Wednesday, 9 January 2019

should and ought , english grammar

Common uses of should and ought to

For giving advice or making recommendation:

Example: You should/ought to work hard for attaining rank in class.

He should/ought to talk healthy food for stay fit.

(we use should or would, not ought to when we give advice with I.

Example: I should/would leave early to airport to avoid inconvenience caused due to strike.

Talking about a responsibility or duty

Example: one should/ought to pay Tax to avoid any legal complications.

To tell about something probably true now or will probably true in future

Example: You should/ought to receive a registered post by tomorrow.

We use should/ought to+have/has+past participle to talk about past obligation of past.

Example: reeta should/ought to has worked hard to achieve desired result.

Should/ought to+have/has+past participle to talk about an expectation that something happened(past) , has happened( present) or will happen(future).

Example: if train was on time, he should/ought to has arrived in Amhemdabad.

■We can use must instead of should/ought to when we are making logical conclusion.

Example: You must go to doctor if your having continues fever.

We can also use supposed to instead of should/ought to to talk about obligation to do something, it mainly used in spoken English to express a less strong obligation.

Example: You supposed to be there at auction at 10 am sharp.

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