Monday, 14 January 2019

His spectacle or His spectacles , which one is correct , spectacles is singular or plural

His spectacle or His spectacles , which one is correct ,  spectacles is singular or plural

RULE- कुछ noun  form में plural होते हैं परंतु इनका प्रयोग हमेशा plural की तरह किया जाता है|

some names of instruments -  Scissors (कैंची) , Tongs (चिमा) , spectacles (नजर का चश्मा) , Googles (धूप का चश्मा) ,Glasses (चश्मा) , Shears (बड़ी कैची) , Binoculars (दूरबीन) etc.

some names of dresses- pants ,jeans, pyjama s,trouses, tights etc.

Note -  उपरोक्त nounsको singularयाPlural बनाने के लिए a pair / pairs of का प्रयोग किया जाता है|

   ● a pair of pants
   ● Pairs of pants
   ● Two pairs of pants

■ He misplaced his spectacle and is no facing difficulties in reading no error

Correct Sent- He misplaced his spectacles  and is no facing difficulties in reading

Reason - जब noun का sense होता है तो  spectacle में s/es लगा होता है| इसलिए spectacle में S लगाएंगे|
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