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To put a spoke in one's wheel
[SSC CGL (Tier - 2) - 2016]
1) To be advantageous at the time of difficulty
2) To maintain under all circumstances
3) To blame the other party
4) To put a difficulty in the way of progress
Correct Answer: To put a difficulty in the way of progress
[Hindi Meaning]:प्रगति के रास्ते में कठिनाई डालना
It will really put a spoke in our wheelif the board decides not to increase our funding for this project.
यह बहुत बड़ी रुकावट होगी अगर board ने हमारे project की funding को increase नहीं करने का decide कर लिया
At loggerheads
1) To suffer
2) In conflict with someone
3) To face tough competition
4) To be in do or die situation
Correct Answer: In conflict with someone
They are at loggerheads over to lead the party.
party को lead करने के लिए ये अभी विवादों में है
SSC CGL (Tier - 2) Online Re-exam Paper - 2016 "held on 12 January 2017" Evening Shift (English Language & Comprehension)
From stem to stern
1) all the way from the front of a ship to the back.
2) from the beginning to the end.
3) top of a plant to its roots.
4) loose pleasantness to become strict.
Correct Answer: all the way from the front of a ship to the back.
A report said the ship was ablaze from stem to stern.
रिपोर्टर ने कहा ship पूरी तरहे फ्रेंट से बैक तक जल रही है
Over egg the pudding
1) add unnecessary details to make something seem better or worse.
2) fill the pudding excessively with egg.
3) add details in order to make something more exciting.
4) add important details to the content of a story.
Correct Answer: add unnecessary details to make something seem better or worse.
If you’re telling lies, keep it simple —never over-egg the pudding.
अगर तुम झूठ बोलते हो तो उसे साधारण रखो जादा इसे उलझना नहीं चाहिए
Turn over a new leaf
1) change ones behaviour for the better.
2) read between the pages of a book.
3) do a somersault
4) do a new job.
Correct Answer: change ones behaviour for the better.
Couple has agreed to turn over a new leaf in their relations with each other.
ये Couple अपने बिहेवियर में बदलाव लाने के लिए agree हो गये है अपने relation में बेहतर बदलाव के लिए
Take up the hatchet
1) behave formally
2) pursue a chance
3) be caught in a trap
4) prepare for or go to war
Correct Answer: prepare for or go to war
He induced the tribes to take up the hatchet against the English
At loose ends
1) tie two loose ends of a thread
2) keep options open
3) in an uncertain situation
4) repay debts
Correct Answer: in an uncertain situation
Heena's been at loose ends since she lost her job, so I hope she finds another one soon.
Heena की स्थिति सही नहीं है जब से उसकी job छूटी है में उम्मीद करती हूँ की वो जल्द ही दूसरी job ढूंढ पायेगी
With might and main
1) with full risks
2) with full force
3) having full confidence
4) with full blessings
Correct Answer: with full force
She attacked that punching bag with might and main.
उसने punching bag को Full force में Attacke किया
Ruffle somebody's feather
1) gamble
2) escape responsibility
3) annoy somebody
4) show contempt for
Correct Answer: annoy somebody or to cause someone to be upset:
Principle ruffled a few feathers when he suggested cutting the teachers' salaries.
Principle ने कुछ लोगो को निराश कर दिया जब उन्होंने टीचरों की salary काटने suggestion का दिया
Cut short
1) delete
2) praise
3) interrupt
4) slice into small pieces
Correct Answer: interrupt
We had to cut short our vacation
हमे अपनी Vacation रोकनी पड़ेगी
Bad blood
1) war
2) ill feeling
3) threatening attitude
4) in an infected state of being
Correct Answer: ill feeling or unfriendly
There has been bad blood between Buddhists and Muslims in Burma for many years.
बुद्ध और मुस्लिमों के बीच बर्मा में कई वर्षो से एक - दूसरे के प्रति नफरत है
A laughing stock
1) an object of laughter
2) a storehouse of jokes
3) an object of desire
4) a stock of high value
Correct Answer: an object of laughter or figure of fun
The team has become the laughing stock of the league.
प्रतियोगिता में यह टीम laughing का कारण बन गई थी
SSC CGL (Tier - 2) Online Exam Paper - 2016 "held on 01 December 2016" Evening Shift (English Language & Comprehension)
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Make one's mark
1) distinguish oneself
2) score high marks
3) highlight something in a page
4) reveal something
Correct Answer: distinguish oneself
‘it took four years of struggle before we managed to make our mark’
हमे पूरे चार साल का struggle करना पड़ा अपनी पहचान बनाने में
Throw in the towel
1) fight with vigour
2) acknowledge defeat
3) get success
4) concentrate more
Correct Answer: acknowledge defeat or to admit defeat
Three of the original five candidates for the presidential nomination have now thrown in the towel.
5 में से 3 प्रत्याशियों ने presidential nomination में अपनी हार स्वीकार कर ली
Mare's nest
1) phenomenal discovery
2) worthless thing
3) joyful event
4) huge mistake
Correct Answer: worthless thing or A difficult, complicated, or confusing situation.
He had made up his mind that the whole plan was nothing more or less than a mare's nest.
उसने अपना मन बना लिया कि पूरा प्लान कुछ भी नहीं है सिर्फ एक complicated situation के अलावा
A storm in a teacup
1) steam while having tea
2) something which encourages
3) big fuss over a small matter
4) special positions
Correct Answer: big fuss over a small matter
The fight that Ryan and Rosie had wasn't anything serious, just a storm in a teacup.
Ryan और Rosie की fight serious नहीं थी सिर्फ छोटी -2 बातों को लेके एक बड़ी बात थी
1) inferior
2) of noble birth
3) of unknown origin
4) unhealthy
Correct Answer: of noble birth or descent from nobility
She often tells friends that she has blue blood flowing through her veins.
