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Delhi is our capital. Was Delhi always important from ages or capital of this
subcontinent ? Let's find out.
दिल्ली हमारी राजधानी है। क्या दिल्ली हमेशा इस उपमहाद्वीप की सदियों से या राजधानियों में महत्वपूर्ण
थी? चलो पता करते हैं।
Delhi Sultanate begins from 13 th century, where five dynasties made Delhi sultanate.
Before, Delhi first became the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs, who were defeated in the middle of the twelfth century by the Chauhans (also referred to as Chahamanas) of Ajmer. It was under the Tomaras and Chauhans that Delhi became an important commercial centre. Many rich Jaina merchants lived in the city and constructed several temples. Coins were made , called dehliwal.
The Delhi Sultans built many cities in the area that we now know as Delhi like - Dehli-i
Kuhna, Siri(shiri fort) Jahanpanah( jahanpanah forest),Tughlakabad and Firuz shah Kotla.
दिल्ली के सुल्तानों ने उस क्षेत्र में कई शहरों का निर्माण किया जिसे अब हम दिल्ली के नाम से जानते हैं जैसे -
देहली-ए कुहना, सिरी, जहानपनाह, तुगलकाबाद और फिरोज शाह कोटला।
Finding Out about the Delhi Sultans
At the times of Delhi sultanate, the official language was persian. Inscriptions, coins and
architecture provide a lot of information written in this language.
दिल्ली सल्तनत के समय राजभाषा फारसी थी। शिलालेख, सिक्के और वास्तुकला इस भाषा में लिखी गई बहुत
सारी जानकारी प्रदान करते हैं।
In 1236, Raziyya became the sultan of Delhi, but she didn't rule for long due to his father.
From Garrison Town to Empire: The Expansion of the Delhi Sultanate
गैरीसन टाउन से साम्राज्य तक: दिल्ली सल्तनत का विस्तार
Earlier sultanates of Delhi rarely controlled and acquired land at the outskirts of Delhi, due to
limited resources. therefore dependent upon trade, tribute or plunder for supplies.
Controlling garrison towns in distant Bengal and Sind from Delhi was extremely difficult.
Rebellion, war, even bad weather could snap fragile communication routes.
Delhi’s authority was also challenged by Mongol invasions from Afghanistan and by
governors who rebelled at any sign of the Sultan’s weakness. The Sultanate barely survived
these challenges. Its consolidation occurred during the reign of Ghiyasuddin Balban and further expansion under Alauddin Khalji and Muhammad Tughluq.
दिल्ली के अधिकार को अफगानिस्तान से मंगोल आक्रमणों और सुल्तान की कमजोरी के संकेत पर विद्रोह
करने वाले राज्यपालों द्वारा भी चुनौती दी गई थी। सल्तनत मुश्किल से इन चुनौतियों से बच पाई। इसका
सुदृढ़ीकरण गयासुद्दीन बलबन के शासनकाल और अलाउद्दीन खिलजी और मुहम्मद तुगलक के अधीन आगे
विस्तार के दौरान हुआ।
Phases of expansion:
Phase 1: Initially internal frontiers of the sultanate take control and consolidate the
hinterland( it is the area outside of their rules area or line) of their Garrison Towns
(Garrison town are called for any town that has a military base nearby) .
For this , they cleared the forest in the Ganga-Yamuna doab.
They gathered all hunters for their area safety and expelled all forest dwellers or
pastoralists(The definition of a pastoralist is a person who herds livestock , often as a
nomadic wanderer without a set farm area.
An example of a pastoralist is the one who herds sheep as a nomadic herder).
They gave these lands to peasants and encouraged agriculture. New fortresses and
garrison towns were established to protect trade routes and to promote regional trade.
उन्होंने इन जमीनों को किसानों को दे दिया और कृषि को प्रोत्साहित किया। व्यापार मार्गों की रक्षा और क्षेत्रीय
व्यापार को बढ़ावा देने के लिए नए किले और गैरीसन कस्बों की स्थापना की गई।
Phase 2: Now in second phase , external armies of Alauddin Khalji culminated with
Muhammad Tughluq marched toward southern region of subcontinent.
In their campaigns, Sultanate armies captured elephants, horses and slaves and carried
away precious metals.
चरण 2: अब दूसरे चरण में, अलाउद्दीन खिलजी की बाहरी सेनाएं मुहम्मद तुगलक के साथ उपमहाद्वीप के
दक्षिणी क्षेत्र की ओर बढ़ीं।
अपने अभियानों में, सल्तनत सेनाओं ने हाथियों, घोड़ों और दासों को पकड़ लिया और कीमती धातुओं को ले
Phase 3: At the end of of Muhammad Tughluq’s reign, 150 years, his army marched very
large part of Indian subcontinent, they captured various new cities and fought wars.The
Sultanate collected taxes from the peasantry and dispensed justice in its realm.
A Closer Look: Administration and Consolidation under the Khaljis and Tughlaqs.
