Bepin choudhury memory lapse
It is a story about Bipin Chaudhary
who has lost a considerable part
of his memory.
One very fine day when
Bipin Chaudhary was returning
to his home after buying some
books when a person named
Parimal Ghose came to meet
him from Ranchi. In his introduction,
he told Bipin Chandra that bipin
used to reside in Ranchi and once
Vipin arranged a car for him to
hundru falls, due to his injury Vipin
was not able to go to hundru falls.
Bipin Chaudhary was not able
to remember his stay in Ranchi
and he was confused and lost
about his stay in Ranchi and he
was also not able to recognise Parimal,
Again he told him another incident
where he used to live in the bungalow
of Dinesh Mukherjee and he did not
like the hotel's food and preferred
meals cooked by bawarchi. Told him
he used to carry a bag with him
with lots of books, especially his
sightseeing trip's book. Then
bipin Chaudhary asked him
about the month and year of
which he was talking, then
Parimal replied in 1958 month
October after listening to the
reply bipin denied and said
He was in kanpur.
Once again he said that once
Bipin Chandra spoke about
his family to him that he had
no children and he had lost
his wife 10 years ago, he als
o lost his brother due to mental
problem that's why he doesn't
want to visit any mental hospital
in Ranchi
यह बिपिन चौधरी की
कहानी है जो अपनी
याददाश्त का काफी
हिस्सा खो चुके हैं।
एक दिन जब विपिन
चौधरी कुछ किताबें
खरीदकर अपने घर
लौट रहे थे, तो परिमल
घोष नाम का एक
व्यक्ति रांची से उनसे
मिलने आया।
अपने परिचय में उन्होंने
बिपिन चंद्र को बताया
कि बिपिन रांची में रहते
थे और एक बार विपिन ने
उनके लिए हुंडरू फॉल्स के
लिए एक कार की व्यवस्था
की, उनकी चोट के कारण
विपिन हुंडरू फॉल्स नहीं
जा सके।
बिपिन चौधरी को रांची में
रहना याद नहीं था और वह
भ्रमित थे और रांची में
रहने के बारे में खो गए थे
और वह परिमल को भी
नहीं पहचान पा रहे थे,
फिर उन्होंने उन्हें एक और
घटना बताई जहां वह दिनेश
मुखर्जी के बंगले में रहते थे
और उसे होटल का खाना
पसंद नहीं था और वह बावर्ची
का बना खाना पसंद करता था।
उसे बताया कि वह अपने साथ
ढेर सारी किताबों वाला बैग
लेकर जाता है, खासकर
उसके दर्शनीय स्थलों की
यात्रा की किताब। फिर
बिपिन चौधरी ने उनसे
उस महीने और साल के
बारे में पूछा, जिसके बारे
में वह बात कर रहे थे,
तो परिमल ने 1958
महीने अक्टूबर में जवाब
सुनकर बिपिन ने इनकार
कर दिया और कहा कि वह
कानपुर में हैं।
एक बार फिर उन्होंने कहा
कि एक बार बिपिन चंद्र ने
उन्हें अपने परिवार के बारे
में बताया कि उनकी कोई
संतान नहीं है और उन्होंने
10 साल पहले अपनी
पत्नी को खो दिया था,
मानसिक समस्या के कारण
उन्होंने अपने भाई को भी
खो दिया था इसलिए वह
किसी भी मानसिक अस्पताल
में नहीं जाना चाहते हैं। रांची में
Now after buying books Bipin
Chaudhary sat in his car and
going back to home and he
asked his driver to drive near
by Ganga then he was suddenly
thinking about the man who
met him in the book shop and
he was trying to calm himself
by giving lots of excuses and
explanation to himself for not
losing his mind or memory, like
he was doing a responsible
job and half an hour ago,
He had a very important meeting.
how he could forget a stay in Ranchi
and how that person new intimate
and my details about his life.
Again he was recalling the
'58 times that he was in
Kanpur in Pooja with his
friend Haridas Bakshi and
he thought to write a letter
to ask him to ask about his
stay in Ranchi, but then he
realized he went to Japan
some weeks ago and he
doesn't have his address.
Then he folded his trousers
and saw a cut mark on his
right knee, what that person
told him and he got shocked
by thinking he had forgotten
the incident when he got this
cut in his knees whether in
childhood or in adult age.
