Thursday, 21 July 2022

N.C.E.R.T ENGLISH BOOK HONEY DREW CHAPTER-5 The Summit Within,N.C.E.R.T अंग्रेजी पुस्तक शहद आकर्षित अध्याय-5 शिखर सम्मेलन के भीतर

The Summit Within

This chapter is about Everest

 climbing by Major H.P.S. Ahluwalia

 was a member of the first successful 

Indian expedition to Mount Everest in 1965.

He was saying that as he climbed 

the peak of Mount Everest he felt 

happiness and sadness both, 

happiness because he had climbed

 the highest mountain of the earth

 and sadness because there was

 no further climbing from here, 

now roads were heading downwards.

यह अध्याय मेजर एच.पी.एस. 

द्वारा एवरेस्ट पर चढ़ने के 

बारे में है। अहलूवालिया 

1965 में माउंट एवरेस्ट 

पर पहले सफल भारतीय 

अभियान के सदस्य थे।

वह कह रहा था कि जब

 वह माउंट एवरेस्ट की

 चोटी पर चढ़ गया तो 

उसे सुख और दुख दोनों 

ही खुशी का अनुभव हुआ

 क्योंकि वह पृथ्वी के 

सबसे ऊंचे पर्वत पर चढ़ 

गया था और दुख क्योंकि

 यहां से आगे कोई चढ़ाई 

नहीं थी, अब सड़कें नीचे

 की ओर जा रही थीं।

He said he was deeply excited and 

happy by climbing Mount Everest

 and no man remains the same after 

climbing a mountain. His thinking

 and mentality would change forever.

 He remembers this summit everyday

 and thinks it's getting older day by

 day and one day, it might fade away.

Now he answered why he and the man

 climbed the mountains?

Men want to overcome the obstacle

 and the main obstacle in climbing

 the mountain is dealing with your 

physical challenges.. A climb to a 

summit means endurance, 

persistence and will power.

.उन्होंने कहा कि वह माउंट

 एवरेस्ट पर चढ़कर बहुत

 उत्साहित और खुश थे 

और पहाड़ पर चढ़ने के 

बाद कोई भी व्यक्ति 

पहले जैसा नहीं रहता। 

उनकी सोच और मानसिकता

 हमेशा के लिए बदल 

जाएगी। वह इस शिखर 

सम्मेलन को हर रोज याद

 करता है और सोचता है कि

 यह दिन-ब-दिन पुराना होता

 जा रहा है और एक दिन यह

 फीका पड़ सकता है।

अब उसने उत्तर दिया कि 

वह और वह आदमी पहाड़ों 

पर क्यों चढ़े?

पुरुष बाधा को दूर करना

 चाहते हैं और पहाड़ पर 

चढ़ने में मुख्य बाधा आपकी 

शारीरिक चुनौतियों से निपटना है

 शिखर पर चढ़ने का अर्थ है धीरज,

 दृढ़ता और इच्छा शक्ति

He has some other reasons like he said 

he loves mountains and he got lost when

 He was not near a mountain and according

 To him, climbing the mountain is like

 meeting a God because there are 

physical and mental challenges to 

climb mountains.

Climbing a Mount Everest is a great 

deal because it is the my test and the 

highest peak of a world and one cannot

 give up in way after starting it so it's 

not only take your physical endurance

 exam but also of mind.

He said a glimpse of the peak 

made him excited in the sense 

of peace like something mystical

 because of its beauty, aloofness

, might, ruggedness, and the difficulties

 encountered on the way. It is a

 challenge that is difficult to resist.

