Saturday 3 September 2022

NCERT Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 9 The Bond of Love,एनसीईआरटी कक्षा 9 अंग्रेजी मधुमक्खी का छत्ता अध्याय 9 प्यार का बंधन

  The Bond of Love 

This is the story of a sloth bear and a family. Narratore was telling, they were passing through mysore when they found this bear. There were some villagers who were shooting out pigs from a sugarcane field and he mistakenly shooted at a female sloth who was carrying a baby bear and the baby ran in the field back but the narrator caught him and brought it to his house.

यह एक सुस्त भालू और एक परिवार की कहानी है। नरातोरे बता रहे थे, वे मैसूर से गुजर रहे थे तभी उन्हें यह भालू मिला। कुछ ग्रामीण थे जो गन्ने के खेत से सूअर निकाल रहे थे और उसने गलती से एक मादा सुस्ती पर गोली मार दी, जो एक भालू के बच्चे को ले जा रही थी और बच्चा पीछे की ओर भागा लेकिन कथाकार ने उसे पकड़ लिया और अपने घर ले आया।

Narrator’s house was in Bangalore,so he took the bear there . His wife also loved the bear

And named him Bruno, she also tied a red ribbon on his neck. She fed milk to him with a bottle and soon within a very few days, He started eating and drinking everything else.  He ate porridge made from any ingredients, vegetables, fruit, nuts,meat (especially pork), curry and rice regardless of spices and chillies, bread, eggs, chocolates,sweets, pudding, ice-cream, etc. As for drink: milk, tea, coffee, lime-juice, aerated water, buttermilk, beer, alcoholic liquor and, in fact, anything liquid. He ate with relish.

नैरेटर का घर बंगलौर में था, इसलिए वह भालू को वहीं ले गया। उसकी पत्नी भी भालू से प्यार करती थी

और उसका नाम ब्रूनो रखा, उसने उसके गले में लाल रिबन भी बांधा। उसने बोतल से उसे दूध पिलाया और कुछ ही दिनों में वह बाकी सब कुछ खाने-पीने लगा। उन्होंने मसाले और मिर्च, ब्रेड, अंडे, चॉकलेट, मिठाई, हलवा, आइसक्रीम आदि की परवाह किए बिना किसी भी सामग्री, सब्जियां, फल, मेवा, मांस (विशेषकर सूअर का मांस), करी और चावल से बना दलिया खाया। पीने के लिए: दूध , चाय, कॉफी, चूने का रस, वातित पानी, छाछ, बीयर, मादक शराब और वास्तव में, कुछ भी तरल। उसने चाव से खाया।

Bruno became the favourite of everyone from dogs to every child in the building. He plays in the whole house. One day an accident happened. The narrator kept some rat poisoning tablet to kill rats  in the library, Bruno ate them and he suffered 

 from serious Paralysis to the extent that he could not stand on his feet. But he dragged himself on his stumps to narrator's  wife, and they took them to the vet

बिल्डिंग में कुत्तों से लेकर हर बच्चे तक ब्रूनो सबके चहेते बन गए। वह पूरे घर में खेलता है। एक दिन एक दुर्घटना हुई। कथावाचक ने चूहों को मारने के लिए पुस्तकालय में चूहे के जहर की कुछ गोली रखी, ब्रूनो ने उन्हें खा लिया और वह पीड़ित हो गया

 गंभीर पक्षाघात से इस हद तक कि वह अपने पैरों पर खड़ा नहीं हो सका। लेकिन वह खुद को अपने स्टंप पर खींचकर कथावाचक की पत्नी के पास ले गया, और वे उन्हें पशु चिकित्सक के पास ले गए।

Vet asked about the name of the poison Bruno ate, he said Barium carbonate. Burno had vomiting,heavy breathing, with heaving flanks and gaping mouth. Then Vet gave him 2 doses of 10 c.c  to save him. After 30 minutes Bruno got up and had a great feed. Again another day he drank one gallon of old engine oil but it had no ill effects.