वो अपने friends को हमेसा बताती है की राहिश घराने का खून उसकी रगों में दौड़ता है
Do a roaring trade
1) in the animal business
2) highly successful
3) in the habit of shouting at others
4) extermely reluctant
Correct Answer: highly successful or to sell a lot of goods very quickly
It was a hot sunny day and the ice cream sellers were doing a roaring trade.
वो बहुत गर्म दिन था और ice-cream वाला अपनी खूब sale कर रहा था
Keep body and soul together
1) maintain his health
2) continue with his work
3) to have just enough to sustain
4) be physical and spiritual
Correct Answer: to have just enough to sustain
When he first came to the city, he earned barely enough to keep body and soul together.
जब वह पहली बार शहर में आया उसके पास शहर में survive करने के लिए बहुत कम या न मात्र के बराबर साधन था
1) smoky place
2) marsh land
3) unreal imagining
4) rumour whispered by many
Correct Answer: unreal imagining or something that is impossible to get or achieve:
Full employment is the will-o'-the-wisp that politicians have been chasing for decades.
Full employment को Acieve करना imposible है जिसे politicians सालो से Acieve करने की कोशिश कर रहे है
Cloak- and - dagger
1) an armoured suit
2) a game of martial skill
3) an activity that involves mystery and secrecy
4) a wide coat without sleeves and a small sword
Correct Answer: an activity that involves mystery and secrecy
She was released from prison in a cloak-and-dagger operation
उसे बड़े गुप्त तरीके से जेल से बाहर निकाला गया
Palm off
1) clearly visible
2) uneasy with something
3) to dispose off with the intent to deceive
4) conceal
Correct Answer: to dispose off with the intent to deceive
Or to pass off by trickery
The producer tried to palm off her as a star .
producer उसे star बनने से दबा रहा था
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SSC CGL (Tier - 2) Online Exam Paper - 2016 "held on 30 November 2016" Evening Shift (English Language & Comprehension)
Take the bull by the horns
1) crush something with a heavy hand
2) grapple the situation courageously
3) close your eyes and attack the bull
4) take defensive measures to deal with a crisis.
Correct Answer: grapple the situation courageously
The Police will have to take the bull by the horns and tackle the riots.
Police को हिम्मत के साथ situation को handle करना होगा ताकि दंगो को control कर सके
A gentleman at large
1) a man in the crowd
2) a man without a job
3) a man who runs around
4) a man who is generous
Correct Answer: a man without a job
He is a gentleman at large, you must not trust him.
इसके पास Job नहीं है इसलिए इसपे आप trust मत करो
Lose face
1) become embarrassed.
2) feel angry
3) get injured
4) feel surprised
Correct Answer: become embarrassed.
Tina lost face when her assistant was promoted and became her boss
Tina निराश हो गई जब उसकी assistant का promotion हो गया और वो उसकी Boss बन गई
Build castles in the air
1) work tirelessly
2) fly
3) dream
4) film something
Correct Answer: dream or thinking of some impossible task
Don't build castles in the air, just and find some work to earn money
हवा में सपने बुनने की जरुरत नहीं कुछ काम ढूँढो जिससे पैसे कमा सको
Fall back on
1) retreat
2) overtaken
3) suffer an accident
4) resort to something
Correct Answer: resort to something or To depend on someone or something that one has kept in reserve
If you run out of cash, you can fall back on your savings in the bank.
अगर तुम्हरा cash खतम हो गया तब तुम पूरे Bank saving में Depend हो जाओगे
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Go to rack and ruin
1) a state of utter chaos
2) a state of despair
3) a condition of exhilaration
4) get into a bad condition
Correct Answer: get into a bad condition
That lovely oldhouse on the corner is going to go to rack and ruin.
वो lovely house जो corner में है वो Bad condition में जा रहा है
Bite the dust
1) eat poorly
2) suffer a defeat
3) clean something
4) attack and defeat somebody
Correct Answer: suffer a defeat or die
The police officer is not going to bite the dust so easily. She has seen many such goons in his career
यह Police officer आसानी से नहीं हारेगी उसने ऐसे गुंडे कई बार अपने Career में देखे है
Have a chip on one's shoulder
1) nurse a grudge
2) feel physically tall
3) suffer an ailment
4) carry a burden
Correct Answer: nurse a grudge or holding some form of anger – in his or her mind
He has a chip on his shoulder for not being invited to the party.
वो अपने दिमाग में कुछ नफ़रत लिए हुए है क्योंकि उसे Party में न बुलाने की बजह से
The seamy side
1) on the right side
2) unpleasant aspect
3) visible aspects
4) on the left side of something
Correct Answer: unpleasant aspect or most unpleasant or roughest aspect of life.
The Seamy Side of History.
इतिहास का सबसे दर्दनाक पल है
Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians.
1) a proud gathering
2) an inefficient situation
3) an anti-national meeting
4) a top-level meeting
Correct Answer: an inefficient situation
Everyone wants to be thebrains of this project, but there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians!
सभी इस project का master mined बनना चाहते है लेकिन इनमे से बहुत कम ही काबलियत रखते है
…………. …………………….
SSC CGL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2016 "held on 31 August 2016" Morning Shift (English Comprehension)
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Once in a blue moon
1) Very rarely
2) Common
3) Predictable
4) Ordinary
Correct Answer: Very rarely
We only see our daughter once in a blue moon
हम अपनी बेटी से बहुत कम ही मिल पाते है
Fish out of water
1) Dehydrated
2) Comfortable position
3) An uncomfortable position
4) Fish in an aquarium
Correct Answer: An uncomfortable position
“When I first entered to the college , it was like a fish out of water.”
जब में पहली बार college में गया तब में काफी uncomfortable हुआ
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