उसके पास कुछ और कारण

 हैं जैसे उसने कहा कि वह 

पहाड़ों से प्यार करता है और

 वह खो गया जब वह पहाड़ 

के पास नहीं था और उसके 

अनुसार पहाड़ पर चढ़ना भगवान

 से मिलने जैसा है क्योंकि 

पहाड़ों पर चढ़ने के लिए शारीरिक 

और मानसिक चुनौतियां हैं।

माउंट एवरेस्ट पर चढ़ना एक

 बड़ी बात है क्योंकि यह मेरी 

परीक्षा है और दुनिया की सबसे 

ऊंची चोटी है और इसे शुरू 

करने के बाद कोई भी हार 

नहीं मान सकता है, इसलिए

 यह न केवल आपकी शारीरिक

 सहनशक्ति की परीक्षा है,

 बल्कि दिमाग की भी है।

उन्होंने कहा कि शिखर की

 एक झलक ने उन्हें अपनी

 सुंदरता, अलगाव, पराक्रम,

 कठोरता और रास्ते में आने

 वाली कठिनाइयों के कारण 

कुछ रहस्यमय की तरह शांति

 की भावना से उत्साहित किया।

 यह एक ऐसी चुनौती है जिसका

 विरोध करना मुश्किल है।

Climbing Mount Everest to Major

 H.P.S. Ahluwaliais like breathing 

for living or helping your neighbour. 

Plus climbing Mount Everest gives

 you consciousness in a special 

manner of his own smallness in this

 large universe because it's only 

a physical conquest but a sense 

of fulfilment. There is the satisfaction 

of a deep urge to rise above one’s 

surroundings.It is emotional and


Climbing experience- climber

 sharing a rope with another

 climber. You firm in. He cuts t

He steps on the hard ice. Then 

he belays and you inch your way

 up. The climb is very  serious

 business. You strain every nerve 

as you take every step.You curse 

yourself for having let yourself in

 for this.There are moments when

 you feel like going back. It would

 be sheer relief to go down, instead 

of up. There is something in you 

that does not let you give up the 

struggle. And you go on. Your 

companion keeps up with you like 

thinking Just another fifty feet.

 Or a hundred, maybe.

पड़ोसी प्लस माउंट एवरेस्ट 

पर चढ़ना आपको इस 

विशाल ब्रह्मांड में अपने स्वयं 

के छोटेपन के एक विशेष तरीके 

से सचेत करता है क्योंकि यह 

केवल एक भौतिक विजय है 

लेकिन तृप्ति की भावना है। 

अपने परिवेश से ऊपर उठने 

की गहरी इच्छा की संतुष्टि है।

 यह भावनात्मक और 

आध्यात्मिक है

चढ़ाई का अनुभव- दूसरे 

पर्वतारोही के साथ रस्सी बांटने 

वाला पर्वतारोही। आप दृढ़ हैं।

 वह कठोर बर्फ में कदमों को 

काट देता है। फिर वह झुक

 जाता है और आप अपना 

रास्ता ऊपर कर लेते हैं। 

चढ़ाई बहुत गंभीर व्यवसाय है।

 जब आप हर कदम उठाते हैं 

तो आप हर तंत्रिका को तनाव

 देते हैं। आप अपने आप को

 इसके लिए अंदर जाने के लिए 

शाप देते हैं। ऐसे क्षण होते हैं

 जब आपको वापस जाने का 

मन करता है। ऊपर जाने के

 बजाय नीचे जाने से राहत 

मिलेगी। आप में कुछ ऐसा 

है जो आपको संघर्ष को छोड़ने 

नहीं देता। और तुम चलते रहो।

 तुम्हारा साथी तुम्हारे साथ 

ऐसे सोचता रहता है जैसे बस 

एक और पचास फीट। या सौ, 


Experience of peak or summit- its

 magnificent ,other mountains 

seem like the necklace of Mount

 Everest. One can see lots of 

valleys below Mount Everest. 

Its bow down moment and 

make your obeisance to 

whichever God you worship.

Major H.p.s left on Everest a

 picture of Guru Nanak. Rawat

 left a picture of Goddess Durga.

 Phu Dorji left a relic of the Buddha.

 Edmund Hillary had buried a cross

 under a cairn (a heap of rocks and 

stones) in the snow. These are not

 symbols of conquest but of reverence.

The effects of both the climbs are the

 same. Whether the mountain you climb

 is physical or emotional and spiritual, 

The climb will certainly change you. 

It teaches you much about the world 

and about yourself. It's also meant 

to understand oneself. 

