Monday, 8 April 2019

Pyrometer Thermometers , पायरोमीटर थर्मामीटर , explanation

Which  thermometers is known as pyrometer?

किस थर्मामीटर को पायरोमीटर के रूप में जाना जाता है?

Thermo-electric thermometers(थर्मो-इलेक्ट्रिक थर्मामीटर)

Radiation thermometers(विकिरण थर्मामीटर),

Gas thermometers(गैस थर्मामीटर) ,

Liquid thermometers(तरल थर्मामीटर)

Correct : "A pyrometer is a type of remote sensing thermometer used to measure the temperature of a surface. In the modern usage, it is a device that from a distance determines the temperature of a surface from the spectrum of the thermal radiation it emits, a process known as pyrometry.

एक पाइरोमीटर एक प्रकार का रिमोट सेंसिंग थर्मामीटर होता है जो सतह के तापमान को मापने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। आधुनिक उपयोग में, यह एक उपकरण है जो दूरी से थर्मल विकिरण के स्पेक्ट्रम से सतह का तापमान निर्धारित करता है, यह प्रक्रिया पायरोमेट्री के रूप में जानी जाती है।",.

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Sunday, 7 April 2019

Doctor - her , Doctor-his , correct use , example , male or female

RULE- Common gender जैसे कि teacher , player , student , worker etc के लिए he/she-- group का use किया जाता है|

Note -  यदि sentence से निश्चित रूप से female का बोध हो तो she group का use किया जाता है|

Example - A teacher should teach his subject well.

Correct Sentence : A teacher should teach her subject well.

Reason -  common gender के लिए he-- group का use किया जाता है|

Example - A doctor should always take care of her patient sincerely/no error

Correct Sent-  A doctor should always take care of his patient sincerely

Reason - common gender के लिए he-- group का use किया जाता है|

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Nounder Gender , masculine , feminine , common , neuter or neuteral , gender , examples


 GENDER-  A Noun which denotes sex is called gender.

IT HAS FOUR KINDS (यह चार प्रकार के होते हैं)

(1) MASCULINE GENDER(पुलिंग)- It denotes male sex .

Ex- boy , father , brother , uncle , horse , nephew , actor , etc.

(2) FEMININE GENDER(स्त्रीलिंग)- It denotes female sex .

Ex-  Girl , mother , sister , aunt , mare , niece , actress , etc.

(3) COMMON GENDER(उभयलिंग)- It denotes either sex.

Ex- Teacher, doctor, student,player, engineer etc.

Example : A teacher should teach his subject well.

Example :
A doctor should always take care of his patient sincerely

(4) NEUTER GENDER(नपुंसकलिंग)- It denotes non livings thing with life.

Ex-  three , car , pen , etc.

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three day’s leave vs leave of three days ,  A Mile's distance ,  A pound's weight , correct use , example

three day’s leave vs leave of  three days ,

correct use , example

Rule  - time , space , weight को denote करने वाले शब्द की possessive  Apostrophe ('s) लगाकर बनाई जाती है|

Example -  A day's leave
         Five day's program
         A Mile's distance
         A pound's weight

Question - He requested the principal / to grant him / a leave of three days / No error

    - He requested the principal  to grant him a three day’s leave  ( सही है )

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Friend of Mohan vs friend of Mohan's , the actor's vs the actor , the poet's vs the poet , correct use , example

Rule-  यदि sentence में (Case in Apposition)  का प्रयोग हो तो अंतिम शब्द में Apostrophe ('s)  लगाई जाती है

Example-   This is Amitabh , the actor house

  correct sentence     This is Amitabh ,  the actor's house

Example-  I have read tagore the poet's books

Correct Sentence :      I have read tagore the poet's books

Example- A friend of Mohan is not present
Correct Sentence:   A friend of Mohan's is not present

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Ram's and shyam's vs Ram and shyam's , Apostrophe , combind possessive , single possessive , difference , example , use

Ram's and shyam's vs Ram and shyam's
(combind possessive)  vs (separation possessive)

Rule - (A) यदि दो या दो से अधिक व्यक्तियों का संयुक्त अधिकार (combind possessive) को दिखाना हो तो अंतिम शब्द में ('s) लगाई जाती है|

RULE- (B) यदि अलग-अलग अधिकार (separation possessive) दिखाना हो तो Apostrophe ('s) प्रत्येक शब्द में लगाई जाती है|

Ram and shyam 's car (एक ही कार)

Ram's and shyam's car(अलग-अलग कार)

Example -  Ram's and shyam father has just come here to attend the ceremony / no error

Correct Sent-  Ram's and shyam's  father has just come here to attend the ceremony / no error

Reason - क्योंकि दोनों का एक ही father नहीं हो सकता

Example-   I have read Milton's and Shakespeare poetry many time / no error

Correct Sent-  I have read Milton's and Shakespeare’s poetry many time  / no error

Reason - यहां दोनों की अपनी-अपनी poetry  है

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Saturday, 6 April 2019

Commander-in-chief vs Commanders-in-chief , Vice- chancellor vs Vice- chancellors , singula or plural , correct usage , example

Commander-in-chief vs Commanders-in-chief , Vice- chancellor vs Vice- chancellors ,
singular or plural , correct use , example

RULE- COMPOUND NOUNS का PLURAL इन के मुख्य शब्द में S,ES लगाकर बनाई जाती है|  

Singular.                    Plural

Step-son                  step-sons

Step-daughter.       Step-daughters

Commander-in-chief.   Commanders-in-chief

Vice- chancellor.     Vice- chancellors

Example :  There were only three commander - in - chiefs in the last days meeting no error

Correct Sentence- There were /only three commanders-in-chief / in the last days / meeting

Reason - commander मुख Word है इसलिए commander में S लगेगा|

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