politician's maiden speech is the
first speech that he or she makes in
parliament after becoming a
member of it.
first speech that he or she makes in
parliament after becoming a
member of it.
नेता जी की पहली speech वह होती है जब वह पहली
बार parliament का member बनता है
बार parliament का member बनता है
------------------------------------------------------------To get cold feet
Meaning : Fear
Meaning : Fear
My friend got cold feet and decided
not to do a bungee jump.
मेरा Friend डर गया और उसने Decide किया की
वह Bungee jump नहीं करेगा
वह Bungee jump नहीं करेगा
जो Exact cost है वो अभी Point नहीं है important है
की job को हम पूरा कर पाये
की job को हम पूरा कर पाये
Answer: Not to the point
On tenterhooks
Meaning :In suspense and anxiety
With such a close score between the two teams,
fans on bothsides were on tenterhooks for the
last quarter of the game.
बहुत close score दोनों team में होने की वजह से दोनों
team के fanso मेँ Game के आखिरी Quarter
तक suspense रहा
team के fanso मेँ Game के आखिरी Quarter
तक suspense रहा
Old head on young shoulders
Meaning :To be wise beyond his years
Meaning :To be wise beyond his years
He’s only seventeen, but he has an old head on
youngshoulders and remains calm under pressure.
youngshoulders and remains calm under pressure.
वह सिर्फ अभी 17 का ही है But वो बहुत होशियार है और वह
प्रेशर के समय बहुत धैर्य रखता है
प्रेशर के समय बहुत धैर्य रखता है
A wild-goose chase
Meaning : A pointless search
a book that hasn't been released yet!
उसने मुझे बिना मतलब के किताब ढूंढने को कहा जो की अभी
Release भी नहीं हुई है
Release भी नहीं हुई है
Hard of hearing
Meaning : To be deaf
Hard of hearing
Meaning : To be deaf
They sent me on a wild goose chase to find a
copy of a book that hasn't been released yet!
copy of a book that hasn't been released yet!
I think you burned your boats when you announced
you were quitting and proceeded to insult your
boss in front of the whole staff.
you were quitting and proceeded to insult your
boss in front of the whole staff.
मुझे लगता है की तू अब अपनी पुरानी situation पर नहीं पहुँच
सकता जब तूने Quid करने का Announced कर दिया और
जाकर Boss की insult कर दी पूरे Stop के सामने
Meaning : Give a scolding
सकता जब तूने Quid करने का Announced कर दिया और
जाकर Boss की insult कर दी पूरे Stop के सामने
Meaning : Give a scolding
A boy recieves a thorough dressing-down
from his mother for not completing his homework
from his mother for not completing his homework
लड़के को काफी डांट पड़ी उसकी मम्मी से Home Work
पूरा न करने की वजह से
------------------------------------------------------------Null and void
Meaning : Invalid
Meaning : Invalid
The court declared the law to be null and void.
Blow one's trumpet
Meaning :To praise oneself
Meaning :To praise oneself
Despite a unique record of achievement is
recent years, he can never be accused of
blowing his own trumpet.
Unique Record इन Recent Years में Achieve करने के
बावजूद उसने कभी अपने आप की सराहना नहीं की
बावजूद उसने कभी अपने आप की सराहना नहीं की
------------------------------------------------------------Stick to his guns
Meaning : Maintain his own opinion
I'll stick to my guns on this matter. I'm sure I'm right.
में अपनी बात पे ही रहूँगा इस Matter में मुझे पता है
की में सही हूँ
की में सही हूँ
------------------------------------------------------------At sea
Meaning : At a loss or confused
Bill was at sea over the calculus problem
Bill confuse था calculus की Problem को लेके
Straw in the wind
Meaning : An indication of what might happen
Meaning : An indication of what might happen
His negative remark about marriage was a strawin
the wind that suggested he was headed for a divorce.
the wind that suggested he was headed for a divorce.
उसके Negative Remark Marriage के ऊपर indicate
करते है की वो Divorce की ओर जा रहा है
करते है की वो Divorce की ओर जा रहा है
Face the music
Meaning : Be punished
Face the music
Meaning : Be punished
If we do nothing to curb this pollution, I guarantee
we will face the music in the future.
we will face the music in the future.
अगर हम Pollution को रोकने में कुछ नहीं कर पाये तो
Future में हमे इसकी सजा जरूर मिलेगी
Future में हमे इसकी सजा जरूर मिलेगी
------------------------------------------------------------Curry favour
Meaning :Seek favourable attention
It is not a good idea to curry favour with a
person who does not care to notice you otherwise.