Then Vipin Chaudhary
thought of visiting Danish
Mukherjee who lived near to
his house, again about whom
that person told me. He thought to
ask him about his Ranchi stay but
he got scared of Danish Mukherjee's
ruthless sarcasm so he dropped the
idea of going to his house and went
back to his house and forgot
about the person.
भाग 2
अब किताबें खरीदकर
विपिन चौधरी अपनी कार
में बैठा और घर वापस जा
रहा था और उसने अपने
ड्राइवर को गंगा के पास
ड्राइव करने के लिए कहा
तो वह अचानक उस आदमी
के बारे में सोच रहा था जो
उससे किताब की दुकान में
मिला था और वह बहुत कुछ
देकर खुद को शांत करने की
कोशिश कर रहा था। अपने
दिमाग या याददाश्त को न
खोने के लिए बहाने और
स्पष्टीकरण, जैसे कि वह
एक जिम्मेदार काम कर
रहा था और आधे घंटे पहले
उसने एक बहुत ही
महत्वपूर्ण बैठक ली थी
कि वह रांची में रहने को
कैसे भूल सकता है और
वह व्यक्ति कैसे नया
अंतरंग और मेरे बारे में
विवरण उसकी जींदगी।
वह फिर से 58 बार याद
कर रहा था कि वह अपने
दोस्त हरिदास बख्शी के
साथ पूजा में कानपुर में
था और उसने रांची में
रहने के बारे में पूछने के
लिए उसे एक पत्र लिखने
के बारे में सोचा, लेकिन
तब उसे एहसास हुआ कि
वह कुछ हफ्ते पहले जापान
गया था और वह उसका
पता नहीं है। फिर उसने
अपनी पतलून मोड़ी और
उसके दाहिने घुटने पर कटे
का निशान देखा, उस
व्यक्ति ने उसे क्या बताया
और वह यह सोचकर चौंक
गया कि वह उस घटना को
भूल गया था जब उसके
घुटनों में यह कट आया था
चाहे वह बचपन में हो या
वयस्क उम्र में।
तब विपिन चौधरी ने अपने
घर के पास रहने वाले
दानिश मुखर्जी से मिलने
का विचार किया, जिसके
बारे में उस व्यक्ति ने
फिर बताया। उसने सोचा
कि उससे उसके रांची
प्रवास के बारे में पूछो
लेकिन वह दानिश मुखर्जी
के निर्मम कटाक्ष से डर
गया, इसलिए उसने अपने
घर जाने का विचार छोड़
दिया और अपने घर वापस
चला गया और उस व्यक्ति
के बारे में भूल गया।
Next day, bipin after having lunch
was not able to continue his
work due to yesterday's
conversation with a stranger
and he thought to ask from
Danish on the phone so that he
I can't make fun of him. Bipin
asked danish whether he ever
visited ranchi, danish told him
yes they both visited ranch
i together.this made bipin more
conscious and tense for
not remembering the stay in Ranchi.
अगले दिन, दोपहर का
भोजन करने के बाद,
एक अजनबी के साथ
कल की बातचीत के कारण
बिपिन अपना काम जारी
नहीं रख पा रहा था और
उसने सोचा कि वह
डेनिश से फोन पर पूछ
ले ताकि वह उसका मज़ाक
न उड़ा सके। बिपिन ने
डेनिश से पूछा कि क्या
वह कभी रांची गया है,
डेनिश ने उसे बताया कि
हाँ वे दोनों एक साथ
रांची गए थे। इससे
बिपिन को रांची में
रहने की याद न रखने
के लिए और अधिक
जागरूक और परेशान
हो गया।
In Afternoon, after knowing
that Vipin had visited Ranchi
and he was not able to recall
the stay, he got tensed and
shattered and started
remembering his reputation
and hard work in his company
and was not able to believe
how he could forget a stay in
Ranchi. He was not able to
continue with his work after
lunch due to this tension.
After returning to his home
he was continuously stressing
on himself to remember the
situation. At the same time,
one of his friends named
Chuni lal came to meet him,
he was expecting support from
bipin to find a job for him,bipin
was not in the mood to meet his
friend so he asked his servant
told his friend he is not available
but then he thought to confirm
again his stay in Ranchi.
He asked chunni Babu about his
day in Ranchi and chunni Babu
got surprised to know Vipin Babu
forgot to remember his stay in
Ranchi and chunni Babu
booked his train tickets to go
to Ranchi. Afternoon his
condition chunni Babu left
his home without asking for
a job update.
