Friday, 2 September 2022

NCERT Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 10 The Great Stone Face II,एनसीईआरटी कक्षा 8 अंग्रेजी हनीड्यू अध्याय 10 ग्रेट स्टोन फेस II

 The Stone faced-2 

Now the second part of the chapters is actually about the second innings of his life. Ernest has grown old, wrinkles on face and white hairs on his head, but he has grown old with wise thoughts more than his white hairs. He became very popular beyond the limits of the valley, college professors and the active men of the city came to see him in exchange of thoughts and this made earnest very happy and enlightened.

Ernest reads the songs of a poet who was from the same valley but almost lived outside of the valley for long but he didn't forget his valley and the great Stone face. Ernest listened to these songs after his work while sitting in his cottage in front of the mountain. He recited the goodness and likeness of the songs, poem and poet to the mountain.

अब अध्याय का दूसरा भाग असल में उनके जीवन की दूसरी पारी के बारे में है। अर्नेस्ट बूढ़ा हो गया है, चेहरे पर झुर्रियाँ और सिर पर सफेद बाल हैं, लेकिन वह अपने सफेद बालों से ज्यादा बुद्धिमान विचारों से बूढ़ा हो गया है। वह घाटी की सीमाओं से परे बहुत लोकप्रिय हो गया, कॉलेज के प्रोफेसर और शहर के सक्रिय लोग विचारों के आदान-प्रदान में उनसे मिलने आए और इससे बहुत खुश और प्रबुद्ध हो गए।

अर्नेस्ट एक कवि के गीत पढ़ता है जो एक ही घाटी से था लेकिन लगभग लंबे समय तक घाटी के बाहर रहता था लेकिन वह अपनी घाटी और महान पत्थर के चेहरे को नहीं भूला। अर्नेस्ट ने पहाड़ के सामने अपनी कुटिया में बैठकर काम करने के बाद इन गीतों को सुना। उन्होंने पर्वत पर गीत, कविता और कवि की अच्छाई और समानता का पाठ किया।

This poet also wanted to meet Ernst as the glory of his wisdom is all around and one day of summer,he visited Ernst. He was sitting in front of a mountain. The poet asked to stay for a night with him and Ernst agreed kindly. They both talked for hours and both got mesmerised by each other's thoughts. Then Ernest asked him who he was. He said he is a poet of which he reads poems throughout his life. 

Ernest also found the face of the poet resembled the great mountain face but the poet denied such respect because he said his thoughts in poems and his lifestyle are different from each other. During sharing thoughts with each other, we become emotional.

यह कवि भी अर्न्स्ट से मिलना चाहता था क्योंकि उसकी बुद्धि की महिमा चारों ओर है और गर्मियों के एक दिन, वह अर्नस्ट का दौरा किया। वह एक पहाड़ के सामने बैठा था। कवि ने उसके साथ एक रात रुकने के लिए कहा और अर्न्स्ट कृपापूर्वक सहमत हो गया। दोनों ने घंटों बातें की और दोनों एक दूसरे के विचारों से मंत्रमुग्ध हो गए। तब अर्नेस्ट ने उससे पूछा कि वह कौन है। उन्होंने कहा कि वह एक कवि हैं, जिसके लिए वे जीवन भर कविताएँ पढ़ते हैं।

अर्नेस्ट ने भी कवि का चेहरा महान पर्वतीय चेहरे जैसा पाया लेकिन कवि ने इस तरह के सम्मान से इनकार किया क्योंकि उन्होंने कहा कि कविताओं में उनके विचार और उनकी जीवन शैली एक दूसरे से अलग हैं। एक दूसरे के साथ विचार साझा करते समय हम भावुक हो जाते हैं।

Every evening Ernest goes to neighbours to share his thoughts full of wisdom and enlightenment. The thoughts and talk which he always shared with people are lived by him or out of experience, that's why these conversations are very rich full of selfless love and good deeds. That evening the poet also went with him and felt so enlightened and emotional.

Now as the light of the sun appeared on the stone. Poet observed and shouted that the Great mountain's  face resembled none other than with the Ernest, the around the mountain gives the look of white hairs and brow like the Ernest. Everybody around him accepted the fact and the prophecy was fulfilled. Still Ernest thought some more wiser and better man than him would come one day.

हर शाम अर्नेस्ट अपने पड़ोसियों के पास ज्ञान और ज्ञान से भरे विचारों को साझा करने जाता है। जो विचार और बातें उन्होंने हमेशा लोगों के साथ साझा की हैं, वे उनके द्वारा या अनुभव से बाहर हैं, इसलिए ये बातचीत निस्वार्थ प्रेम और अच्छे कर्मों से भरपूर हैं। उस शाम कवि भी उनके साथ गया और बहुत प्रबुद्ध और भावुक महसूस किया।

अब जैसे ही सूर्य का प्रकाश पत्थर पर प्रकट हुआ। कवि ने देखा और चिल्लाया कि महान पर्वत का चेहरा अर्नेस्ट के अलावा किसी और के समान नहीं था, पहाड़ के चारों ओर सफेद बाल और अर्नेस्ट की तरह भौंह दिखाई देती है। उसके आस-पास के सभी लोगों ने इस तथ्य को स्वीकार किया और भविष्यवाणी पूरी हुई। फिर भी अर्नेस्ट ने सोचा कि एक दिन उनसे ज्यादा समझदार और बेहतर आदमी आएगा।

Comprehension Check

Q-1. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following statements

Ans-1.1. Ernest’s words reminded people of the wise old sayings. – True

2. Total strangers from far away, who visited Ernest in the valley, found his face familiar. – True

3. The Great Stone Face confirmed Ernest’s view that the poet could be worthy of its likeness. – False

4. When Ernest and the poet met, they respected and admired each other equally. – True

5. The poet along with Ernest addressed the inhabitants of the valley. – False

6. The poet realised that Ernest’s thoughts were far nobler than his own verses. – True

Working with the text

Q-1.How was Ernest different from others in the valley? 

