This chapter is about three friends.
Jerome, George and Harris. They
are all going on a trip so they need
to pack the luggage.
यह अध्याय तीन दोस्तों जेरोम, जॉर्ज और
हैरिस के बारे में है। वे सभी यात्रा पर जा
रहे हैं इसलिए वे सामान पैक कर रहे हैं।
Jerome part of packing
Jerome thought he an expert in
packing the luggage, so he asked
george and harris to sit back
and watch how he packed the
bags and his friends took it seriously
and george spread himself over
the easy-chair, and Harris cocked
his legs on the table but from
inside of his heart,he wanted
that george and harris work on
his instructions to pack the
जेरोम ने सोचा कि वह सामान पैक
करने में एक विशेषज्ञ है, इसलिए
उसने जॉर्ज और हैरिस को वापस
बैठने के लिए कहा और देखा कि
कैसे उसने बैग पैक किए और
उसके दोस्तों ने गंभीरता से लिया
और जॉर्ज ने खुद को आसान कुर्सी
पर फैला दिया, और हैरिस ने अपने
पैरों को मेज पर रख दिया , लेकिन
दिल के अंदर से, जेरोम चाहता था कि
जॉर्ज और हैरिस सामान पैक करने के
लिए उसके निर्देशों पर काम करें।
He got irritated by seeing them
sitting idle and he remembered
the incidents when some other
man did the same thing with him,
he let him do his work and didn't
help him. Plus he accepted, he
can binge watching some other
person doing work like slavery
and instructing them. After thinking,
he started packing luggage, and
It was a time consuming job.
जेरोम, उन्हें बेकार बैठे देखकर चिढ़ गया
और उसने उन घटनाओं को याद किया
जब किसी अन्य व्यक्ति ने उसके साथ
ऐसा ही किया, उसने उसे अपना काम
करने दिया और उसकी मदद नहीं की।
साथ ही जेरोम ने स्वीकार किया, उन्हें
किसी और को गुलामी जैसा काम
करते हुए देखना और उन्हें निर्देश देना
अच्छा लगता है। सोचने के बाद, उसने
सामान पैक करना शुरू कर दिया,
और यह एक समय लेने वाला काम था
When he closed his suitcase
after keeping most of the things
Harris reminded him about the
boot which he had forgotten
and George laughed on this
which made Jerome furious
and he thought about what
Harris told me before closing
the bag. One more thing came
to his mind about the toothbrush
which he didn't remember
whether he packed or not.
He got terrified with the idea
by not finding brush in the
morning and doing unpacking
and packing again. So he
opened up his suitcase again
and took out all the stuff.
जब उसने ज्यादातर चीजें रखने के बाद
अपना सूटकेस बंद कर दिया, तो हैरिस
ने उसे उस बूट के बारे में याद दिलाया
जिसे वह भूल गया था और जॉर्ज इस
पर हँसे जिससे जेरोम गुस्से में आ गया
और उसने सोचा कि हैरिस ने बैग बंद
करने से पहले मुझे नहीं बताया। उनके
दिमाग में एक और बात आई, टूथब्रश
के बारे में जो उन्हें याद नहीं था कि
उन्होंने टूथ ब्रश पैक किया है या नहीं।
सुबह ब्रश न मिलने और फिर से
अनपैकिंग और पैकिंग करने से वह
इस विचार से घबरा गया। सो उसने
फिर से अपना सूटकेस खोला और
सारा सामान बाहर निकाल लिया
He created a mess and finally
found a brush in the boot and
packed the case again. Then
George asked him if he
packed the soap and he
replied he didn't care. Then he
remembered he forgot his
glasses inside the suitcase,
so again he opened and took
out his glasses and finally at
10.05 pm he closed his
उसने एक गड़बड़ की और अंत में बूट
में ब्रश पाया और मामले को फिर से पैक
किया। तब जॉर्ज ने उससे पूछा कि क्या
उसने साबुन पैक किया है और उसने उत्तर
दिया कि उसे परवाह नहीं है। फिर उसे याद
आया कि वह सूटकेस के अंदर अपना
चश्मा भूल गया था, इसलिए उसने फिर
से सूटकेस खोला और अपना चश्मा
निकाला और आखिरकार रात 10.05
बजे उसने अपना सूटकेस बंद कर दिया।
Harris and George part of packing.
हैरिस और जॉर्ज पैकिंग पार्ट
Now it's Harris and George turn
to pack eateries for the trip and
they also want to show Jerome
They can also do packing. They
started it with breaking glass then
Harris packed strawberry jam
on top of tomato and squeezed
them. Now it's George's turn to
pack and he stepped on butter.