यह अच्छा Idea नहीं होगा हम उस Person की सहानभूति
ले जो आपकी तरफ ध्यान देने की भी नहीं सोचता
ले जो आपकी तरफ ध्यान देने की भी नहीं सोचता
Evening of life
Meaning : Old age
Meaning : Old age
I'm not interested in getting married again now that
I'm in the evening of life.
I'm in the evening of life.
अब मुझे दुबारा शादी में कोई interest नहीं क्योंकि अब
उम्र नहीं रही
उम्र नहीं रही
Button her lip
Meaning : Stop talking
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Meaning : Stop talking
Hey, button your lip! We don't need to hear any
more out of you today!
more out of you today!
Hey चुप रहो अब हमे आज तुमसे कुछ और नहीं सुनना
………………………………………..Invent cock and bull stories
Meaning : Absurd and unlikely stories
I asked for anexplanation, and all I got was your
ridiculous cock-and-bull story!
ridiculous cock-and-bull story!
मैंने सिर्फ तुमसे explanation पूछा और सिर्फ मुझे वकवास
कहानी सुनने को मिली
कहानी सुनने को मिली
Put two and two together
Meaning : Reason logically
Meaning : Reason logically
I know they were having an affair", As I'd seen
them out together a coupleof times, so I just
put two and two together."
them out together a coupleof times, so I just
put two and two together."
मुझे पता है की उसके बीच Affair है जैसा की मेने उन्हें एक दो
बार बाहर देखा है तभी दाबा करती हूँ
बार बाहर देखा है तभी दाबा करती हूँ
------------------------------------------------------------An axe to grind
Meaning :Have a selfish interest or having a
problem or to have a problem with
something or someone
I have an axe to grind with my roommate
because she’s always borrowing my
clothes without asking!
because she’s always borrowing my
clothes without asking!
मुझे अपने Roommateसे बहुत Problem है क्योंकि
वो Always मेरे कपडे मांगती है
वो Always मेरे कपडे मांगती है
------------------------------------------------------------Pick to pieces
Meaning : Analyse critically
Meaning : Analyse critically
he just picks it to pieces about story without saying
anything that he liked about it.
anything that he liked about it.
उसने Story को अच्छी तरह से Analyse किया बिना कहे
कि उसे पसंद है
कि उसे पसंद है
A Man of letters
Meaning : Scholar or A man who is well-versed in
literature and related scholarly pursuits
Meaning : Scholar or A man who is well-versed in
literature and related scholarly pursuits
As a man of letters, the professor could easilyspeak
for hours on the works of Shakespeare.
for hours on the works of Shakespeare.
Scholar होने से Professor आसानी से कई घंटो
तक Shakespear के कामों के बारे में बोल सकते है
तक Shakespear के कामों के बारे में बोल सकते है
Under a cloud
Meaning : under suspicion
Under a cloud
Meaning : under suspicion
Ever since that leak of private emails, everything
the CEO hasdone has been under a cloud
the CEO hasdone has been under a cloud
जब से Private Email लीक हुआ है तब से CEO जो भी
काम करते है उसपे शक होता है
काम करते है उसपे शक होता है
Bear In Mind
Meaning : Remember
Before you ask for a raise, bear in mind that the company
isn't doing well financially right now.
isn't doing well financially right now.
Raise मांगने से पहले ये बात ध्यान में रखना की company अच्छी नहीं चल रही
…………………. ………
To steal a march
Meaning : To outshine or To gain an unexpected or
surreptitious advantage over someone or something
Meaning : To outshine or To gain an unexpected or
surreptitious advantage over someone or something
The retail business managed to steal a march on its
competitors by signing an exclusiveexport
agreement with Europe.
competitors by signing an exclusiveexport
agreement with Europe.
Export Agreement Europe के साथ shine करने से Retail
Business को एक अचानक से Advantage मिल गया
अपने competitors से
Business को एक अचानक से Advantage मिल गया
अपने competitors से
In a jiffy
Meaning : Something that is done very quickly
In a jiffy
Meaning : Something that is done very quickly
Just wait a minute. I'll be there in a jiffy
कुछ मिनट रुको में जल्द ही आता हूँ
It goes without saying
Meaning : Something which is implied to be obvious
Meaning : Something which is implied to be obvious
// remove but
It should go without saying, but you will receive an
automatic zero if you are caught cheating on the exam.
automatic zero if you are caught cheating on the exam.
ये तो Obvious है कहे बिना की तुम्हे जिरो मिल जायेगा अगर
Exam में cheating करते हुए पकडे गे
Exam में cheating करते हुए पकडे गे
To let someone off
Meaning : To leave someone in his present state
To let someone off
Meaning : To leave someone in his present state
में तुम्हे इस समय छोड़ रहा हूँ पर अगली बार मुझसे झूठ मत बोलना
………………………….. ……….