Climbing the mountain 

was a worthwhile experience

 and facing and conquering 

your inner mountain never 

less than outer summits.

शिखर या शिखर का अनुभव-

 इसके भव्य, अन्य पर्वत 

माउंट एवरेस्ट के हार की

 तरह लगते हैं। माउंट 

एवरेस्ट के नीचे बहुत सारी

 घाटियाँ देखी जा सकती हैं। 

इसका झुकना क्षण और 

आप जिस भी भगवान की

 पूजा करते हैं, उसे प्रणाम


मेजर एच.पी.एस ने एवरेस्ट

 पर गुरु नानक की एक

 तस्वीर छोड़ी। रावत ने

 देवी दुर्गा की एक तस्वीर

 छोड़ी। फू दोरजी ने बुद्ध

 के अवशेष छोड़े। एडमंड 

हिलेरी ने बर्फ में एक केयर्न 

(चट्टानों और पत्थरों के ढेर)

 के नीचे एक क्रॉस दफन 

किया था। ये विजय के नहीं 

बल्कि श्रद्धा के प्रतीक हैं। 

दोनों पर्वतारोहियों का 

प्रभाव समान है। आप जिस

 पहाड़ पर चढ़ते हैं वह

 शारीरिक हो या भावनात्मक 

और आध्यात्मिक, चढ़ाई 

निश्चित रूप से आपको बदल 

देगी। यह आपको दुनिया

 के बारे में और अपने बारे 

में बहुत कुछ सिखाता है।

 इसका मतलब खुद को

 समझना भी है।

पहाड़ पर चढ़ना एक सार्थक

 अनुभव था और अपने 

आंतरिक पर्वत का सामना

 करना और उस पर विजय

 प्राप्त करना कभी भी 

बाहरी शिखर से कम नहीं था।

Comprehension Check

1.Standing on Everest, the writer was?

Ans-  jubilant and sad 

2.The emotion that gripped him was one of?

Ans-humility and a sense of smallness 

3.“The summit of the mind” refers to

Mark the item(s) not relevant.

Ans-The following item(s) not relevant:

(i) great intellectual 


(iii) overcoming personal 

ambition for common welfare.

(iv) living in the world of 

thought and imagination.

(v) the triumph of mind over 

worldly pleasures for a noble cause.

1.Answer the following questions

. (i)What are the three qualities 

that played a major role in the 

author’s climb?

Ans-1. The three qualities that 

played a major role in the author’s

 climb are endurance, persistence

 and will power.

(ii)Why is adventure, which is

 risky, also pleasurable?

Ans-2.Although adventure is 

risky, it is pleasurable too. 

This implies that climbing a

 mountain is a great challenge

 filled with difficulties, but 

overcoming those hurdles

 boosts the confidence, 

endurance and will power

 of the climber. The author

 gives the example of the

 mighty Mount Everest and 

reaching its summit is an

 achievement in itself. There

 is a great sense of exhilaration,

 joy and fulfilment to being able

 to scale such great heights. 

There is a feeling of victory

 and happiness. Hence, the

 experience is not merely physical.

 It is indeed both emotional and 


(iii)What was it about Mount 

Everest that the author found


Ans-3.  Mount Everest has

 its own special charm and 

beauty. The author found it

 irresistible due to its beauty,

 ruggedness and the obstacles

 that he encountered while

 climbing its summit. Every 

ounce of his energy was utilised

 in climbing the mountain covered

 with rock and ice. One who

 decides to climb Everest cannot 

give up his/her dream by

 returning half way even when

 one’s life is at stake. This

 is because when a person

 climbs to the summit of a 

mountain, one is filled with 

a great sense of exhilaration,

 joy and fulfilment for being 

able to scale such great heights.

 This gives him/her a sense of 

extreme joy and happiness and

 a feeling of victory and satisfaction.

 These were some of the reasons 

why the author found Mount Everest

 to be extremely irresistible.

(iv)One does not do it (climb 

a high peak)for fame alone.

 What does one do it for, really?