Jerome knew chaos would happen
because both dont know how to do
packing. They put things behind
and did not find it when it was
required. They packed the
pies at the bottom, and put
heavy things on top, and
smashed the pies in.
अब हैरिस और जॉर्ज यात्रा के लिए
खाना पैक करने की बारी है और वे
जेरोम को भी दिखाना चाहते हैं कि वे
पैकिंग भी कर सकते हैं। उन्होंने प्याला
तोड़कर पैकिंग करना शुरू किया फिर
हैरिस ने टमाटर के ऊपर स्ट्रॉबेरी जैम
पैक किया और उन्हें निचोड़ लिया।
अब पैक करने की बारी जॉर्ज की है
और उसने मक्खन पर कदम रखा।
जेरोम जानता था कि समस्या होगी
क्योंकि दोनों नहीं जानते कि पैकिंग
कैसे करें। वे चीजों को पीछे रख देते हैं
और जरूरत पड़ने पर उसे ढूंढ नहीं
पाते हैं। उन्होंने पाई को नीचे से पैक किया,
और भारी चीजें ऊपर रखीं, और पाई को
तोड़ दिया।
When George stepped on butter,
they were looking at it the whole
room, then they found it under a
slipper, now they took it out from
the spoon and kept on a chair on
which again Harris sat. again they
started looking at it like fools.
George finds it behind harris,
got it off, and packed it in the
जब जॉर्ज ने मक्खन पर कदम रखा,
तो वे उसे पूरे कमरे में खोज रहे थे,
फिर उन्हें एक चप्पल के नीचे मिला,
अब उन्होंने इसे चम्मच से निकाला और
एक कुर्सी पर रख दिया, जिस पर फिर
से हैरिस बैठ गए। वे फिर उसे मूर्खों की
तरह खोजने लगे। जॉर्ज ने इसे हैरिस के
पीछे पाया, इसे उतार दिया और चायदानी
में पैक कर दिया।
Now their pet dog came in
between the packing creating
troubles for them. It sat on
things they needed to be packed.
They hit and shouted at him but
it didn't move a bit. Harris blamed
Jerome, that he encouraged
Montmorency to create trouble
for them, but he said” I didn’t
encourage him. A dog like that
doesn’t want any encouragement.
It’s the natural, original sin that is
born in him that makes him do
things like that.
अब उनका पालतू कुत्ता पैकिंग के बीच
में आ गया और उनके लिए परेशानी
खड़ी कर रहा था। यह उन चीजों पर
बैठता है जिन्हें पैक करने की
आवश्यकता होती है। उन्होंने उसे
मारा और चिल्लाया लेकिन वह
थोड़ा सा भी नहीं हिला। हैरिस ने
जेरोम को दोषी ठहराया, कि उसने
मोंटमोरेंसी को उनके लिए परेशानी
पैदा करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया,
लेकिन उन्होंने कहा, "मैंने उन्हें
प्रोत्साहित नहीं किया। ऐसा कुत्ता
कोई प्रोत्साहन नहीं चाहता। यह
उसका प्राकृतिक, मूल है।
Went to sleep
All packaging finished at 12.50.
Harris was sleeping with them
and they all decided to wake
up at 6.30 after having
सभी पैकेजिंग 12.50 बजे समाप्त हुई।
हैरिस उनके साथ सो रहा था और उन
सभी ने बहस करने के बाद 6.30 बजे
उठने का फैसला किया।
Summary ends
Thinking about the Text I.
Discuss in pairs and answer
each question below in a
short paragraph (30 – 40 words)
. 1. How many characters are
there in the narrative? Name
them. (Don’t forget the dog!)
Ans 1. There are four main
characters in this story
2. Why did the narrator (Jerome)
volunteer to do the packing?
Ans 2 Jerome volunteered to do
the packing because he thought
he is expert in packing plus
wanted to show off and then
wanted to command Harris
and george.
3. How did George and Harris
react to this?Did Jerome like
their reaction?
Ans 3 As Jerome said he does the packing, Harris and George took it seriously and George spread himself
over the easy-chair, and Harris
cocked his legs on the table.
No, he got irritated.
4. What was Jerome’s real
intention when he offered to
Ans 4 Jerome’s real intention
was to boss them upon how to
do packing.
5. What did Harris say after
the bag was shut and strapped?
Why do you think he waited till then
to ask?