पशु चिकित्सक ने ब्रूनो द्वारा खाए गए जहर के नाम के बारे में पूछा, उन्होंने बेरियम कार्बोनेट कहा। बर्नो को उल्टी हो रही थी, सांस लेने में भारी दिक्कत हो रही थी, पेट फूला हुआ था और मुंह फटा हुआ था। फिर वेट ने उसे बचाने के लिए उसे 10 c.c की 2 खुराकें दीं। 30 मिनट के बाद ब्रूनो उठा और उसने बहुत अच्छा खाना खाया। एक और दिन फिर उसने एक गैलन पुराना इंजन तेल पिया लेकिन इसका कोई बुरा प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा

Now, Bruno has grown up into a big bear but was just as sweet, just as mischievous, just as playful. And he was very fond of us all. Above all, he loved my wife, and she loved him too! She had changed his name from Bruno, to Baba, a Hindustani word signifying ‘small boy. Bruno now can do many small acts with his body and props. 

अब ब्रूनो एक बड़े भालू के रूप में बड़ा हो गया है, लेकिन वह उतना ही मीठा, उतना ही शरारती, उतना ही चंचल था। और हम सब उससे बहुत प्यार करते हैं। सबसे बढ़कर, वह मेरी पत्नी से प्यार करता था, और वह भी उससे प्यार करती थी! उसने अपना नाम ब्रूनो से बदलकर बाबा कर लिया था, जो एक हिंदुस्तानी शब्द है जो 'छोटे लड़के' को दर्शाता है। ब्रूनो अब अपनी बॉडी और प्रॉप्स से कई छोटे-मोटे काम कर सकता है।

Due to Bruno ‘s growing size, the narrator and his son advised his wife, and friends advised her too, to give Baba to the zoo at Mysore. He was getting too big to keep at home. After some weeks of such advice, she at last consented. They wrote a letter to the curator of mysore zoo and he also accepted their request.

ब्रूनो के बढ़ते आकार के कारण, कथाकार और उसके बेटे ने उसकी पत्नी को सलाह दी, और दोस्तों ने भी उसे सलाह दी कि बाबा को मैसूर के चिड़ियाघर में दे दें। वह घर पर रखने के लिए बहुत बड़ा हो रहा था। इस तरह की सलाह के कुछ हफ़्तों के बाद उसने आख़िरकार हामी भर दी। उन्होंने मैसूर चिड़ियाघर के क्यूरेटर को एक पत्र लिखा और उन्होंने भी उनका अनुरोध स्वीकार कर लिया।

Bruno has gone to zoo and everyone was upset but his wife was inconsolable. She wept and fretted. For the first few days she would not eat anything. Then she wrote a number of letters to the curator. How was Baba? Back came the replies, “Well, but fretting; he refuses food too.”

हर कोई परेशान था लेकिन उसकी पत्नी बेसुध थी। वह रोई और घबराई। पहले कुछ दिनों तक उसने कुछ भी नहीं खाया। फिर उसने क्यूरेटर को कई पत्र लिखे। बाबा कैसे थे? जवाब वापस आया, "ठीक है, लेकिन झल्लाहट; वह खाना भी मना कर देता है।"

Narrator told that for several days he stopped his wife to going zoo and let bruno to get settle 

Down, but after some time she was unstoppable and told the narrator, if he didn't take her to the zoo, she would go by her own to meet bruno. Then the narrator took her to the zoo. Friends said Bruno wouldn't be able to recognise you both but he recognised them in no time. 

कथावाचक ने बताया कि कई दिनों तक उसने अपनी पत्नी को चिड़ियाघर जाने के लिए रोका और ब्रूनो को बसने दिया

नीचे, लेकिन कुछ समय बाद वह अजेय थी और उसने कथाकार से कहा, अगर वह उसे चिड़ियाघर नहीं ले गया, तो वह खुद ब्रूनो से मिलने जाएगी। तब कथाकार उसे चिड़ियाघर ले गया। दोस्तों ने कहा कि ब्रूनो आप दोनों को नहीं पहचान पाएगा, लेकिन उसने कुछ ही समय में उन्हें पहचान लिया।

 For the next three hours she would not leave that cage. She gave him tea, lemonade, cakes, ice-cream and what not. Then ‘closing time’ came and we had to leave. My wife cried bitterly; Baba cried bitterly; even the hardened curator and the keepers felt depressed.