Ended in a fiasco
Meaning : A complete failure
Meaning : A complete failure
The party turned into a fiasco
Party पूरी तरह से फ़ैल हो गयी
Sow wild oats
Meaning : To waste time by doing foolish things
Jack was out sowing his wild oats last night
Jack ने पूरी रात बेफ़ालतू का काम किया
To wrangle over an ass's shadow
Meaning :To quarrel over trifles
Meaning :To quarrel over trifles
or trifles means A thing of little
value or importance.
value or importance.
Their sweet relation ended because they
wrangled over an ass shadow.
wrangled over an ass shadow.
उनका अच्छा Relation End हो गया क्योंकि वो छोटी - छोटी
बातों को लेके लड़ते थे
बातों को लेके लड़ते थे
………………………………………Make one's flesh creep
Meaning : To frighten someone
The ghost stories made our flesh creep.
Ghost stories डराती है
Kick the bucket
Meaning : To die
All the fish in my aquarium kicked the
bucket when we went on a vacation.
Meaning : To die
All the fish in my aquarium kicked the
bucket when we went on a vacation.
सारी मछलियां मेरे Aquarium में मर गयी जब
हम vacation पर थे
An axe to grind
Meaning :To have a selfish motive
हम vacation पर थे
An axe to grind
Meaning :To have a selfish motive
He should not become the chairman of the
committee as he has too many axes of his
own to grind.
उसे कमिटी का chairman नहीं बनना चाहिए क्योंकि
वो बहुत मतलबी है
वो बहुत मतलबी है
upPiece of cake: कोई काम जो आसानी से हो जाए.
उदाहरण के लिए "That project was a piece of cake.
It only took me two hours!" यानी कि प्रोजेक्ट मेरे लिए
काफी आसान था, इसे खत्म करने में मुझे 2 घंटे का समय लगा
उदाहरण के लिए "That project was a piece of cake.
It only took me two hours!" यानी कि प्रोजेक्ट मेरे लिए
काफी आसान था, इसे खत्म करने में मुझे 2 घंटे का समय लगा
Costs an arm and a leg: बहुत महंगा.
उदाहरण के लिए "Don't lose that watch, because it
cost me an arm and a leg." यानी कि इस घड़ी को
मत खोना क्योंकि यह काफी महंगी है.
उदाहरण के लिए "Don't lose that watch, because it
cost me an arm and a leg." यानी कि इस घड़ी को
मत खोना क्योंकि यह काफी महंगी है.
Hit the books: स्टडी करना. उदाहरण के लिए "I have to
hit the books because I have a big test tomorrow."
यानी कि मुझे आज पढ़ाई करनी पड़ेगी क्योंकि कल
मेरा बड़ा टेस्ट है.
hit the books because I have a big test tomorrow."
यानी कि मुझे आज पढ़ाई करनी पड़ेगी क्योंकि कल
मेरा बड़ा टेस्ट है.
Let the cat out of the bag: इस मुहावरे का बिल्ली से कोई
लेना-देना नहीं है. इसका मतलब होता है कोई रहस्य खोल देना.
उदाहरण के लिए "Don't forget that this is a secret,
so whatever you do, don't let the cat out of the bag.
" यानी कि यह मत भूलना कि ये एक रहस्य है, इसलिए तुम
जो भी करो राज़ मत खोलना.
लेना-देना नहीं है. इसका मतलब होता है कोई रहस्य खोल देना.
उदाहरण के लिए "Don't forget that this is a secret,
so whatever you do, don't let the cat out of the bag.
" यानी कि यह मत भूलना कि ये एक रहस्य है, इसलिए तुम
जो भी करो राज़ मत खोलना.
Hit the nail on the head: इस मुहावरे का अर्थ होता है
सच्चाई बता देना.
उदाहरण के लिए "Our boss loves you, because you
have a way of always hitting the nail on the head.
" यानी कि हमारे बॉस तुम्हें इसलिए पसंद करते हैं क्योंकि
तुम सही बात बताते हो.
सच्चाई बता देना.
उदाहरण के लिए "Our boss loves you, because you
have a way of always hitting the nail on the head.
" यानी कि हमारे बॉस तुम्हें इसलिए पसंद करते हैं क्योंकि
तुम सही बात बताते हो.
Smell a rat: इस मुहावरे का हिंदी में अर्थ होता है दाल में
काला होना. इस मुहावरे का इस्तेमाल हम तब करते हैं जब
किसी चीज़ पर संदेह या शक हो.
उदाहरण के लिए "I think my girlfriend is seeing another
man. I smell a rat." यानी कि शायद मेरी गर्लफ्रेंड किसी
और से मिल रही है. दाल में कुछ काला है.
काला होना. इस मुहावरे का इस्तेमाल हम तब करते हैं जब
किसी चीज़ पर संदेह या शक हो.