भाग- 3
दोपहर में, यह जानने
के बाद कि विपिन रांची
आया है और वह ठहरने
को याद नहीं कर पा रहा
है, वह परेशान और
बिखर गया और अपनी
कंपनी में अपनी प्रतिष्ठा
और कड़ी मेहनत को
याद करना शुरू कर
दिया और विश्वास नहीं
कर पा रहा था कि वह
रांची में रहने को कैसे
भूल सकता है। इस
तनाव के कारण वह
दोपहर के भोजन के
बाद अपना काम जारी
नहीं रख पा रहा था।
अपने घर लौटने के बाद
वह स्थिति को याद रखने
के लिए लगातार खुद पर
जोर दे रहा था। उसी समय,
उसका एक दोस्त
चुन्नीलाल उससे मिलने
आया, वह बिपिन से
उसके लिए नौकरी
खोजने के लिए समर्थन
की उम्मीद कर रहा था,
बिपिन अपने दोस्त से
मिलने के मूड में नहीं था
इसलिए उसने अपने
नौकर से अपने दोस्त
को बताने के लिए कहा
वह उपलब्ध नहीं है
लेकिन फिर उसने रांची
में अपने प्रवास की पुष्टि
करने के लिए सोचा।
उन्होंने चुन्नी बाबू से रांची
में अपने दिन के बारे में पूछा
और चुन्नी बाबू को यह
जानकर आश्चर्य हुआ कि
विपिन बाबू रांची में अपने
प्रवास को याद करना भूल
गए और चुन्नी बाबू ने रांची
जाने के लिए अपने ट्रेन
टिकट बुक किए। दोपहर
बाद उनकी हालत चुन्नी
बाबू बिना नौकरी की जानकारी
मांगे घर से निकल गए।
Now he visited a physician
named Dr. Chandra and
explained his condition.
Dr Chandra told him that
He was not experienced in
this field or treating the memory
loss so he suggested he should
visit Ranchi again to remember
the stay and he gave him some
nerve tonic and tranquilliser and
asked him to sleep well. Next
morning he gave an application
for holidays to his office to go
Ranchi to remember things
and he left for Ranchi in the
Next morning Bipin Chandra
was at Ranchi and he travelled
to Ranchi's hotels, bazar
moradabadi hill and building to
remember his stay but he was
not able to recall. Now he
decided to go to hudhu fall
for some more help, so he
arranged a taxi for the afternoon
to visit there but he was not
able to recall anything due to
this shock he laying on
the ground then he got
back to Kolkata next morning
and he realized that he had no
hope for him and out of his
balanced mind and he called
Dr Chandra came over to see him.
अब वह डॉ. चंद्रा नामक
चिकित्सक के पास गया
और अपनी स्थिति के
बारे में बताया। डॉ चंद्रा
ने उन्हें बताया कि उन्हें
इस क्षेत्र में अनुभव नहीं
है या स्मृति हानि का
इलाज नहीं कर रहा है,
इसलिए उन्होंने सुझाव
दिया कि उन्हें प्रवास को
याद करने के लिए फिर
से रांची जाना चाहिए और
उन्होंने उन्हें कुछ तंत्रिका
टॉनिक और ट्रैंक्विलाइज़र
दिया और उन्हें अच्छी
नींद लेने के लिए कहा।
अगले दिन सुबह उसने
अपने कार्यालय में छुट्टी
का आवेदन दिया कि वह
चीजों को याद करने के
लिए रांची चला जाए और
शाम को वह रांची के लिए
निकल गया.
अगली सुबह विपिन चंद्र
रांची में थे और उन्होंने
अपने प्रवास को याद
करने के लिए रांची के
होटल, बाजार मुरादाबादी
पहाड़ी और भवन की यात्रा
की, लेकिन उन्हें याद नहीं
आया। अब उन्होंने कुछ
और मदद के लिए हुधू फॉल
जाने का फैसला किया,
इसलिए उन्होंने दोपहर के
लिए वहां जाने के लिए एक
टैक्सी की व्यवस्था की। फिर
5 बजे गुजरात के एक
सज्जन ने खुद को एक
शिलाखंड के पास बेहोश
पड़ा पाया, यह जानने के
बाद अपना सारा घर
छोड़ दिया और अगली
सुबह कोलकाता वापस
आ गए और उन्हें
एहसास हुआ कि उन्हें
उनके लिए और अपने
संतुलित दिमाग से
कोई उम्मीद नहीं है
और वह डॉ चंद्रा को उनसे
मिलने के लिए बुलाया।
Same time he received a
letter from his friend Chunni
Babu who was complaining
about his unresponsiveness
towards him for not finding
a job for him. Dr Chandra
came to meet Bipin Babu
and he told, that he is fine
and he remembered
anything when he get of
the train at Ranchi on
this doctor Chandra said
It is a unique case and he
will write about in medical
journal and told him that's
why he sent him to Ranchi
so that he can remember all
his memory.