Ans-4.Climbing a mountain and 

reaching its peak successfully

requires one’s endurance, 

persistence and will power. 

Therefore, the experience is

 not merely physical. It is

 indeed both emotional and

 spiritual. It satisfies a climber’s

 eternal love for adventure which 

gives one a sense of fulfilment, 

satisfaction and a deep urge to

 rise over and above the surroundings.

(v)“He becomes conscious in 

a special manner of his own 

smallness in this large universe.”

 This awareness defines an emotion

 mentioned in the first paragraph.

 Which is the emotion?

Ans-5.“He becomes conscious

 in a special manner of his own

 smallness in this large universe.”

 This awareness defines an 

emotion of humility in a person.

(vi)What were the “symbols of 

reverence” left by members of

 the team on Everest?

Ans-6.The author left on Mount 

Everest a picture of Guru Nanak.

 Rawat left a picture of Goddess Durga. 

Phu Dorji left a relic of the Buddha

 and Edmund Hillary had buried a

 cross under a cairn (a heap of rocks and stones)

 in the snow. These were not 

merely symbols of conquest 

but of reverence.

(vii)What, according to the writer,

 Did his experience as an Everester

teach him?

Ans-7.As an Everester, the author

 experienced a great sense of

 fulfilment and satisfaction. 

It encouraged him to face the

 ordeals of life in a determined

 manners. It taught him that the 

Conquest of an internal summit 

is also equally important compared 

to climb a mountain. He realised 

that it will give him a better and fuller

 knowledge about himself which no 

one else other than him can scale

 to meet his true self.

2.Write a sentence against each

 of the following statements. Your 

sentences should explain the statement.

 You can pick out sentences from the

 text and rewrite them. The first one

 has been done for you.

Ans-2 (ii) Endurance, persistence

 and will power are the qualities

 that are required in a climber to

 overcome the challenges and

 have a delightful experience.

(iii) The majestic beauty of the

 mountains pose a considerable

 challenge for a climber as they 

are the medium of communion

 with the Almighty.

(iv) Although climbing a mountain 

is a difficult task, reaching the summit 

gives a sense of fulfilment and 

satisfaction to the climber.

(v) Climbing a mountain is not

 merely a physical activity but 

it is indeed both emotional and 

spiritual as mountains are a 

means of communion with God.


Fill in the blanks in the following 

dialogues choosing suitable 

phrases from those given in the box.

Ans-(i) Teacher: You were away

 from school without permission. 

Go to the principal at once and 

submit your explanation.

Pupil: Yes, Madam. But would 

you help me write it first?

(ii) Arun: Are you unwell?

Ila: No, not at all. Why do you ask?

Arun: If you were unwell, I would

 send you to my uncle. He is a doctor.

(iii) Mary: Almost every Indian 

film has an episode of love

 at first sight.

David: Is that what makes them

 so popular in foreign countries?

(iv) Asif: You look depressed. 

Why are your spirits at a low 

ebb today? (Use such in the phrase)

Ashok: I have to write ten 

sentences using words that

 I have never heard of it before.

(v) Shieba: Your big moment is 

close at hand.

Jyoti: How should I welcome it?

Shieba: Get up and receive 

the trophy.


question-Write the noun forms

 of the following words adding

 -ance or -ence to each.

Ans- endure endurance

  1. persist persistence

  2. signify significance

  3. confide confidence

  4. maintain maintenance

  5. abhor abhorrence

(i) Match words under A with t

heir meanings under B.





far away from




most prominent


difficult to overcome


be overcome/overpowered


(ii) Fill in the blanks in the 

sentences below with appropriate

 words from under A.

Ans-4. (ii)

(a) There were formidable

 obstacles on the way, but we 

reached our destination safely.

(b) We have no means of finding

 out what happened there.

(c) Why he lives in a house 

remote from any town or 

the village is more than I

 can tell.

(d) Overwhelmed by gratitude,

 we bowed to the speaker for

 his valuable advice.

(e) The old castle stands 

in a dominant position 

above the sleepy town.


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