उदाहरण के लिए "I think my girlfriend is seeing another
man. I smell a rat." यानी कि शायद मेरी गर्लफ्रेंड किसी
और से मिल रही है. दाल में कुछ काला है.
To take bread out of sb's mouth किसी की रोजी रोटी
छिनना: If government cannot give us employment
then don't have rights to take bread out of our mouth
अगर सरकार हमें रोजगार नहीं दे सकती तो हमारे मुंह से
रोटी लेने का अधिकार नहीं है
छिनना: If government cannot give us employment
then don't have rights to take bread out of our mouth
अगर सरकार हमें रोजगार नहीं दे सकती तो हमारे मुंह से
रोटी लेने का अधिकार नहीं है
Bag of bones हड्डियों का ढांचा: Why don't you eat
something you are not more than a bag of bones.
आप कुछ क्यों नहीं खाते हैं जो आप हड्डियों के एक ढांचा
से अधिक नहीं है
something you are not more than a bag of bones.
आप कुछ क्यों नहीं खाते हैं जो आप हड्डियों के एक ढांचा
से अधिक नहीं है
Talk shop काम की बात करना: Don't talk shop when
you are on vacation. दुकान पर बात मत करो जब आप
छुट्टी पर हों
you are on vacation. दुकान पर बात मत करो जब आप
छुट्टी पर हों
To foot the bill खर्च उठाना। You have to foot the bill
I came to meet you after all.
I came to meet you after all.
To blow hard; to talk proudly बड़ी बड़ी बाते करना:
Come on! you are our boss for a few days, you
don't need to blow hard.आ जाओ! आप कुछ दिनों के
लिए हमारे मालिक हैं, आपको कड़ी मेहनत करने की
आवश्यकता नहीं है।
Come on! you are our boss for a few days, you
don't need to blow hard.आ जाओ! आप कुछ दिनों के
लिए हमारे मालिक हैं, आपको कड़ी मेहनत करने की
आवश्यकता नहीं है।
To give somebody long rope ज्यादा छूट देना:
People take you for granted if you give them
long rope.
People take you for granted if you give them
long rope.
apple of one's eye आँखों का तारा होना, बहुत प्यारा
होना, All children were special but the youngest
was the apple of his father’s eye.
होना, All children were special but the youngest
was the apple of his father’s eye.
in the blink of an eye (इन द ब्लिंक ऑफ़ ऐन आई) यानी
फ़ौरन, तुरंत, पलक झपकते ही, जैसे She came and in the
blink of an eye she was gone. इसके लिए एक और
मुहावरा है in the twinkling of an eye.
फ़ौरन, तुरंत, पलक झपकते ही, जैसे She came and in the
blink of an eye she was gone. इसके लिए एक और
मुहावरा है in the twinkling of an eye.
keep an eye on something/someone (कीप ऐन आई ऑन
समथिंग, समवन) यानी निगरानी करना, नज़र रखना वग़ैरह
जैसे The umpires kept an eye over the activities of the
players in the field to ensure a healthy atmosphere
समथिंग, समवन) यानी निगरानी करना, नज़र रखना वग़ैरह
जैसे The umpires kept an eye over the activities of the
players in the field to ensure a healthy atmosphere
to turn a blind eye (टू टर्न ए ब्लाईंड आई) जान-बूझ कर नज़रअंदाज़
करना, अनदेखी करना, आँखें बंद कर लेना, ध्यान न देना Shanti tried
to turn a blind eye to the abusive nature of her son.
करना, अनदेखी करना, आँखें बंद कर लेना, ध्यान न देना Shanti tried
to turn a blind eye to the abusive nature of her son.
to see eye to eye (टू सी आई टू आई) यानी एक ही नज़र से देखना,
एक ही प्रकार सोचना, It is good for the team that the captain
and the management see eye to eye while making a team selection.
एक ही प्रकार सोचना, It is good for the team that the captain
and the management see eye to eye while making a team selection.
to pull the wool over someone's eyes (टू पुल द वूल ओवर समवन्स आईज़)
यानी धोखा देना, आंखों पर पट्टी बांधना, जैस- It is a normal practice in the
partnership business that one of them pull the wool over the
other’s eyes.
यानी धोखा देना, आंखों पर पट्टी बांधना, जैस- It is a normal practice in the
partnership business that one of them pull the wool over the
other’s eyes.
to open someone's eyes (टू ओपेन समवन्स आईज़) यानी आँखें खोल देना,
सच्चाई से सामना करा देना जैसे- The loss in the match was enough to
open the eyes of the Australian captain and players.
सच्चाई से सामना करा देना जैसे- The loss in the match was enough to
open the eyes of the Australian captain and players.