उसी समय उन्हें अपने
मित्र चुन्नी बाबू का एक
पत्र मिला, जो उनके
लिए नौकरी न मिलने
पर उनके प्रति उनकी
असमर्थता के बारे में
शिकायत कर रहा था।
डॉ चंद्रा विपिन बाबू से
मिलने आए और उन्होंने
बताया, कि वह ठीक हैं
और रांची में ट्रेन से
उतरते समय उन्हें कुछ
भी याद आया, इस पर
डॉक्टर चंद्रा ने कहा कि
यह एक अनूठा मामला
है और वह मेडिकल जर्नल
में लिखेंगे और उन्हें बताया
कि क्यों उसने उसे रांची भेज
दिया ताकि वह उसकी सारी
यादें याद कर सके।
Comprehension Check 1.
1.Why did the man stare a
t Bepin Babu in disbelief?
Ans-1. The man stared at
Bepin Babu in disbelief
because he was shocked
to know bepin was not able
to recall his stay at ranchi.
2.Where did Bepin Babu
say he went in October '58?
Ans-2. Bepin Babu said he
went to kanpur in pooja in
October '58.
3.Mention any three (or more)
things that Parimal Ghose
knew about Bepin Babu?
Bepin Babu had a fall in
Hudroo and injured his right knee.
Bepin Babu stayed in a
bungalow at Ranchi and as
he wasn’t so fond of hotel food;
He preferred to have his meals
cooked with bawarchi.
He did not have any children,
Bepin Babu lost his wife ten
years ago and his only brother
had died of insanity
Comprehension Check-2
1.Why did Bepin Babu
worry about what Parimal
Ghose had said?
Ans-1 Bepin Babu worried
about what Parimal Ghose had
said because he was not able
to remember even a single
incident Parimal ghose told
him plus he knew very
personal details about him.
2.How did he try to decide
who was right—his memory
or Parimal Ghose?
Ans-2 he decided to check his
right knee injury and then decided
to contact Dinesh Mukerji to check
if the latter remembered the
incidents that happened in 1958.
This is the way he decides who
was right—his memory or Parimal
3.Why did Bepin Babu hesitate
to visit Mr Mukerji? Why did he
finally decide to phone him?
Ans-3. Bepin Babu hesitated
to visit Mr. Mukerji because he
was afraid of Dinesh’s ruthless
sarcasm that he might need to
face and he finally decided to
phone him to avoid embarrassment
right on his face.
4.What did Mr Mukerji say? Did it
comfort Bepin Babu, or add to his
Ans-4. Mr Mukerji said,yes he
visited Ranchi, this statement
adds to his worries.
Comprehension Check-3
1.Who was Chunilal? What
did he want from Bepin Babu?
Ans-1.Chunilal was Bepin Babu’s
school mate.he had been coming
to see Bepin Babu for a job. Bepin
Babu knew he could not do much
to help Chunilal. However, Chuni
kept on coming to seek help.
2.Why was Dr Chanda puzzled?
What was unusual about Bepin
Babu's loss of memory?
Ans-2 Dr. Chanda became puzzled
after listening to Bepin Babu because
his medical condition was typically
outside his field of experience plus
the unusual about Bepin Babu's loss
of memory was he remembered
everything related to his past except
for his Ranchi.
Comprehension Check -4
1.Had Bepin Babu really lost his
memory and forgotten all about
a trip to Ranchi?
Ans-1.s, No, Bepin Babu didn’t have
any loss of memory or forgot all about
a trip to Ranchi. From the letter sent by
Chunilal, it seems that he played a trick
on Bepin Babu who didn’t help him to get
a job.
2.Why do you think Chunilal did
what he did? Chunilal says he
has no money; what is it that he
does have?
Ans-2. Chunilal had plotted the
entire incident because Bepin
Babu never helped him to get a
decent job and he was money-less.