Ans 5 Harris reminded him about
boots he left to pack and he told
about it, when he closed the
suitcase. Harris did this on
purpose to irritate him.
6. What “horrible idea” occurred
to Jerome a little later?
Ans 6 the “horrible idea” was
whether he packed the toothbrush
or not because most of the time
he forgets about the toothbrush.
7. Where did Jerome finally find the toothbrush?
Ans 7 Jerome finally found the
toothbrush in the boot.
8. Why did Jerome have to
reopen the packed bag?
Ans 8 After finding a toothbrush
in the boot, he forgot his glasses
inside the suitcase, that's why he reopened the bag.
9. What did George and Harris
offer to pack and why?
Ans 9 George and Harris
offered to pack the food and
groceries hamper. They said
it because now, they want to
show jerome, they can also
pack the things plus jerome
was packing for a long time.
so , they ask them to take a rest.
10. While packing the hamper,
George and Harris do a number
of foolish and funny things.
Tick the statements that are true.
Ans 10- (i) They started with
breaking a cup.
(iii) They squashed a tomato.
(iv) They trod on the butter.
(vi) They put things behind them,
and couldn’t find them.
(vii) They stepped on things.
II. What does Jerome say was Montmorency’s ambition in life?
What do you think of Montmorency
and why?
Ans- Montmorency is their pet
dog and dogs are like this, they
are born with attention and love
seeking character. So , do
montmorency have. Jerome said “ . Montmorency’s ambition in life is
to get in the way and be sworn at.
If he can squirm anywhere where
he particularly is not wanted, and
be a perfect nuisance, and make
people mad, and have things
thrown at his head, then he feels
his day has not been wasted.
To get somebody to stumble
over him, and curse him steadily
for an hour, is his highest aim
and object; and, when he has
succeeded in accomplishing this,
his conceit becomes quite
III. Discuss in groups and answer
the following questions in two or
three paragraphs (100 –150 words)
Of the three, Jerome, George and
Harris, who do you think is the best
or worst packer? Support your
answer with details from the text.
Ans 1 out of all of them jerome
was better packer then george
and harris because he had this confidence, He is a really good
packer. Second he arranges
things nicely while forgets his
toothbrush to pack and he
packed his glasses inside still
when he again packed things,
He packed them very nicely.
George and Harris were worse
packers, they broke cups, crushed tomatoes and pies by putting
heavy things on them. They
forget things where they kept
and then search for it. There
was no management in keeping
things. They spread butter and
salt everywhere. They were way
behind Jerome in packaging.
2. How did Montmorency ‘contribute’
to the packing?
Ans 2 Montmorency was their
pet dog. He came in between
the packing and sat down on
things, just when they were
wanted to be packed; and he
labored under the fixed belief that, whenever Harris or George
reached out their hand for anything,
it was his cold damp nose that they wanted. He put his leg into the jam,
and he worried about the teaspoons,
and he pretended that the lemons
were rats, and got into the hamper
and crushed them.
Montmorency was creating huge
trouble for them. Until Harris could
land him with the frying-pan on his
head. This is how montmorency contributed to the packing.
3. Do you find this story funny?
What are the humorous elements
in it? (Pick out at least three,
think about what happens, as
well as how it is described.)
Ans 3 Yes, this story is quite funny.
The three funny elements in were:
When Jerome packed whole things
and closed the bag then Harris
reminded him about boots he left
to pack and he told about it, when
He closed the suitcase. Harris did
this on purpose to irritate him.
When George stepped on butter he
tried to keep that slipper in the
kettle but when they got aware,
it was not going in and if it went
then it wouldn't come out. They
scratched it out and Harris sat on it.
Again they had started searching
for it and found it on the back of
Montmorency was their pet dog.
He came in between the packing
and sat down on things, just when
they were wanted to be packed;
and he labored under the fixed
belief that, whenever Harris or
George reached out their hand
for anything, it was his cold damp
nose that they wanted. He put his
leg into the jam, and he worried
about the teaspoons, and he
pretended that the lemons were
rats, and got into the hamper and
crushed them.
I. Match the words/phrases
in with their meanings in Column B
Column A Column B
1. slaving working hard
2. chaos complete confusion and disorder
3. rummage search for something by moving things around hurriedly or carelessly
4. scrape out remove something from
inside another thing using a sharp tool
5. stumble over fall, or step awkwardly while walking
6. accomplish finish successfully, achieve 7. uncanny strange, mysterious, difficult to explain
8. (to have or get into) a row a quarrel or an argument
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