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Showing posts with label best explained. Show all posts

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Lest - should structure, lest - should uses , in hindi , best explained

LEST   vs Should   ( lest , should uses)

(कहीं ऐसा ना हो -------------------------कि)

( Will,Can,May का use नहीं होता है तथा Lest के साथ हमेशा Should का use होता है)

Ex- Walk carefully lest you will fall down.

Correct sen- Walk carefully lest you should  fall down.

Reason- Lest के साथ हमेशा Should का use होता है|

Ex- Run fast lest you should not miss the bus.

Correct sen- Run fast lest you should miss  the bus.

Reason- lest-------should के clause में not का use नहीं होता है|

Ex- This medicine take ,daily lest you shall  fall ill again.

Correct sen- This medicine take ,daily lest you should fall ill again.

Reason- lest-------should के clause में not का use नहीं होता है|

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अगर आप इंग्लिश सीखना चाहते हैं तो आप इस लिंक को देखें 

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भारतीय जलवायु तथ्य नक्शा

 वन क्षेत्र संकेत भारतीय नक्शा 

भारतीय प्रमुख अपवाह तंत्र नक्शा


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Rivers of india , tributories , gangatic plain , deccan river , ganga , yamuna brahmaputra , godavri , kaveri ,  भारत की सभी मुख्य नदियां और उनकी सहायक  नदियां


भारतीय वनस्पतियों का वर्गीकरण

 कोपेन का जलवायु वर्गीकरण 

 कोपेन का जलवायु वर्गीकरण का आधार

 महासागरीय  राशियां

अरब सागर की शाखा 

 मृदा का वर्गीकरण  कृषि


Ocean notes PDF महासागर प्रशांत महासागर प्रशांत महासागर के तथ्य अटलांटिक महासागर हिंद महासागर आर्कटिक महासागर दक्षिण महासागर

May vs might , difference , best explained , grammar

May and might

■ 1 MAY and might both uses for possibility

   But what the differences ?

May uses for higher possibility.
Might uses for very less possibility.
Let's understand by example:

   100% is assurance

        ● For 70%-80% chances          
         We use May(positive sense)

        ● 30%-20%,chances
           We use Might (negative sense)

Another examples:

■ She May come to party.

 Meaning- chances are more or strong possibility that she will come to party.

■ She Might come to party.

Meaning- there is very less chance or weak possibility that she will come to party.

2- we use May with questions when we want to request or to take permission in very formal way.

Example- ● May I come in Madam?
                  ●   may I serve coffee sir?


■  While we use Might for asking possibilities questions?

Example- Might they change their minds for exams?

3- we use ‘not’ with May or might to say that it is possible that something is not true.

Example- there are plan to renovate this building, but it may not/might not happen for 2 years.

 Meaning- there is possibility renovation will not start for another 2 years.

4-  A

we use may/might + have+ past participle to say the possibility that something has Happened in the past.

Example- I thought shyrea was a good teacher but it may/might have been wrong.

4- B.  We also use this same sentence structure to say something will happened by the time.

Example- By the next month, construction of my flat may/might have completed.  

■ 5- we use may/might be+ing to say it is possible that something is happening now or to tell future arrangements

    ●  priya doesn't come to class, she might/may be busy in her theatre workshop.

     ●   : when, I’LL go to pondicherry. I may/might be stay on back water’s hotel.

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अगर आप इंग्लिश सीखना चाहते हैं तो आप इस लिंक को देखें 

Learn English With Delhi Mam


500-gk science question pdf notes


Modern Physics Notes , hand written notes


Grammer PDF , Active and passive voice notes PDF Tenses notes Reporting verb Aderb Helping verb Conjunction Preposition Indefinite words


Vedic Maths / Speed Trick

Square of 3 digit number  , Square of 2 digit number ,

Square of number 200 , 300 , 400  , Square of number near 1000 -Square of number with unit digit 5 , Square of number repeating digit-



Short Trick For Disease's




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Mahatma gandhi PDF notes महात्मा गांधी PDF नोट्स


भारतीय जलवायु तथ्य नक्शा

 वन क्षेत्र संकेत भारतीय नक्शा 

भारतीय प्रमुख अपवाह तंत्र नक्शा


Vitamins,  विटामिन, Water Soluble  , Fat Soluble  , ssc , railway exams , upsi , goverment exams


Rivers of india , tributories , gangatic plain , deccan river , ganga , yamuna brahmaputra , godavri , kaveri ,  भारत की सभी मुख्य नदियां और उनकी सहायक  नदियां


भारतीय वनस्पतियों का वर्गीकरण

 कोपेन का जलवायु वर्गीकरण 

 कोपेन का जलवायु वर्गीकरण का आधार

 महासागरीय  राशियां

अरब सागर की शाखा 

 मृदा का वर्गीकरण  कृषि


Ocean notes PDF महासागर प्रशांत महासागर प्रशांत महासागर के तथ्य अटलांटिक महासागर हिंद महासागर आर्कटिक महासागर दक्षिण महासागर

Sentence , types of sentence , best explained , Declarative or assertive -2. Interrogative-Imperative-Exclamatory-example

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A sentence is a group of words which are meaningfully arrange.
Example: Delhi is capital of India.
   □    Now in this sentence we are seeing 5 words which arranged in proper manner to give meaning.
   □ Similarly,  A word is group of alphabets which are arranged in such manner, which is giving a particular meaning and pronunciation.
please support our efforts, scan to pay/कृपया हमारे प्रयासों का समर्थन करें, भुगतान करने के लिए स्कैन करें|

Types of Sentences:
Sentences are also fall in different types of categories because we use them in many ways on different occasions or settings or in conditions.
Here are the types sentences:
1.Declarative or assertive sentence- these kind of sentences can be recognised as a statement making sentences, same to its name declaring or asserting (a feeling of force) something. Very commonly used sentence. Subject comes before verb in this type of sentences.
Example: I like bananas very much.
     □ Meaning: speaker is declaring or asserting she/he likes bananas.
     □ Venna plays football every week.
2. Interrogative sentence:  These sentences are questions asking sentences, very easy to understand and always end up question mark. In this type of sentences verb come before subject.
   □ Do you go to gym daily?
    Here speaker asking question and sentence ends up with question mark(?)
    □    : Why are you waiting for him?
3. Imperative sentence: An imperative sentences are made up of commands, request, advice or instructions. These sentences are also called directive sentence because it's give direction what one need to do.
              □  Can I borrow pen from you?( request)
             □ : You have to present at meeting at 9’o clock in the Morning. (command)
             : □  tanya should do hard work to achieve desired result.(advice)
4. Exclamatory sentences:  These sentences are simple sentences like Declarative but with strong expression of emotions or feelings. Plus these always end up with exclamation mark(!). Exclamatory sentences mostly used in informal usage.
    □ It's amazing to have you here!
    □   What a lovely flower!( it is not asking question while expressing feeling.)
please support our efforts, scan to pay/कृपया हमारे प्रयासों का समर्थन करें, भुगतान करने के लिए स्कैन करें|

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