Sunday, 7 April 2019

Doctor - her , Doctor-his , correct use , example , male or female

RULE- Common gender जैसे कि teacher , player , student , worker etc के लिए he/she-- group का use किया जाता है|

Note -  यदि sentence से निश्चित रूप से female का बोध हो तो she group का use किया जाता है|

Example - A teacher should teach his subject well.

Correct Sentence : A teacher should teach her subject well.

Reason -  common gender के लिए he-- group का use किया जाता है|

Example - A doctor should always take care of her patient sincerely/no error

Correct Sent-  A doctor should always take care of his patient sincerely

Reason - common gender के लिए he-- group का use किया जाता है|

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