SINCE(जब से, तब से)
Since- जब since का प्रयोग तब से(Till than ) के अर्थ में होता है तो इसके पहले present perfect tense तथा बाद में past indefinite tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है|
Ex- He has not consulted ( मतलब / संपर्क) me since his father died. / no error
Correct sent- no error
Reason- जब since का प्रयोग तब से(Till than ) के अर्थ में होता है तो इसके पहले present perfect tense तथा बाद में past indefinite tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है|
Ex- He has not called me since he migrated to Australia/ no error
Correct sent- He has not called me since he had migrated to Australia/ no error
Reason- जब since का प्रयोग तब से(Till than ) के अर्थ में होता है तो इसके पहले present perfect tense तथा बाद में past indefinite tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है|
Ex- Ten years have passed ------ I saw him last.
(a)when (b) while (c)as (d) since✓
Reason - जब since का प्रयोग तब से(Till than ) के अर्थ में होता है तो इसके पहले present perfect tense तथा बाद में past indefinite tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है|
Ex- Many things/ incidents have happened since Modi ji became the pm of India . / no error
Correct sent- no error
Reason- जब since का प्रयोग तब से(Till than ) के अर्थ में होता है तो इसके पहले present perfect tense तथा बाद में past indefinite tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है|
NOTE- since का use निम्न प्रकार से भी किया जाता है|
It is + period of time + since + past indefinite tense
Ex- It is ten years since the government has passed this bill./no error
Correct sent- It is ten years since the government passed this bill./no error
Reason- इस प्रकार के sentences में निम्न प्रकार का structure-It is + period of time + since + past indefinite tense ,follow करना पड़ेगा|
Ex- It is three months since I met him./no error
Correct sent- no error
Reason- इस प्रकार के sentences में निम्न प्रकार का structure-It is + period of time + since + past indefinite tense ,follow करना पड़ेगा|
■ Rule- Conjunction as,since, because,for etc से कारण तथा so,so that, therefore, consequently,hence,in order that(परिणाम स्वरुप )etc से परिणाम तथा उद्देश्य की अभिव्यक्ति होती है|
Ex- ------- he was seriously ill , he could not preside over the meeting/ no error
(a)since✓ (b) therefore (c)so that (d) so
Correct sent- since he was seriously ill , he could not preside over the meeting/ no error
Reason - since से कारण की अभिव्यक्ति होती है|
Ex- He could not mark his presence ------ he was late./ no error
(a) therefore (b) because✓ (c)so (d) that
Correct sent- He could not mark his presence because he was late./ no error
Reason- because से कारण की अभिव्यक्ति होती है|
Ex- He worked hard ------- he could hit the target /no error
(a)as (b) that (c) because (d)so that✓
Correct sent-
Ex- He worked hard so that he could hit the target /no error
reason- so that से परिणाम तथा उद्देश्य की अभिव्यक्ति होती है|
Ex- we could not make the through search of her house -------- no trace of her could be found./no error
(a) because (b) therefore✓ (c)since (d) and
Correct sent- we could not make the through search of her house therefore no trace of her could be found./no error
Reason- therefore से परिणाम तथा उद्देश्य की अभिव्यक्ति होती है|
Ex- He insisted on regular practice ,------ he is perfectionist./no error
(a)as ✓ (b) but ( c) therefore (d) when
Correct sent- He insisted on regular practice ,as he is perfectionist./no error
Reason- as से कारण की अभिव्यक्ति होती है|
Note- यदि sentences में कारण दिखाने वाले शब्द as,since, because, का use हो तो परिणाम दिखाने वाले शब्दों so, so that, thereforeआदि का use नहीं किया जाता है|
Ex- As he was very careless so that he was dismissed from the job / no error
Correct sent- As he was very careless he was dismissed from the job / no error
Reason- यदि sentences में कारण दिखाने वाले शब्द as,since, because, का use हो तो परिणाम दिखाने वाले शब्दों so, so that, thereforeआदि का use नहीं किया जाता है|
Ex- Since it was very cold that day therefore we could not go for a wolk /no error
Correct sent- Since it was very cold that day we could not go for a wolk /no error
Reason- यदि sentences में कारण दिखाने वाले शब्द as,since, because, का use हो तो परिणाम दिखाने वाले शब्दों so, so that, thereforeआदि का use नहीं किया जाता है|
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