Ans-1. Ernest was a very humble, noble, thoughtful and kind-hearted person. As he grew old, he became a renowned personality and his qualities reached beyond the limits of the valley.  He welcomed and received them with gentle sincerity and would talk to them freely with an open heart. These are some of the ways he was different from others in the valley.

Q-2.Why did Ernest think the poet was like the Stone Face?

Ans-2.. When the poet came to visit Ernest, he gently looked at the wise and kind-hearted soul. As the poet talked to him, Ernest imagined that even the Great Stone Face would have looked so hospitably at a stranger and leaned forward to listen to their conversation. In due course, the poet pointed out that Ernest was indeed reading the poems written by him. After reading his poems, Ernest was convinced that the poet had a likeness to the Great Stone Face.

Q-3.What did the poet himself say about his thoughts and poems?

Ans-3.The poet strongly felt that his own life did not correspond to his thoughts although he had grand dreams, but he could never convert those to reality. The poet lacked faith in his own thoughts.

Q-4.What did the poet himself say about his thoughts and poems?

Ans-4.The poet heard him speak and realised that Ernest’s words and thoughts had great depth and wisdom. He led a life of good deeds and selfless love towards whomever he was in touch with. As Ernest talked, at a distance along with the golden light of the setting sun, the Great Stone Face appeared with white mists around it just like the white hairs around the brow of Ernest. At that moment, Ernest’s face took on an expression so grand that the poet was moved and proclaimed that Ernest held a striking resemblance to the Great Stone Face. The audience also looked and consented that the poet was indeed correct in his observation. Thus, the old prophecy was fulfilled.

Q-5. Write ‘Ernest’ or ‘Poet’, against each statement below.

Ans-5. (i) There was a gap between his life and his words-Poet

(ii) His words had the power of truth as they agreed with his thoughts-Ernest

(iii) His words were as soothing as a heavenly song but only as useful as a vague dream-Poet

(iv) His thoughts were worthy-Ernest

(v) Whatever he said was the truth itself-Ernest

(vi) His poems were noble-Poet

(vii) His life was nobler than all the poems-Ernest

(viii) He lacked faith in his own thoughts-Poet

(ix) His thoughts had power as they agreed with the life he lived-Ernest

(x) Greatness lies in truth. Truth is best expressed in one’s actions. He was truthful, therefore he was great-Ernest


Q-6.(i) Who, by common consent, turned out to be like the Great Stone Face?

Ans-6. Ernest turned out to be like the Great Stone Face by common consent. He looked very wise, gentle and kind just like the Great Stone Face.

(ii) Did Ernest believe that the old prophecy had come true? What did he say about it?

Ans-  No, Ernest did not believe that the old prophecy had come true. Although everyone in the audience consented that he had the likeness of the Great Stone Face, he hoped that some wiser and better man than himself would appear someday who would have a striking resemblance to the Great Stone Face.


Working with language

Q-Mark the meaning that best fits the word or a phrase in the story.

Ans-(i) (sun) going down-setting.

(ii) brightening-lending ,a special glow

(iii) spacious-big and wide

(iv) prophecy- prediction

(v) marvellous- wonderful

(vi) proclaim- declare

(vii) cease- stop

(viii) (a night’s) shelter-stay

(ix) gazed- stared at

(x) took on (an expression)- assumed


Q2-(i) Read the following sentences

(i) Attempt it yourself by reading the sentences carefully.


(ii) (a) I’m not free this evening. I will work/am working on a project.


I’m not free this evening. I am working on a project.


(b) Have you decided where you will go for your higher secondary? Yes, I have. I will go to the Kendriya Vidyalaya.


Have you decided where you will go for your higher secondary? Yes, I have. I will go to the Kendriya Vidyalaya.


(c) Don’t worry about the dog. It won’t hurt/isn’t hurting you.


Don’t worry about the dog. It won’t hurt you.


(d) The weatherman has predicted that it will snow/is snowing in Ranikhet tonight.


The weatherman has predicted that it will snow in Ranikhet tonight.


(e) Swapna can’t go out this evening. Her father will come/is coming to see her.


Swapna can’t go out this evening. Her father is coming to see her.


Q 3-(i) Complete these pieces of conversation using will or going to with the verbs given.

Ans-i) (a) Rani : Why are you turning on the radio?

Ravi : I am going to listen to the news.

(b) Rani : Oh, I can’t buy this book. I have no money.

Ravi : Don’t worry. I will lend you some.

(c) Rani : Look at those dark clouds.

Ravi : I think it is going to rain.

(d) Rani : What shall we have for dinner?

Ravi : I can’t decide.

Rani : Make up your mind.

Ravi : All right, then. We will have fried rice and dry beans.

(e) Rani : Why are you filling the kettle with water?

Ravi : I am going to make coffee.

(f) Rani : We need some bread and butter for breakfast.

Ravi : All right. I will go to the bakery and get some.

(Before he goes out, Ravi talks to his father.)

Ravi : I am going to get some bread and butter. Do you want anything from the bakery?

Father : Yes, I want some salt biscuits.

Ravi : Fine, I will get you a packet.

(ii) Attempt for yourself.

















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