Tuesday, 16 August 2022

एनसीईआरटी कक्षा 9 अंग्रेजी क्षण अध्याय 8 एक घर घर नहीं है,NCERT Class 9 English Moments Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home

 A House Is Not a Home

This chapter is about a boy whose house got burned in a fire. Initially he passed out of primary school and shifted to secondary school for further studies. The memory of seniority was running in his mind plus he was nervous about the new school. He was missing his old school and his teachers who asked him to visit them anytime.

He lived with his mother and a cat. One sunday when he was studying and his cat was sitting near him. Suddenly smoke from burning started coming from their roof and in some time the whole house filled with smoke. Then the boy and mother ran out of home and they saw their house caught up in fire. 

Boy ran to the neighbour to call the fire department. Then he saw mother run inside the burning house and get a small metal box full of important documents, again She ran back into the house to collect her husband’s pictures and letters.

यह अध्याय एक लड़के के बारे में है जिसका घर आग में जल गया। प्रारंभ में वह प्राथमिक विद्यालय से उत्तीर्ण हुआ और आगे की पढ़ाई के लिए माध्यमिक विद्यालय में स्थानांतरित हो गया। उनके मन में वरिष्ठता की स्मृति दौड़ रही थी और साथ ही वे नए स्कूल को लेकर घबराए हुए थे। वह अपने पुराने स्कूल और अपने शिक्षकों को याद कर रहा था जो उसे कभी भी उनसे मिलने के लिए कहते थे।

वह अपनी मां और एक बिल्ली के साथ रहता था। एक रविवार को जब वह पढ़ रहा था और उसकी बिल्ली उसके पास बैठी थी। अचानक उनकी छत से जलने का धुंआ निकलने लगा और कुछ ही देर में पूरा घर धुंआ से भर गया। तब लड़का और माँ घर से बाहर भागे और उन्होंने देखा कि उनके घर में आग लग गई है।

लड़का अग्निशमन विभाग को फोन करने के लिए पड़ोसी के पास भागा। फिर उसने देखा कि माँ जलते हुए घर के अंदर भाग रही है और महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेजों से भरा एक छोटा धातु का डिब्बा ले आया है, फिर से वह अपने पति के चित्र और पत्र लेने के लिए घर में वापस भागी।

Boy wanted to join the house to save her mother but a firefighter stopped him and told him his mother would come back. He needed to keep patiences and after some firefighters rescued her in an unconscious state because she inhaled the smoke. Then he started seeing his cat which was missing and he was not able to find him.

After fire get extinguished, they were not allowed to go back to home due to very dangerous situation and they went to their grandparent’s home to spend night and next day boy gone to school in same clothes with no bag, no books, no homework. He was very depressed and grief surrounded him which made him think about dying.

Now the boy and his mother shifted to a rented house and borrowed some money from grandparent, because everything had burned beside documents rescued by her mother, so they dont have ID or proof to take out money from the bank. Their house name was rubble which was started cleaning.

लड़का अपनी माँ को बचाने के लिए घर में शामिल होना चाहता था लेकिन एक फायर फाइटर ने उसे रोक दिया और कहा कि उसकी माँ वापस आ जाएगी। उसे धैर्य रखने की जरूरत थी और कुछ अग्निशामकों ने उसे अचेत अवस्था में बचाया क्योंकि उसने धुआं अंदर लिया था। फिर उसे अपनी बिल्ली दिखाई देने लगी जो गायब थी और वह उसे ढूंढ नहीं पा रहा था।

आग बुझने के बाद, उन्हें बहुत खतरनाक स्थिति के कारण घर वापस जाने की अनुमति नहीं थी और वे रात बिताने के लिए अपने दादा-दादी के घर चले गए और अगले दिन लड़का बिना बैग, बिना किताब, होमवर्क के उसी कपड़े में स्कूल चला गया। वह बहुत उदास था और दुःख ने उसे घेर लिया जिससे वह मरने के बारे में सोचने लगा।

अब लड़का और उसकी माँ एक किराए के घर में शिफ्ट हो गए और दादा-दादी से कुछ पैसे उधार लिए, क्योंकि उसकी माँ द्वारा बचाए गए दस्तावेजों के पास सब कुछ जल गया था, इसलिए उनके पास बैंक से पैसे निकालने के लिए न तो आईडी या सबूत है। उनके घर का नाम मलबा था जिसकी सफाई शुरू हो गई थी।

Everyone in school knew the house got burned, teachers have sympathy for the boy but the boy is hesitant and embarrassed. Next day all schoolmates surprised him with things. They collected money and bought books, bag and clothes for the boy. Everyone talked and showed concern for the boy. This made him relaxed,out of mental and emotional trauma. He made new friends and came out of grief and trauma. 

