Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Will vs shall , will vs going to , : grammar best explained

Will and going to

Subject+Will/Going to +infinitive are commonly used to talk about the future.

Example: she will/going to appear for civil services exam.

(‘Going to’ is preferably used in spoke English while ‘Will’ is preferably in written English.)

We use will/going to with IF type sentence when we say that something is conditional on something else. It will happen if something else happens first.

Example: If this train leaves on time than only, it will/going to come back on time.

Meaning in this sentence, part after coma telling the result if first part of sentences become true.

☆■□ (while, we use ‘Will’ not ‘Going to’ when we describe a future event that follow another in IF type sentence. We can also use WHEN in place of IF both have same meaning.)

We use ‘Going to’ not will when we Predict something will happen in the future on some evidence we have now.

Example: It is getting cloudy. I think, it is going to be rain.

☆■□(however if we make prediction based on our opinion or our past experience we use WILL.)

When we talk about intentions or decisions about the future which we made earlier and now we are reporting them, so we use ‘Going to’ while for formal way it's prefer to use ‘Will’.


Student A- Who is going to perform dance next?

Student B-  Jatin going to perform next.(Pre-Planned + informal)

             What are planned?

             : The meeting will start at 10 am and tea will served at 10.30 am. (Planned formal)



We use Shall in place of will in sentence of future with I and We.
    ● I shall leave for lunch in afternoon with Ryan.

    ●: We shall go to tracking this weekend.

Those questions which are asked as offers. We use Shall

Shall, I call to room service for cleaning?

We also use Shall in questions that request confirmation or advice.

Example: Shall I book your movie ticket for tonight?

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 महासागरीय  राशियां

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Will , going to , shall हिंदी में , एक्सप्लेन

Will/Going to को हम commonly use  करते है Future के बारे में बताने के लिए

For Example

वो civil services exam के लिए appear होने जा रही है  हम Going to preferably spoken English में use करते है मतलब बोलने English  वाली में और Will लिखने वाली English में

Next rule

हम will/Going to  का use IF Type वाले Sentences में करते है जब एक condition किसी दूसरी condition पर निर्भर करती है जब तक वो वाली condition हो नहीं जाती तब तक दूसरी condition नहीं हो जाती है

For Example

अगर ये Train time से छूटती है तभी ये Train वापस time  पे आएगी अब यहां पर जो coma के बाद वाला sentence है it will/going to come back on time ये Dipend करता है coma के पहले वाले Sentence पे अगर Train time पे छूटेगी तब इसलिए It के साथ यहां पर will/Going to का use हुआ है और दूसरा sentence पहले वाले sentence पे पूरी तरह निर्भर है

Next rule

हम Will का प्रयोग वहॉ करते है न की Going to का  जब हमे Future event बताना हो या Discribe करना हो if  के साथ हम when का प्रयोग भी कर सकते है इसके साथ

For example

में park जभी जाउंगी जब वो मेरे साथ park में जायेगा अब यहाँ पर ये एक condition है अगर वो मेरे साथ park  जायेगा तभी में park जाउंगी इसलिए यहां पर when/if का प्रयोग किया गया है when/if का मतलब same होता है इसलिए हम यहां पर when की जगह if और if की जगह when का use कर सकते है

Next rule

हम Going to  का प्रयोग वहां भी करते है जब हमारे पास कोई evidence हो और हमें उसके Base पे Future का prediction करना हो या Future के बारे में भविष्यवाणी करनी हो यहाँ पर हम willका प्रयोग नहीं करते है

For example

बहुत ज्यादा बादल हो रहे है आकाश में मेरे को लगता है बारिश होने वाली है अब यहां पर जो clouds है वो एक तरह से evidence है कि हो सकता है आने वाले आधे घंटे में या कुछ समय में बारिश हो जाये तो एक तरह से prediction के लिए हमने यहाँ पर Going to का use  किया है न कि will का हालाँकि जब हम prediction अपने पास experience के Base पर करते है तब हम वहा पर will का प्रयोग करते है

Next rule

जब हमें कोई Future के बारे में decision लेना हो या intention बतानी हो जो हमने पहले ही Decide कर लिया है और अब हम उसे Report कर रहे हो तो हम Going to और will का प्रयोग करते है हालाकि Going to  का प्रयोग हम informal या Normal Base पर करते है और अगर हमे Formal Base के लिए Reporting करनी हो तो preffered ये है की हम will का प्रयोग करेे