Chunilal says he has no money but
he had a strong imaginative power
which he felt would help him to fight
the ill phase of his career. Hence,
he wrote a novel which was being
considered by a publisher and he
was hopeful that it would give him
a source of income.
Working with the text
1.The author describes Bepin Babu
as a serious and hardworking man.
What evidence can you find in the
story to support this?
ans-1.Bepin Babu was described
as a serious and hardworking man.
He was working daily in his office.
It was a big firm and he was doing
a responsible job. He had been
associated in this firm for the past
twenty-five years and had a
reputation for being a tireless
and a conscientious worker.
2.Why did Bepin Babu change
his mind about meeting Chunilal?
What was the result of this meeting?
Ans-2.He regularly comes to visit
Bepin Babu to request him in order
to get a job. But Bepin Babu refused to
meet him. However, that day he
changed his mind and decided to
meet Chunilal and enquire if the
latter remembers about his Ranchi
visit. However, Chunilal confirmed
Bepin Babu’s visit to Ranchi. Hearing
this, Bepin Babu in a puzzled state
decided to consult a specialist doctor
and get treatment for his memory loss.
3.Bepin Babu lost consciousness
at Hundru Falls.
What do you think was the
the reason for this?
Ans-3. Bepin Babu lost
consciousness at Hudroo
Falls because he got very
tense due to failure in recalling
his stay at Ranchi. Reason
behind it, bepin was not
interested in helping Chunilal
in finding a job.
4.How do you think Bepin Babu
reacted when he found out that
Chunilal had tricked him?
Ans4- Bepin Babu may be
filled with anger with guilt that
how his friend tricked him and
tried to make him mentally
unstable plus he was practising
imagination skills on him plus
also saddened for not helping
and taking him seriously
Question 1:
Fill in the blanks below using
‘had to’/ ‘have to’/ ‘has to’
(i) I have to cut my hair every month.
(ii) We had to go for swimming lessons
last year.
(iii) She has to tell the principal the truth.
(iv) They had to take the baby to the doctor.
(v) We have to complain to the police
about the noise.
(vi) Romit had to finish his homework
before he could come out to play.
(vii) I had to repair my cycle yesterday.
Question 2:
Here are a few idioms that you
will find in the story. Look for
them in the dictionary in the following way.
First, arrange them in the order
in which you would find them in a
(Clue: An idiom is usually listed under
the first noun, verb, adjective or
adverb in it. Ignore articles or
prepositions in the idiom).
To help you, we have put in bold
the word under which you must
look for the idiom in the dictionary.)
Ans- i) at/from close quarters –
This means stay nearby or close by.
(ii) break into a smile –
This means to smile suddenly.
(iii) carry on – This means to
continue with some task or work.
(iv) have a clean record – This
means to have a clean conduct
or track record.
(v) beat about the bush – This
means to make rough guesses
without proper knowledge.
Question 3:
Study the sentences in the
columns below.
Compare the sentences in the
two columns, especially the verb
Ans- the following questions about
each pair of sentences-
(i) Which column tells us that
Bepin Babu is still working at
the same place-Column B
(ii) Which column suggests that
Chunilal is now waiting for a reply
from the publisher-Column A
(iii) Which column suggests that the
person still remembers the movie
he saw-Column B
(iv) Which column suggests that the
experience of visiting Ranchi is
still fresh in the speaker’s
mind-Column B
Question 4:
Given below are jumbled
sentences. Working in groups,
rearrange the words in each
sentence to form correct sentences.
You will find that each sentence
contains an idiomatic expression
that you have come across in
the lesson. Underline the idiom
and write down its meaning.
Then use your dictionary to
check the meaning
Ans- (i) Stop beating about the
bush and tell me what you want.
Idiom: beating about the bush –
To avoid coming to the main
point and talk vaguely
(ii) If you don’t pay attention to
the announcement, you
might board the wrong train.
Idiom: pay attention –
To listen carefully
(iii) The villagers tried to pin
the crime on the young woman.
Idiom: pin the crime – To place
the blame or responsibility of a
crime and implicate it on a wrong
(iv) Bepin Babu loved telling people
that he was under doctor’s orders
to eat early.
Idiom: under doctor’s orders – To
follow someone’s instructions
(v) The teacher raised his eyebrows
when the students said that
they had revised all their lessons.
Idiom: raised his eyebrows –
To express surprise or doubt
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