In the end, some lady brought his cat back to him, which ran away very far due to grave fear of fire. Cat has a collar on which their phone number has written, as everything has burnt up in fire, so the lady put lots of effort to get the cat back to him. The boy was so happy he cried hugging the cat. Now the boy has forgotten every bad experience of fire, grief. He has a feeling of gratitude for his life, for new friends, the kindness of a stranger.

स्कूल में सभी जानते थे कि घर जल गया है, शिक्षकों को लड़के के प्रति सहानुभूति है लेकिन लड़का झिझकता और शर्मिंदा है। अगले दिन सभी सहपाठियों ने उसे चीजों से आश्चर्यचकित कर दिया। उन्होंने पैसे इकट्ठा किए और लड़के के लिए किताबें, बैग और कपड़े खरीदे। सभी ने बात की और लड़के के लिए चिंता दिखाई। इसने उसे मानसिक और भावनात्मक आघात से मुक्त कर दिया। उसने नए दोस्त बनाए और दुःख और आघात से बाहर आया।

अंत में, कोई महिला उसकी बिल्ली को वापस उसके पास ले आई, जो आग के गंभीर भय के कारण बहुत दूर भाग गई। बिल्ली के पास एक कॉलर होता है जिस पर उनका फोन नंबर लिखा होता है, जैसे आग में सब कुछ जल गया, इसलिए महिला ने बिल्ली को वापस लाने के लिए बहुत प्रयास किया। लड़का इतना खुश हुआ कि वह बिल्ली को गले से लगा कर रोने लगा। अब लड़का आग, दु:ख के हर बुरे अनुभव को भूल गया है। उसे अपने जीवन के लिए, नए दोस्तों के लिए, एक अजनबी की दया के लिए कृतज्ञता की भावना है।

1. What does the author notice one Sunday afternoon? What is his mother’s reaction? What does she do?

Ans 1- the author suddenly noticed a smell. It smelled strange, and then he noticed smoke pouring in through the seams of the ceiling.

First his mother ran out with him and again she ran back into the house and then she ran out of the house carrying a small metal box full of important documents. She dropped the case on the lawn and, in a crazed state, ran back into the house.

Q2. Why does he break down in tears after the fire?

Ans 2- the author broke down in tears because he was unable to find his cat. He searched for him, but he didn't find a cat anywhere in place. So out of fear he broke down.

3. Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next day in school? Which words show his fear and insecurity?

Ans 3- the author is deeply embarrassed the next day in school because everyone knows the author's house has burnt down. These lines were -" I was embarrassed as if somehow I were responsible. What a way to start off at a new school! This was not the kind of attention I was looking for"

4. The cat and the author are very fond of each other. How has this been shown in the story? Where was the cat after the fire? Who brings it back and how?

Ans 4- the cat and the author are very close to each other. The author rescued the cat when it was a kitten and then he kept it with him. Cat always sit beside the author whenever he is doing his work and swatting at his pen for entertainment’s sake.

The cat ran far away from home due to fear of fire and a strange lady bring it back after finding the author.

5. What actions of the schoolmates change the author’s understanding of life and people, and comfort him emotionally? How does his loneliness vanish and how does he start participating in life?

Ans 5- Everyone in school knew the house got burned, teachers have sympathy for the boy but the boy is hesitant and embarrassed. Next day all schoolmates surprised him with things. They collected money and bought books, bag and clothes for the boy. Everyone talked and showed concern for the boy. This made him relaxed,out of mental and emotional trauma. He made new friends and came out of grief and trauma. 

6. What is the meaning of “My cat was back and so was I”? Had the author gone anywhere? Why does he say that he is also back?

Ans 6- 

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