For example

अगला dance performs किसका है Jatin का performs अगला है अब यहाँ पर ये Pre plan भी है और एक तरह से दो बच्चों के बीच में conversation भी हो रही है तो ये एक informal example  भी है

Another example

क्या प्लान था
Meeting जो है वो 10 बजे Start हो जायेंगी और हम चाय 10:30 बजे परोसे गए अब ये एक तरह से plan Activity है plus ये एकFormal Activity है क्योंकि यहाँ पर एक Boss अपने Employee से बात कर रहा है इसलिए  यहा Going to की जगह Will Use हुआ है

Shall का प्रयोग

Shall का प्रयोग हम Future Sentences में जब करते है जब वो Sentences Iओर We के साथ शुरू होते है

For example

में दोपहर में Lunch के लिए Ryan के साथ जाऊंगा

Another example

हम इस सप्ताह के अंत में Tracking पर जा सकते है

Shall का एक और Use देखते है

हम Shall का प्रयोग उन Questions में करते है जिन Questions में हमको Offers  के लिए पूछना होता है

For example

क्या में Room service को बुलाऊं सफाई करने के लिए अब यहाँ पर ये एक तरह से Offer दे रहा है कि क्या वो Room Service को बुलाये सफाई करने के लिए इसलिए यहां पर Shall का प्रयोग किया गया है

Next Shall का Use

हम Shallका प्रयोग उन Questions को पूछने में भी करते है जिनमे हम confirmation कि Request कर रहे होते है या फिर किसी से कोई Advice मांगना चाहते है

For example

क्या में तुम्हारे  लिए movie ticket बुक कर सकता हूँ आज रात के लिए अब यहां पर एक तरह से Offer या Request है इसलिये Shall का प्रयोग किया गया है

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Sentence , types of sentence , best explained , Declarative or assertive -2. Interrogative-Imperative-Exclamatory-example

please support our efforts, scan to pay/कृपया हमारे प्रयासों का समर्थन करें, भुगतान करने के लिए स्कैन करें|

A sentence is a group of words which are meaningfully arrange.
Example: Delhi is capital of India.
   □    Now in this sentence we are seeing 5 words which arranged in proper manner to give meaning.
   □ Similarly,  A word is group of alphabets which are arranged in such manner, which is giving a particular meaning and pronunciation.
please support our efforts, scan to pay/कृपया हमारे प्रयासों का समर्थन करें, भुगतान करने के लिए स्कैन करें|

Types of Sentences:
Sentences are also fall in different types of categories because we use them in many ways on different occasions or settings or in conditions.
Here are the types sentences:
1.Declarative or assertive sentence- these kind of sentences can be recognised as a statement making sentences, same to its name declaring or asserting (a feeling of force) something. Very commonly used sentence. Subject comes before verb in this type of sentences.
Example: I like bananas very much.
     □ Meaning: speaker is declaring or asserting she/he likes bananas.
     □ Venna plays football every week.
2. Interrogative sentence:  These sentences are questions asking sentences, very easy to understand and always end up question mark. In this type of sentences verb come before subject.
   □ Do you go to gym daily?
    Here speaker asking question and sentence ends up with question mark(?)
    □    : Why are you waiting for him?
3. Imperative sentence: An imperative sentences are made up of commands, request, advice or instructions. These sentences are also called directive sentence because it's give direction what one need to do.
              □  Can I borrow pen from you?( request)
             □ : You have to present at meeting at 9’o clock in the Morning. (command)
             : □  tanya should do hard work to achieve desired result.(advice)
4. Exclamatory sentences:  These sentences are simple sentences like Declarative but with strong expression of emotions or feelings. Plus these always end up with exclamation mark(!). Exclamatory sentences mostly used in informal usage.
    □ It's amazing to have you here!
    □   What a lovely flower!( it is not asking question while expressing feeling.)
please support our efforts, scan to pay/कृपया हमारे प्रयासों का समर्थन करें, भुगतान करने के लिए स्कैन करें|

Must vs have to , difference , detail

must  vs have  : difference

when we want to say that is Necessary or Compulsory to do something we use must or have to for present and future.