एक नज़दीकी नज़र: खिलजी और तुगलक के अधीन प्रशासन और चकबंदी |
Now to run these kingdoms and consolidations, rulers required reliable governors and
administrators. Rather than appointing aristocrats and landed chieftains as governors, the
early Delhi Sultans, especially Iltutmish, favoured their special slaves purchased for military
service, called bandagan in Persia, to govern or administer these areas.
इन क्षेत्रों पर शासन या प्रशासन करने के लिए।
The Khaljis and Tughluqs continued to use bandagan and trained them very well and
assigned them very important and high positions in their political offices.
खिलजी और तुगलक ने बंदगान का इस्तेमाल जारी रखा और उन्हें बहुत अच्छी तरह से प्रशिक्षित किया और
उन्हें अपने राजनीतिक कार्यालयों में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण और उच्च पद सौंपे।
This accession of a new monarch often saw conflict between the old and the new nobility.
Twarikh and elite class people often criticise this system because they appoint low and base
त्वरिख और कुलीन वर्ग के लोग अक्सर इस व्यवस्था की आलोचना करते हैं क्योंकि वे निम्न और आधार पैदा
करने वाले को नियुक्त करते हैं |
The Khalji and Tughluq monarchs appointed military commanders as governors of territories
of varying sizes.
These commanders were called iqatar and the land holding or area they cover, were used to
say iqta or muqtis.
The duties of iqtar or muqtis was to maintain law and order as per their rules set by the ruler.
In return for their services iqtar or muqtis needs to collect taxes from their areas plus they
need to give salaries to soldiers.
खिलजी और तुगलक सम्राटों ने सैन्य कमांडरों को अलग-अलग आकार के क्षेत्रों के राज्यपालों के रूप में
नियुक्त किया।
Workig conditions were very harsh and strict during reigns of Alauddin Khalji and
Muhammad Tughluq.
An accountant was appointed to monitor the finances of iqtas .
There were three types of taxes: (1) on cultivation called kharaj and amounting to about 50 per cent of the peasant’s produce, (2) on cattle and (3) on houses.
अलाउद्दीन खिलजी और मुहम्मद तुगलक के शासनकाल के दौरान काम करने की स्थिति बहुत कठोर और
सख्त थी।
इक्ता के वित्त की निगरानी के लिए एक मुनीम नियुक्त किया जाता था |
तीन प्रकार के कर थे: (१) खराज नामक खेती पर और किसानों की उपज का लगभग ५० प्रतिशत, (२) मवेशियों
पर और (३) घरों पर।
Still most areas of the subcontinent were very difficult to control from Delhi for these sultans,
like bengal from delhi,so it became independent,
. Sometimes rulers like Alauddin Khalji and Muhammad Tughluq could force their control in
these areas but only for a short duration.
कभी-कभी अलाउद्दीन खिलजी और मुहम्मद तुगलक जैसे शासक इन क्षेत्रों में अपना नियंत्रण स्थापित कर
सकते थे लेकिन केवल थोड़े समय के लिए।
During the reign of Alauddin Khalji and in the early years of Muhammad Tughluq’s rule,
Genghis Khan invaded Transoxiana in north-east Iran in 1219 and the Delhi Sultanate and
these attacks were increased during their regin period. This forced them to mobilise a large
standing army in Delhi which posed a huge administrative challenge.
Muhammad Tughluq’s first time in history try to invade Mongol territory. Unlike Alauddin’s
defensive measures, Muhammad Tughluq military offensive against the Mongols.
मुहम्मद तुगलक ने इतिहास में पहली बार मंगोल क्षेत्र पर आक्रमण करने का प्रयास किया। अलाउद्दीन के
रक्षात्मक उपायों के विपरीत, मुहम्मद तुगलक ने मंगोलों के खिलाफ सैन्य आक्रमण किया।
The Sultanate in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
During the 15th century new states established in this period were small but powerful and
extremely well administered.
15 वीं शताब्दी के दौरान इस अवधि में स्थापित नए राज्य छोटे लेकिन शक्तिशाली और बहुत अच्छी तरह से
प्रशासित थे |
By then Jaunpur , Bengal , Malwa , Gujrat , Rajasthan and entire south india had
independent rulers who established flourishing states and prosperous capital.
After the Tughlaqs, the Sayyid and Lodhi dynasties ruled from Delhi and Agra until 1526.
तुगलक के बाद, सैय्यद और लोधी राजवंशों ने 1526 तक दिल्ली और आगरा पर शासन किया।
Then mughal (babar , himayun) captured and ruled till 1540
until they were defeated by sher shah suri.
फिर मुगल (बाबर, हिमायूं) ने कब्जा कर लिया और 1540 . तक शासन किया , जब तक वे शेरशाह सूरी से
हार नहीं गए।
Sher Shah captured Delhi and established his own dynasty, but he ruled Delhi only for 15
After Sher shah suri death , again delhi ruled by mughal (this time Akbar (1556 -1605))
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