अगले तीन घंटे तक वह उस पिंजरे को नहीं छोड़ेगी। उसने उसे चाय, नींबू पानी, केक, आइसक्रीम और क्या नहीं दिया। फिर 'समापन समय' आया और हमें जाना पड़ा। मेरी पत्नी फूट-फूट कर रोई; बाबा फूट-फूट कर रोए; कठोर क्यूरेटर और रखवाले भी उदास महसूस करते थे।

Next narrator’s wife asked the curator to take back bruno but the curator said he can't and now bruno is government property and he said they need to take permission from the superintendent in Bangalore. Now going back home they went to superintendent and her wife  A tearful pleading: “Baba and I are both fretting for each other. Will you please give him back to me?” He was a kind-hearted man and consented.

अगले कथाकार की पत्नी ने क्यूरेटर से ब्रूनो को वापस लेने के लिए कहा, लेकिन क्यूरेटर ने कहा कि वह नहीं कर सकता और अब ब्रूनो सरकारी संपत्ति है और उन्होंने कहा कि उन्हें बैंगलोर में अधीक्षक से अनुमति लेने की आवश्यकता है। अब घर वापस जा कर वे अधीक्षक और उसकी पत्नी के पास गए और रोते हुए विनती करते हुए कहा: “बाबा और मैं दोनों एक दूसरे के लिए झल्लाहट कर रहे हैं। क्या आप कृपया उसे मुझे वापस दे देंगे?" वह एक दयालु व्यक्ति था और सहमत था।

Bruno came back in a small cage hoist on the car. Once home, a squad of coolies were engaged for special work in our compound. An island was made for Baba. It was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide, and was surrounded by a dry pit, or moat, six feet wide and seven feet deep. A wooden box that once housed fowls was brought and put on the island for Baba to sleep in at night. Straw was placed inside to keep him warm, and his ‘baby’, the gnarled stump, along with his ‘gun’, the piece of bamboo, both of which had been sentimentally preserved since he had been sent away to the zoo, were put back for him to play with.

ब्रूनो कार के एक छोटे से पिंजरे में फहराकर वापस आया। एक बार घर में, हमारे परिसर में कुलियों का एक दल विशेष कार्य के लिए लगा हुआ था। बाबा के लिए टापू बना  दिया। यह बीस फुट लंबा और पन्द्रह फुट चौड़ा था, और एक सूखे गड्ढे, या खाई से घिरा हुआ था, छह फुट चौड़ा और सात फुट गहरा। एक लकड़ी का बक्सा, जिसमें कभी पक्षियों को रखा जाता था, लाया गया और रात में बाबा के सोने के लिए द्वीप पर रख दिया गया। उसे गर्म रखने के लिए पुआल को अंदर रखा गया था, और उसके 'बच्चे', नुकीले स्टंप, उसकी 'बंदूक', बांस के टुकड़े के साथ, दोनों को भावनात्मक रूप से संरक्षित किया गया था क्योंकि उसे चिड़ियाघर भेज दिया गया था। उसके साथ खेलने के लिए वापस।

Every day, the way my wife reaches the island and leaves it is interesting. I have tied a rope to the overhanging branch of a mango tree with a loop at its end. Putting one foot in the loop, she kicks off with the other, to bridge the six-foot gap that constitutes the width of the surrounding pit.

जिस तरह से मेरी पत्नी द्वीप पर पहुंचती है और उसे छोड़ती है वह दिलचस्प है। मैंने एक आम के पेड़ की लटकती हुई शाखा पर एक रस्सी बांधी है जिसके सिरे पर एक लूप है। एक पैर को लूप में रखते हुए, वह दूसरे के साथ किक करती है, छह फुट के अंतर को पाटने के लिए जो आसपास के गड्ढे की चौड़ाई का गठन करता है।

Questions and answers

I. Given in the box are some headings. Find the relevant paragraphs in the text to match the headings. 

Ans 1 An Orphaned Cub;- 3

 Bruno’s Food-chart;- 6

An Accidental Case of Poisoning- 8 

Playful Baba- 12

Pain of Separation- 14

Joy of Reunion - 16

A Request to the Zoo- 18

An Island in the Courtyard- 21

II. Answer the following questions. 

1. “I got him for her by accident.”

