Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Vedic Maths - Speed Trick , Square of 3 digit number - speed trick Square of 2 digit number - speed trick Square of number 200 , 300 , 400 - speed trick Square of number near 1000 - speed trick Square of number with unit digit 5 - speed trick Square of number repeating digit- speed trick Square of special cases - multiple of 3 (66666) , 9999 Square root short tricks Square root of non perfect number Cube short tricks Cube root shorbbbanaen Multiply short trick Multiply short trick by 1111 Tricks to find digit sum quickly


Vedic Maths / Speed Trick

Square of 3 digit number - speed trick

Square of 2 digit number - speed trick

Square of number 200 , 300 , 400 - speed trick

Square of number near 1000 - speed trick

Square of number with unit digit 5 - speed trick

Square of number repeating digit- speed trick

Square of special cases  - multiple of 3

(66666) , 9999

Square root short tricks

Square root of non perfect number

Cube short tricks

Cube root shorbbbanaen

Multiply short trick

Multiply short trick by 1111

Tricks to find digit sum quickly

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Short Trick For Disease's




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 भारत में कोपेन के अनुसार जलवायु प्रदेश 

अभयारण्य भारतीय नक्शे 

भारतीय जलवायु तथ्य नक्शा

 वन क्षेत्र संकेत भारतीय नक्शा 

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भारतीय वनस्पतियों का वर्गीकरण

 कोपेन का जलवायु वर्गीकरण 

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 महासागरीय  राशियां

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  शीत ऋतु

  ग्रीष्म ऋतु

  वर्षा ऋतु  

अरब सागर की शाखा 

 मृदा का वर्गीकरण 


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