       ● you must/have to present at       meeting today.

       ●  To get first copy of this novel,  you have to present there before 5 A. M.

■  We also use Must / Have to / Has to, when it will be necessary for someone to do something in the future. ( we can also use ‘will have to’ for this)

     ■  you have to/must/will have to submit your project work by Friday.

Must ( use)

We normally use Must, not ‘have to’ when we give conclusions for something has happened or something is true.

Example:  All movie halls are house full for this movie. The movie must has bumper opening.

Must doesn't have any other forms than present tense hence no past form and past participle form. If we want to tell something was necessary or Compulsory in past we use ‘had to’ instead of must.

Example: seema didn't reach airport. She had to leave early.

Have to/ has to

We use have to/ has to if someone else or some outside circumstances or authority makes something necessary but not known or internal. While ‘Must’ is use when the speaker her/him self decide it is necessary.


● I have to go to regional   office because area head called me.

(  Above is an external pressure ,  as it was called by area head)

● I must go to regional office because I want to meet area head.( Self decision)

■ .  We use adverbs such as always, never, normally, rarely, sometimes, etc. With have to/ has to.


●  I sometimes have to get up early morning for my extra classes.

●  she always has to take care of her siblings due to absence of guardian.

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Much , many difference , best detAil

It is used with uncountable noun.

 example: how much milk has       been there.

Much is also used with singular countable noun to show large part of it.
       Example: Much part of this park has become barren. (here it is about single Park or 1 park)

Many is used with plural countable noun.
 Example: Many people don't like to show of their things.

Meaning- people means no. of males and females, which are countable.

Common Uses of much and many.

In negative sentences much and many are used to emphasis quality in small or smaller amount we expected.

           Example: Much- I don't have much money to buy this dress.

Meaning- money is only countable when we have measurement or quantifier to measure like: currency, rupees, Dollar.

While using much in negative sentence gives you formal sense. So we can also use- little or a little in place of it.(I have little money to buy this dress.)

: Many -  I don't have many pens with me.

Meaning- pen is countable noun. It's also give formal look to sentence. We can also use few or a few.(I have a few pens with me.)

In formal context much and many also use in place of pronoun.

     Example: seema got a pizza for all but much of that has been finished. Much indicating or use in place of pizza(pronoun).

    :●  akhil has many rich friend.
    ● Many have got super luxury cars.

   Here :  Many indicating friends.

We can use much and many in both formal and informal ways after as, so and too.

           Example: There were twice as many female geeks at pound as male geeks.

       ● : You have given so much food to me, I’ll not able to finish it.

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should and ought , english grammar

Common uses of should and ought to

For giving advice or making recommendation:

Example: You should/ought to work hard for attaining rank in class.

He should/ought to talk healthy food for stay fit.

(we use should or would, not ought to when we give advice with I.

Example: I should/would leave early to airport to avoid inconvenience caused due to strike.

Talking about a responsibility or duty

Example: one should/ought to pay Tax to avoid any legal complications.

To tell about something probably true now or will probably true in future

Example: You should/ought to receive a registered post by tomorrow.

We use should/ought to+have/has+past participle to talk about past obligation of past.

Example: reeta should/ought to has worked hard to achieve desired result.

Should/ought to+have/has+past participle to talk about an expectation that something happened(past) , has happened( present) or will happen(future).

Example: if train was on time, he should/ought to has arrived in Amhemdabad.

■We can use must instead of should/ought to when we are making logical conclusion.

Example: You must go to doctor if your having continues fever.

We can also use supposed to instead of should/ought to to talk about obligation to do something, it mainly used in spoken English to express a less strong obligation.

Example: You supposed to be there at auction at 10 am sharp.

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भारतीय जलवायु तथ्य नक्शा

 वन क्षेत्र संकेत भारतीय नक्शा 

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भारतीय वनस्पतियों का वर्गीकरण

 कोपेन का जलवायु वर्गीकरण 

 कोपेन का जलवायु वर्गीकरण का आधार

 महासागरीय  राशियां

अरब सागर की शाखा 

 मृदा का वर्गीकरण  कृषि


Ocean notes PDF महासागर प्रशांत महासागर प्रशांत महासागर के तथ्य अटलांटिक महासागर हिंद महासागर आर्कटिक महासागर दक्षिण महासागर

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