Ans 1.  (i) Who says this?  - Narrator said it 

(ii) Who do ‘him’ and ‘her’ refer to?- Him is for sloth bear bruno. Her is for a wife.

(iii) What is the incident referred to here?- Narratore was telling, they were passing through mysore when they found this bear. There were some villagers who were shooting out pigs from a sugarcane field and he mistakenly shooted at a female sloth who was carrying a baby bear. 

2. “He stood on his head in delight.” 

(i) Who does ‘he’ refer to? -He refers to bruno sloth bear.

(ii) Why was he delighted?- He was delighted to see both the narrator and his wife.

3. “We all missed him greatly: but in a sense we were relieved.” 

(i) Who does ‘we all’ stand for?- We stand for the narrator, his son and her wife.

(ii) Who did they miss? - they missed sloth bear

(iii) Why did they nevertheless feel relieved?- they feel relieved because Bruno is getting bigger and needs more space. 

III. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each. 

1. On two occasions Bruno ate/drank something that should not be eaten/ drunk. What happened to him on these occasions? 

Ans 1- One day an accident happened. The narrator kept some rat poisoning tablet to kill rats  in the library, Bruno ate them and Paralysis set in to the extent that he could not stand on his feet. They took him to the vet Then Vet gave him 2 doses of 10 c.c  to save him. After 30 minutes Bruno got up and had a great feed. Again another day he drank one gallon of old engine oil but it had no ill effects.

2. Was Bruno a loving and playful pet? Why, then, did he have to be sent away? 

Ans 2- Bruno became the favourite of everyone from dogs to every child in the building. He is a very playful pet. Bruno has grown up into a big bear but was just as sweet, just as mischievous, just as playful and he was very fond of them all. They sent Bruno away because Bruno is getting bigger and needs more space. 

3. How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved?

Ans 3- Bruno  was getting bigger, so he was sent to a zoo in mysore. But there he grew weak and thin because he misses everyone, so when the wife of the narrator went to meet him, he got very happy and the lady decided to take him back home. Then they kept him in separate land.

. 1. Find these words in the lesson. They all have ie or ei in them.

Ans 1- field; ingredients; height; mischievous; friends; eighty-seven; relieved; piece

2. Now here are some more words. Complete them with ei or ie. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

Ans 2- believe; receive; weird; leisure; seize; weight; reign; foreign; grief; pierce.

2. Adverbs Find the adverbs in the passage below. ( You’ve read about adverbs in Unit 1.) We thought that everything was over when suddenly a black sloth bear came out panting in the hot sun. Now I will not shoot a sloth-bear wantonly but, unfortunately for the poor beast, one of my companions did not feel that way about it, and promptly shot the bear on the spot.

Ans 2 (i) Complete the following sentences, using a suitable adverb ending in –ly. 

(a) Rana does her homework well. 

(b) It rains cats and dogs in Mumbai in June. 

(c) He does his work honestly 

(d) The dog serves his master with love .

(ii) Choose the most suitable adverbs or adverbial phrases and complete the following sentences. 

Ans (a) We should never get down from a moving train. (never, sometimes, often)


(b) I was badly in need of support after my poor performance. (badly, occasionally, sometimes) 

(c) Rita met with an accident. The doctor examined her immediately . (suddenly, seriously, immediately)

3. Take down the following scrambled version of a story that your teacher will dictate to you, with appropriate punctuation marks. Then, read the scrambled story carefully and try to rewrite it rearranging the incidents.

Ans 3. It was a cold winter’s day, and an ant was bringing out some grains of corn from her home. She had gathered the corn in summer. She wanted to dry them. A grasshopper, who was very hungry, saw her and said, “When did you get the corn? I am dying of hunger.” “I collected it in summer,” said the ant. “What were you doing in summer? Why did you not store some corn?” The grasshopper replied, “I was too busy.” “What were you doing?” asked the ant again. “I was singing all day,” answered the grasshopper. “If you sang all summer,” said the ant, “you can dance all winter.”

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